Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 4:16:07 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 22394 Gender: Male Age: 39 Designation: Senior Executive Highest Education Level: Doctrate Notice Period: 30 Days Education Details: Ph.D: Polymer Chemistry & Engineering From Anna University in 2015 M.Tech: Polymer Science & Engineering From?Anna University in 2011 M.Sc: Chemistry From?Bharathidasan University in 2009? B.Sc: Chemistry From?Bharathidasan University in 2007 Skill Sets: Working experience in MS-Word, MS-Office, MS-DOS and other scientific software?like Chem. Draw Ultra 9, Mestra Nova, Excel, and OriginPro-8.0. Work Experience: 12.3 Work Experience Details: Senior Research Fellow (SRF) Since 2012 Company Profile : Is an autonomous Institute under Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, and Govt. of India. Research interest: Polymer Synthesis & Characterization, Polyurethane, Nanocomposites, hybrid?polymers, Hyperbranched polymers, Analytical and Spectroscopic Characterization of?Polymers, Polymer Rheology, Thermoplastics and Thermosetting polymers, Viscoelastic?Properties and Polymer Degradation studies, Structure-Property relationship, Coating Research and Development works. Instrumental skills: Polymer & coating film characterization: 1H NMR (Varian Gemini-200 MHz), 13C NMR (Bruker Avance-30 and Inova-400?MHz), 29Si NMR (Varian Gemini-200 MHz), MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (Kratos Analytical, Manchester, UK), Dynamic Mechanical Thermal Analyzer (DMTA IV;?Rheometric Scientific Inc; Piscataway, NJ, USA), Differential Scanning Calorimeter?(DSC; Mettler Toledo 821e), Thermogravimetric Analyzer (Mettler Toledo TGA/SDTA 851e and Parkin Emler 7), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ESCA; Kratos Axis 165;?Manchester, UK), SEM Hitachi-S520 (Oxford Link ISIS-SEM model), Fourier?Transformed Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR; Nicolet Nexus spectrometer). Pull-off?adhesion test (Microtech Tensiometer, UK), Abrasion resistance (Taber, USA),Impact,?Flexibility by conical mandrel test, scratch resistance, pencil hardness, and salt spray. Entrepreneur and awards: Awarded the First Prize for proficiency in Allied Zoology (2004-2005) in the?B.Sc Chemistry by Bishop Heber College (BHC),? Awarded Senior Research Fellow (SRF) 2012, in Material Science by LARPM,?Central Institute of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Bhubaneswar,? Attended an entrepreneurship program conducted by CSIR, Attended first aid safety program (Training given by International Organization),?conducted at Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT),? List of research papers published/communicated: Polyurethane conductive blends and composites: synthesis and applications?perspective. (Review Article) Chepuri R. K. Rao, R. S.; Narayan, R.; Raju, K.V.S.N.?J. Mater. Sci., 2013, 48(1), 67-80. Synthesis, characterization and corrosion evaluation on new cationomeric?polyurethane dispersions and their polyaniline composites.T. Gurunathan; Chepuri R. K. Rao, R. S.; Narayan, R.; Raju, K.V.S.N. Prog. Org. Coat., 2013, 76(4), 639-647. Preparation and performance evaluation of castor oil-based polyurethane?prepolymer/polylactide blends.T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K. J. Mater. Sci., 2014, 49(23), 8016-8030. Isocyanate terminated castor oil-based polyurethane prepolymer: synthesis and?characterization. T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K. Prog. Org. Coat., 2015, 80, 39-48. Effect of reactive organoclay on physicochemical properties of vegetable oilbased?waterborne polyurethane nanocomposites.?T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K.?RSC Advances, 2015, 5(15), 11524-11533. Hyperbranched polymers for coating applications: A Review.?T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K. [Accepted in Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng. DOI:10. 1080/03602559.2015.1021482] Synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of polyesteramide resin?from Moringa Oleifera seed oil (MOSO) for surface coating application.?Siyanbola T. O; James O. O; T. Gurunathan; Sasidhar, K.?Cad. J. Pure Appl. Sci., 2015, 9(1), 3229-3240 An overview of the recent developments in biocomposites based on?lignocellulosic biofibers and their application perspectives.?T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K.?