Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 4:45:40 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 22642 Gender: Male Age: 36 Designation: Fresh/Entry Level Highest Education Level: Masters - Degree Notice Period: 30 Days Education Details: M.Tech in Polymer Technology From Department of Polymer Science & Rubber Technology in 2015 B.Tech in Polymer Science And Engineering From?Department of Polymer Science & Rubber Technology in 2013 with 75.3% Diploma in Polymer Technology From?Govt. Polytechnic College in 2009 with 80.07% H.S.S?in 2006 S.S.C?in 2004 Skill Sets: Good Team player Hard worker Leadership skill Good Logical and analytical skill Ability to handle stressful situations Good communication skill Work Experience: 9.3 Work Experience Details: Contract Trainee May 2009 to Feb 2010 Company Profile: Leading tyre manufacturing company.? Job Profile: I have involved in several process trial in Mixing, Dipping, Calendering. Better understanding about compounding ingredients. Knowledge about Laboratory related activities. Knowledge for compound design of various tyre components. Workshop 1: Research Reporting and Reference Management Tools; Organized by University Library, CUSAT Training 1 : One Months Training at Rubber Research Institute of India(RRII), Kottayam Seminar 1: Polylactic Acid composites Seminar 2: Testing of latex foam & plastic film Seminar3 : Quality control Test for compounded Rubbers M.Tech Project Guide: Dr.Jyotishkumar P, Dept.of. Polymer Science and Rubber Technology,CUSAT Project : High performance epoxy block copolymer nano composites Preparation epoxy-block copolymer blends Characterisation and testing by Tensile strength, Impact strength, FTIR, TGA, DSC,DMA and?HRSEM Preparation of epoxy-block copolymer nanocomposite Mechanical, Thermal and Chemical Properties of epoxy?block copolymer nano composites. Research?Internship Jun 2015 to Jul 2015 Universit? de Bretagne-Sud Laboratoire d'Ing?nierie des MAT?riaux de Bretagne (LIMATB), 56321 Lorient Cedex, France Guide: Prof.Yves GROHENS Topic : Morphology and Rheological studyof Epoxy blends and composites Morphology study of epoxy blends and composites by AFM and SEM Rheological study of epoxy blends for study the processability Contact angle measurement of epoxy blends and composites Sept 2014 to Nov 2014 Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden, Germany Guide: Dr.Jurgen Pionteck Project : Epoxy block copolymer blends and composites Studied the blend properties by DSC (cure kinetics) and HRSEM Preparation of epoxy-block copolymer/graphene nanocomposite Preparation of epoxy-block copolymer/expanded graphite nanocomposite. Project 1: Understanding the transmissibility behaviour of SBR based tyre tread compound using VHF 104 analyser (3 months) Project done at Advanced Tyre Research in Apollo Tyres Ltd, Limda Analyze the transmissibility of SBR based compounds-silica, silica &carbon black Project 2: Utilization of waste calendered fabric used in tyre tread compounds. Studied the Physical properties of compounds. Analyzed the cure characteristics and physical characteristics Training 1 : One month?s Industrial Training at Apollo Tyres Ltd, Limda,Vadodara Industrial training done at bias tyre plant Understand the Tyre manufacturing process& testing activities. Training 2 : One Month?s Training at Rubber Research Institute of India(RRII), Kottayam Basic lectures on Rubber technology, Characterization and Testing Practical training in Dry Rubber Compounding and Latex Compounding Seminar 1: Carbon Nano Composite Preparation of CNTs, Nano composite Preparation. Seminar 2: General Introduction to Composites Seminar 3: Conjugated Polymer Different type of conducting polymer preparation Training 1 : One month?s Industrial Training at TERMO PENPOL LTD, Trivandrum Training 2 : One month?s Business skill development programme conducted by MSMETI Project 1: Manufacturing of cushion gum Project 2: Manufacturing of MC sheet Publications Effect of Fillers and Rubbers on Curing of Epoxides analyzed by PVT measurements J. Pionteck *, Y. M?ller , S.?Thomas , P. P. Vijayan , Jyotishkumar P., and Sisanth K. S., Eurofillers Polymer Blends 2015, April 2015. "Miscibility, UV resistance, thermal degradation and mechanical properties of PMMA/SAN blends and their composites?with MWCNTs" Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, George Joseph, Sisanth K.S, Seno Jose and Nishar Hameed?(submitted). Morphology, mechanical and thermal properties of epoxy/PCL-PDMS-PCL blends cured with DDM and DDS.(Manuscript prepared) Transparent high performance epoxy/DDS and DDM system modified with PEG-PPGPEG (Manuscript prepared) Viscoelastic, thermal and mechanical properties of transparent epoxy/PCL blends cured with DDM and DDS. (under?preparation) PCL modified epoxy nanocomposites: Expanded graphite and graphene nano platelets (under preparation) Future Goals: Growth ________________________________________________________________________________________