Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 3:53:37 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 24057 Gender: Female Age: 39 Designation: Fresh/Entry Level Highest Education Level: Doctrate Notice Period: 30 Days Education Details: Ph.D. in Polymer chemistry From Shoolini University, Solan (H.P.) M.Phil in Organic chemistry From Shoolini University, Solan (H.P) with 89%. M.Sc. in Applied Chemistry From Guru Nanak Dev University with 71.48%. B.Sc. (Medical) From Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla with 70.4%. H.S.C. From Himachal Pradesh Board of School with 70.8%. S.S.C. From Himachal Pradesh Board of School with 84.14%. Skill Sets: Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Word. Microsoft Powerpoint. Very good learner, self motivated with positive attitude. Strong communication and interpersonal skill. Enthusiasm to learn new concepts/practices. Easily adaptable nature Work Experience: 8.2 Work Experience Details: Fresh/Entry Level Research Projects Ph.D. Project: Pretreatments of Natural Fibers with Environment Benevolent Methods for the Development of Polymer Composites for Advance Structural Applications M.Phil Project: Synthesis, Charactrisation and Biological Behaviour of Novel Dihydropyrimidines. M.Sc?Project: Mixed Micellization behaviour of Gemini 12-2-12 Cationic Surfactants with some Conventional Cationic Surfactants: Krafft Temperature study. Publications: ?Laccase-assisted surface functionalization of lignocellulosics?Susheel Kalia, Kamini Thakur, Amit Kumar, Annamaria Celli Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 102 (2014) 48?58. I.F. 2.8 ?Surface modification of plant fibers using environment friendly methods for their application in polymer composites, textile industry and antimicrobial activities: A review? Susheel Kalia, Kamini Thakur, Annamaria Celli, Marjorie A. Kiechel, Caroline L. Schauer Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 1 (2013) 97?112. Kamini Thakur, Susheel Kalia, B. S. Kaith, Deepak Pathania and Amit Kumar. Surface functionalization of coconut fibers by enzymatic biografting of syringaldehyde for the development of biocomposites. RSC Advances. 2015; 5: 76844?76851. IF: 3.84. Kamini Thakur, Susheel Kalia, Neha Sharma, Deepak Pathania. Laccase-mediated biografting of p-coumaric acid for development of antibacterial and hydrophobic properties in coconut fibers. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2015; 122: 289?295. IF: 2.8 Kamini Thakur, Susheel Kalia, Deepak Pathania, Amit Kumar, Neha Sharma, Caroline L. Schauer. Surface functionalization of lignin constituent of coconut fibers via ?laccase catalyzed biografting for development of antibacterial and hydrophobic properties. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015; 1-7. IF: 3.84. Kamini Thakur, Susheel Kalia, B. S. Kaith, Deepak Pathania, Amit Kumar, Chelsea Knittel, Caroline Schauer, Grazia Totaro. The development of antibacterial and hydrophobic functionalities in natural fibers for fiber-reinforced composite materials. Journal of Environmental chemical engineering.(Communicated). ?Synthesis, Characterization and biological activity of some new Biginelli products.? Jalpa Trivedi, Kamini Thakur, Vipasha Sharma, Niti Aggarwal Chemistry and biological interface. 2(2012) 402-408 Paper Presentation In National And International Conferences: Poster presentation entitled ?Surface Modification of Plant Fibers using Environment Benevolent Methods for their use as Reinforcement in Polymer Composites? Kamini Thakur, Pardeep Singh, Rajesh K. Sharma and Susheel Kalia in Technological Advancements in Chemical and Environmental Engineering (TACEE-2012) at Department of Chemical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani (Rajasthan). Poster presentation entitled ?Laccase-assisted Surface Functionalization of Coconut Fibers? Kamini Thakur and Susheel Kalia in National Conference of Him Scienc Congress Association ?on Emerging Scenario & Future Challenges ? II (2014) at Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Conifer Campus, Panthaghati, Shimla (H.P.) Poster presentation entitled ?Synthesis, characterization and biological activity of new dihydropyrimidine derivatives? Kamini Thakur and Jalpa Trevedi in International conference on Innovations in Chemistry for Sustainable Development (ICSD-2011) at Punjab University (PU) Chandigarh Future Goals: Ambition to work in an organization where the best use of my talent, knowledge, dedication, hard work & sincerity can be made. I am looking for the great opportunity that offers me challenging assignments, professional development and career growth ________________________________________________________________________________________