[Communicated to Composites Part A, 2014]. Development of environmentally friendly castor oil-based waterborne?polyurethane dispersions with polyaniline.?T. Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K.?[Communicated to J Coat Tech Res, 2015]. The influence of reactive organoclay on a biorenewable castor oil-based?polyurethane prepolymers toughened polylactide nanocomposites. T.Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K. [Communicated to Composites Part B, 2015]. Polylactide with biorenewable castor oil-based polyurethane prepolymer blends?and its physicochemical properties?T.Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K.?[Communicated to Polym. Plast. Technol. Eng., 2015]. Physicochemical studies on castor oil based polyurethane-silica hybrid materials?through a sol-gel process in the absence on an external catalyst. T.Gurunathan; Mohanty, S.; Nayak, S. K. [To be Communicated]. Development of eco-friendly waterborne polyurethane dispersion from Moringa?Oleifera seed oil (MOSO) for coating application?[Manuscript under preparation]. Conference proceedings & presentations: Rheological and Morphological properties of TPU/SAN blends with?compatibilizer. T. Gurunathan, S.N. Jaisankar. Int. Conf. on Nanomaterial and its Applications, Feb 4-6, 2009, NIT, Trichy,?India. (Poster presentation). Synthesis and characterization of the new series of polyurethane water dispersion?and their blends with polyaniline. T. Gurunathan, CH. Ramakishan Rao, S K Nayak and K.V.S.N. Raju Advancements in Polymeric Materials, Feb 10-13, 2012, CIPET, Ahmedabad,?India. (Oral presentation). Preparation and characterization of waterborne polyurethane/silica hybrid?composites for high performance properties. T. Gurunathan, CH. Ramakishan Rao and K.V.S.N. Raju International Symposium on Surface Protective Coatings along with International?Expo-2009, Feb 25-28, 2009, Goa, India. (Oral presentation) Nucleation behavior of renewable resource based polymer blend influenced by?the reactive compatibilizer T. Gurunathan, S. Mohanty and S. K. Nayak. 3rd FAPS polymer congress and MACRO 2013, May 15-18, 2013, IISc,?Bangalore, India.(Poster presentation). Carrier appointments: Jan 2012-Present: Senior Research Fellow, Central Institute of Plastics Engineering &?Technology (CIPET), (formerly LARPM, Bhubaneswar), Chennai, India. May 2011-Dec 2011: Project Assistant (PA-II), Polymer Functional Materials Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, India. Project Guide: Dr. K. V. S. N. Raju, Scientist, IICT, Hyderabad, India. Nov 2010-Apr 2011: M.Tech Dissertation (Phase-II), Polymer Functional Materials?Division, Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT), Hyderabad, India. Mar 2010-Oct 2010: M.Tech Dissertation (Phase-I), Department of Physics, Indian?Institute of Technology (IITM), Chennai, India. Jul 2008-Apr 2009: M.Sc Dissertation, Polymer Division, Central Leather Research?Institute (CLRI), Adyar, Chennai, India. Involvement in sponsored projects: Parallel to my Ph.D. Work, I have actively participated in some project works and?have gained knowledge in various interdisciplinary fields related to polymer/materials?research. I have involved in different in sponsored projects carried out in our research?groups. Some of the sponsored projects are listed here: Development of antistatic rain erosion coating for LCA radome, sponsored by?Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA),? Development of high-performance polyurethane resins for ink applications,?sponsored by Siegwerk Pvt. Ltd, Development of two packs polyurethane adhesive for lamination, sponsored by?Asian Adhesive Udhyog Pvt. Ltd,? Future Goals: Finds a suitable position in esteemed organization/industries in areas related to Polymer, Coatings or Material Science, such as experimental designing and synthesis of novel macromolecules, nanocomposites, bionanocomposites or materials with tailormade propertied and to study their structure-property relationship, end-use properties etc.,?where my scientific experience and computational skills would prove useful. ________________________________________________________________________________________