Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 3:41:53 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 2270 Gender: Male Age: 39 Highest Education Level: Diploma Education Details: Diploma in Plastic Moulding Technology (CIPET) in the year 2001-2004. (Overall percent- 72) Post Diploma in Plastic Mould Design (CIPET) in the year august 2004-2005(Overall percent- 80 Approximate) Software knowledge: 1) AutoCAD r-14, 2000, 2001. 2) Pro-e 2000. 3) Ms-dos. 4) MS-Windows. 5) MS-Office. 6) FoxPro 2.6 7) Unix 8) C 9) HDE (Hardware Engineering in Diploma) Training attended: 1) In-house procedure iso training. 2) Inspection of products training. 3) 5s training. Work Experience: 18.4 Work Experience Details: TRAINING UNDERGONE IN DESIGN: 1) Designing of injection moulds using various techniques. 2) Designing of compression, transfer and blow moulds. 3) Observation of various plastic testing machines (PTC). 4) Observation of plastic processing techniques. JOB PROFILE: 1) Design of tools, moulds. 2) Manufacturing of tools moulds. 3) Maintenance of tools and moulds. 4) Development of new tools in CIPET. PROECTS HANDLED IN INDUSTRIES: 1) Design and manufacturing of new development tools (progressive tool). 2) Manufacturing & maintenance of all tools and moulds in tool room. PROJECTS COMPLETED: (in training period-CIPET). 1) Semi-Automatic Injection Mould for Jewel Box. 2) Replacement of Sanitary Separator by Ceramic to Plastics. In Industrial training: 1) Family mould for battery packing cover. 2) Hand injection mould. 3) Design and maintenance of compound tool for washer component. Previous experience: In-Plant Training: Training in EXCEL Moulds and Dies industries, during training period. Period of working: 6 Weeks. Area of interest: Mould making and Designing of products, tools and moulds. Future Goals: To be a part of team in a company providing challenging tasks and good experience in the field of product design, manufacturing, maintenance and to exhibit and enhance my knowledge in this field. ________________________________________________________________________________________