Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 4:03:46 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 17652 Gender: Male Age: 57 Designation: General Manager Highest Education Level: Masters - Degree Current Gross Salary: 1400000 1400000 /Annum Expected Gross Salary: 1700000 1700000 /Annum Notice Period: 30 Days Education Details: Ascro WixProject Management Concept, Tools & Techniques.?Corporation (Project Management Institute) in Jan 2008 Computer Courses From?ICWAI in 1990 to?1992 Cost Accountancy (CWA) From?ICWAI in 1992 With 52% B. Com , Ranchi University in 1989 With 68% H.S.C, Central Board in 1985 With 46% S.S.C, Central Board in ?1983 With 48% Skill Sets: Core Competancy : Accounts Finalisation, Fund Management & MIS. Payroll. Audit. Commercial / Concurrence of Purchase Files. SAP. Work Experience: 18 Work Experience Details: Account & Financial Controller Since Feb 2016? Company Profile: Education trust Job Profile: Responsible for Finalisation of Accounts of all the branches in Odisha. Payroll of all the branches. MIS of performance matters of the Institute. Concurrance of all purchase & contractual matters Asstt. General Manager (F&A) Jul 2007 to Jan 2016 Company Profile: Leading manufacturer of stainless steel? Job Profile: Provided assistance in accounting matters like finalization and compilation of final accounts. Actuarial valuation of Gratuity, Earned Leave & Sick Leave & preparation of its related schedule & notes to accounts. Co-ordination with statutory and internal auditors for audit work. Responsible for replying the observastion of statutory/internal and pre-payment auditors. Responsible for monitoring & reconciliation for payable GL?s like, PF, ESI, Salary, Bonus, Gratuity, EL, ML, etc. and other GL?s like of Insurance, Outstanding Liability, Prepaid expenses, Security Deposit, etc. Monitoring of GR/IR accounts. Supervised for Reconciliation of Banks and Inter-unit balances. Leaded Payroll section (For 2000 no. of employees) in the accounts department including reconciliation of related accounts. Responsible for preparation, scrutiny and evaluation of MIS related to Administrative costs for cost control purpose. Concurred for procurement and contract files on behalf of accounts department. Specially deputed for the Contract section of purchase dept. for better contracting & cost effective contracts. Achievements: Meeting of target dates set by HO: Time bound reconciliation, preparation and finalization of PL/balance sheet. MIS for Cost Control: Preparation of MIS on Administrative expenses for monitoring and reducing the expenses. Using the MIS succeeded in controlling and saving wasteful expenses.? First hand audit of all operational bills:? Increased the accuracy of passing of all operational bills and was able to reduce the amount passed considerably.?Implementation of personal manual and office orders Saved lakhs of rupees by strict implementation of rules in the areas of employee related expenses, reimbursements and claims starting from the level of recruitment to separation of an employee. Application of procedure for concurrence of contractual & procurement files : Development & Implementation of purchase procedure. Restricted indenting for contract & material through constitutuion of committee. Got success in improving the payment terms and value of the contract. Introduced online biding for inward & outward transportation of coal. GCV of coal got increased by 10% to 15% through better conditions in the contract & increasing the competition within the transporters. Deputation period in contract cell: Finalised contract amounting to Rs. 80 crore, value for which was about 10% lower than the previous contracts. Disposal of scrap : Took several steps to dispose the scrap materials, thus generated valuable cash inflow Development of sub-ordinates: Always spent quality time to develop the sub-ordinates for increasing the accuracy and efficiency General Manager (Accounts) Aug 2005 to Jun 2007 Company Name: Austral Coke & Projects Ltd. Job Profile: Finalized balance sheet upto audit level. Worked specially towards the implementation of accounting system and functioning of stores. Developed several MIS for management use at head office. Prepared budget and managed the fund at factory level in Gujarat. Concurrenced purchase files. Reported to Directors in Mumbai & AVP in the plant. Achievements : Implemented the functioning of Accounts and stores department, during the project period of the newly established company. Acted as the head of the department. Manager (Accounts) Apr 2003 to Jul 2005 Company Name: Heritage Visions Company Profile:? Job Profile: Looked after the day-to-day accounting matters including finalisation of accounts upto audit level. Leaded the accounts department of the organisation Assistant Manager (Accounts) Apr 1995 to Mar 2003 Company Name: Hindustan Copper Limited Job Profile: Prepared and compiled MIS, Budget, Forecasting & Fund Planning. Collection of sale from all over India and disbursement of fund as per plan, budget and requirements. Responsible for fund management/monitoring/reconciliation of different banks. Planned for opening, payment & roll-over of LC. Servicing of bond interest, redemption and its extension. Served as the IN-CHARGE of several sections (like Establishment, Inventory and Invoice) with responsibilities like reconciliation & preparations of related schedules for annual closing in a computerized environment. Settlement of 5000 VR cases. Handled statutory & govt. auditors during finalization of annual/half yearly/ quarterly accounts Achievements : Managed critical fund position at HO for 3 years. Settlement of more that 5000 VR cases. Worked in different sections in the accounts department General Manager July 1993 to Mar 1995 Company Name: Sree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Ltd. Job Profile: Looked after the day-to-day accounting matters including finalisation of accounts upto audit level. Consolidation of accounts of several other branches Achievements : Implementation of computerization of accounts. Consolidation of final accounts at HO. Senior?Accountant Dec 1992 to Jun 1993 Company Name: First Flight Courier Pvt. Ltd. Company Profile:? Job Profile: Looked after the day-to-day affairs of accounts of Eastern Region & HO. Consolidation of branch accounts Achievements: Consolidation of 6 branch accounts of the eastern region at HO. Assistant Accountant Jan 1990 to Nov 1992 Company Name:?CA Firms and Consultants Future Goals: ......... ________________________________________________________________________________________