Email:, Download Date: 3/10/2025 4:52:07 AM ________________________________________________________________________________________ RefNo: CA - 24717 Gender: Male Age: 34 Designation: Engineer Highest Education Level: Post Graduate Diploma Current Gross Salary: 268000 268000 /Annum Expected Gross Salary: 350000 350000 /Annum Education Details: Post Graduate Diploma in Tool Design & CAD CAM from Indo-German Tool Room, in 2014 with 74% B.E. Mechanical, From ?Dr. B.A.M. University, MSSS College of Engineering, Jalna, in 2013, with 63.26%? H.S.C. From Aurangabad Divisional Board, Vivekanand College, Aurangabad, in 2008, with 69.83%? S.S.C. From Aurangabad Divisional Board ? Godavari Public High School, Aurangabad, in 2006, with 67.86%? Skill Sets: Leadership capability, Sincerity, Good follower, Good grasping power, Commitment to work.? Work Experience: 10.2 Work Experience Details: Engineer - Production Since 2 Years 1 Months Company Profile: Manufacturer of high tech tool like Injection Moulds, Compression Moulds, and High & Low Pressure Die castings, Press Tools, Jigs & Fixtures also manufacturing the critical jobs of Hindustan Aeronautics, ISRO, CAT and Ordanace Factory etc. Job Profile: Approving the Process plan for various moulds, press tool, DCD parts for manufacturing.? Machine scheduling/booking after process plan data and prioritization of critical parts? Tool path Generation of CNC milling with latest CAM software like Unigraphics NX7 & NX10 Master cam for optimization of machining time by setting process parameters like speed, feed & depth of cut for various jobs. Post processing of CAM program for various controls like Fanuc, and Hass etc.? Responsible for implementation of ERP software Focus 8.8 for giving the online information like Job Card preparation, Operation Entry, Machine Utilization, Time Card? Modeling; Preparation of 3D models for complex components (plastic/sheet metal/Die Casting) on Unigraphics (NX-10).? Guiding the in plant trainees for various courses of Certificate, Diploma, Postgraduate? Electrode design and machining of electrodes for critical moulds, Die casting dies etc. Also extraction of 3D electrodes for EDM from 3D models of core & cavities.? Development of Graphite electrode manufacturing with high machining cutting speed & feed by using automatic tool changer (ATC). Arrangement of tool in ATC sequential and also generating all program of electrode are post into single program for CNC milling.? Involved in Development of Electrode manufacturing sequenced sheet for every part No of electrode, spark gap, date of manufacturing, electrode checked report by CMM m/c, electrode design by, & programmer by. Design of electrodes for EDM machining from 3D models by using Nx7, Nx10& Master Cam. ?? ? CAD/CAM Proficiency:? Unigraphics NX-10 (Modeling & Manufacturing)? Mastercam X13 (Modeling & Manufacturing)? Hypermill (Manufacturing)? AutoCAD 2006? Future Goals: Seeking a challenging and responsible position in the area of Research & Development, Tool Design, Product Design & Development and CAD-CAM with ample opportunity for professional growth. ________________________________________________________________________________________