Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 3:38:22 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 10851 Gender: Male Age: 44 Designation: Manager Highest Education Level: Masters - Degree Current Gross Salary: 402000 402000 /Annum Expected Gross Salary: 550000 550000 /Annum Preferred Location: Daman Notice Period: 30 Days Education Details: M B A from Master of Business Administration Continue B Com (Accountancy) from Mumbai University, Mumbai in 2002 HSC from Maharashtra State Board Mumbai in 1999 SSC from Maharashtra State Board Mumbai in 1997 Skill Sets: Office Automation from Plush Point Computer Center in 1998 MSBVE Maharashtra State board vocational Exam in 1998 DSE fDiploma In Software Engineering in 2002 DIM - Diploma In Management in 2010 I have hands on Experience in the field of Excise, Dispatch, Store, Purchase, Logistics, Accounts,Sales tax, Worked in different Capacities in Excise / Dispatch / Store / Account / Purchase department in various organizations for last 8.5 years in various accounting packages like ERP, tally 4.5, tally 7.2, Tally 9.3 revised Version foxpro fox base programmer, Udyog, ERP, Software etc. Work Experience: 21.7 Work Experience Details: Asst. Manager Commercial : Since April 2009 Sr. Executive Excise, Dispatch & Store :Nov. 2005 - Mar. 2009 Company Profile: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Job Profile: Over all Control on Store Dept ,/ Despatch department / Excise Department / logistic department. & co-ordination with Account & Production as well as Q.A., Q.C. Department . Executing Sales on Time with Co-Ordination of Marketing, Q.A., Q.C. & Production. Overall Control on Finish Goods Inventory / Raw material Inventory / Return Goods Inventory . Total Raw material purchase Planning as per Products Norms with schedules & requirement of Plant wise. Monthly Planning of Finish Goods with Production , Monthly Planning of Raw material with Production Department & arrange the Same also . Providing all products Intermediate & Finish material Stage wise details to Director as well as Marketing. Co-ordination with accounts department for Payment of Creditors & Payment collection from debtors. Production wise control on Raw material consumption & time to time verification of all consumption norms of all products. Job Profile ( Sr. Executive Excise, Dispatch & Store ) Handling all the Excise & Dispatch & Store Works Independently as fallows:- RG register Daily Input & Output of Finish Goods, RG 23A Part -II, RG 23C Part -II, PLA Register, Service Tax register & Credit Utilization of Service Tax, Preparation of Service Tax return, Liasioning with the Excise Department, Submission of Proof of Exports against Direct Export, Third party Export, Deemed Export, Maintaining the record of Outgoing material Against Annexure ?II, Over all Control on Sore Dept ,/ Dispatch department / Excise Department /logistic department. & co-ordination with Account & Production as well as Q.A. & Q.C. Department . Executing Sales on Time with Co-Ordination of Marketing, Q.A. , Q.C. & Production. Overall Control on Finish Goods Inventory / Raw material Inventory / Return Goods Inventory . Total Raw material purchase fallow up with schedules & requirement of Plant wise. Monthly Planning of Finish Goods with Production , Monthly Planning of Raw material with Production Department & arrange the Same also . Providing Finish material details of all Products to Marketing as well as Director. Production wise control on Raw material consumption & time to time verification of all consumption norms of all products. Over All control on Logistics for Inward & Outward Material . Sales Co- Ordination & Dispatch Nov. 2004 - Sept. 2005 Leak-Proof Engineering ( I ) Pvt. Ltd. Job Profile: Maintain All Order Books, Dispatch Planning with Various Department, Dispatch of Materials, Providing dispatch details to Various Parties, Maintaining Sales Data, Negotiation & Arrangement of Transport, Courier. Office & Accounts Assistance June 2003 - April 2004 M. R. Transport Job Profile: Maintaining Books of Accounts, payment collection, Bank Clearing Works & Patty cash & Record Maintaining. Future Goals: Being a Good Commercial manager. To shoulder responsibilities of a challenging position with maximum Utilization of my skills to contribute for the success of the organization and the nation ________________________________________________________________________________________