Ref. No. : CA - 29283 - (HRD – with 27 years in Plastic Industry)


B.A. 03 Years 1995 52.0 A.U., Allahabad English Litt., Eco., A. History

Skill Sets

I am endowed with 23 Years of rich, varied, highly qualitative & diversified Experience in Welfare, Personnel Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Human Resource Development, Administration, Legal, Security, Industrial Relations, Arbitration & related arenas.

Work Experience

Asst. General Manager – H.R.Since Feb 2018
Manager – H.R: Jan 2011 to Jan 2018
Deputy Manager – H.R.: Nov 2004 to Dec 2010
Job Profile :
Time Office Operations, General Welfare, Leave, Attendance & Absenteeism, Administration, Contract Labour Management, H.R. Policy Revision & Up- gradation, Security, Labour Conciliation Proceedings, Court Cases in Labour Courts, District Courts, Industrial Tribunals, High Court, Supreme Court etc., Drafting of Plaints, replies & Legal Vetting, RTI Matters, Performance Management, Drafting of Contracts & Agreements, Career Development, Social & Legal Compliances, C.S.R.

Manager – H.R
Jan 2011 to Jan 2018
Job Profile :
Recruitment, Right to Information Act Matters, Conciliation Proceedings, Formulation of Charge Sheets, Assessment of Replies, Wages, Disciplinary Proceedings, Allowances & Fringe Benefits Fixation, H.R. Manual Formulation & its upgradation, Legal Cases, Canteen Management, Antecedents & Character Verification, Security, Arbitration, Career Development, Transfers, Administration of Welfare Schemes, Negotiations with Trade Unions & Settlements, Administration of Time Office Functions, Manpower Planning, Industrial Disputes, Training, Wages Administration, Proceedings in Labour Court, Tribunal, High Court etc., General Administration, Vetting of Documents, Compassionate Appointment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social & Economic Welfare, Canteen & its Administration

Deputy Manager – H.R.
Nov 2004 to Dec 2010
Job Profile :
Time Office Management, Increments, Man Power Planning, Recruitment, Negotiations with Unions, Performance Management Systems, Training, Vehicle Maintenance, Management of Domestic Enquiries & Grievances, Disciplinary Action, Conciliation Cases, Labour Disputes, Legal Cases in the Labour Courts, Tribunals & High Court, Designing of H.R. Policies, Right to Information Act Matters, Legal Vetting of Plaints, Service matters in the Tribunals, Medical Claims, Welfare, Public Relations, Corporate Social Responsibility, Security, General Administration.

Assistant Manager – H.R.D.
Dec 1997 to Sept 2004
Job Profile :
Framing of H.R. Policies, ACR, Welfare, Legal matters, Designing of Standing Orders, Domestic Enquiries, Settlement with Trade Unions, Arbitration, Wages Administration, Recruitment, Promotion, Handling of Social Compliances, Labour Conciliation, CSR, Security

Detailed Work Experience / Nature Of Work Done :
Controlling, our Unit, wherein a strong workforce is employed & managing their HRM matters.
Career Development for Workmen & Officers as per rules, thereby ensuring that those deserving are promoted.
Man Power Planning & Recruitment of Workmen & Officers as per the laid down norms & eligibility conditions.
Administration of Welfare Schemes, related to Housing Loan, Incentive for small family, Higher Purchase etc.
Spearheaded Negotiations with Trade Unions & entered into Long Term Settlement, on Wage Revision for five years, for four of our Units, & ensured that the fixation benefit given is marginal, thereby saving in millions.
Administration of Time Office Functions & introduction of Flexi – timings for Welfare of employees.
Managing Domestic Enquiry against Charge Sheeted employees, as a Presenting Officer & Inquiry Officer, etc.
Wages Administration, Compensation & Terminal Benefits Management for the employees & innovation of Policies,rendering financial benefit to the employee & increased Productivity to the Organisation.
Revamped the Standing Orders for Workmen after analyzing the feedback from our Units, & finalized it in consultation with the Unions & Labour Commissioner & entered into a Settlement on that accord.
Vetting, framing & drafting of Contracts & agreements, Plaints, Counter Affidavits, Rejoinders, Sale Deed, Service Deed, Written Statement, General Affidavits & General Power of Attorney etc. & appearance in a Court.
Pioneered the Long Term Settlement with the Trade Unions on the Recruitment & Promotion Rules for Workmen of two of our Units, giving them ample scope to jump to the Officer’s Cadre, on relaxed conditions.
Accomplished the assignment of framing the Compassionate Appointment / Financial Assistance Policy.
Formulation & implementation of CSR Policy, with the goal of sustainable development of the society.
Analyzed the Financial requirements of our Canteens at our Unit, & ensured that the Workmen & Officers get high value nutrition food at subsidized rates & curtailed expenses, uncalled for in lakhs for a Financial Year.
Examination of RTI Matters & representing the Organization at varied Law Forums if deemed necessary.
Launched an attractive OPEX System for the Officers, thereby causing them to devote time to the Organisation even after Office hours, leading to optimum utilization of Human Resource Capital.
Management of Conciliation matters & cases in the Labour Court, CGIT, High Court, Supreme Court etc.
Architect of the Human Resources Manual covering all facets of service right from recruitment to separation & thereafter as well, with certain Welfare Provisions for the superannuated employees.
Innovated HRM Policies & new Welfare provisions for talent acquisition & retention, by giving monetary incentives.
Introduced a system of rewarding Employees for rich APR Gradings, Yearly Achievements, & year wise service.
Introduced as a Welfare measure, Low Interest on Housing Loans, development of a complete township with all amenities for regular employees, highly subsidised House Rent, Electricity & Water Bills, etc.
Deliberating with Union Leaders on Service Conditions, Medical facilities & Welfare issues, on a quarterly basis.
Capacity Building of employees for equipping our employees with enhanced skill, ability, capacity & knowledge.
Recruitment of vacant positions in varied Departments & for additional Man Power requirements for different Projects & orientation, training & placement of newly selected employees.
Analysing the Character & Antecedents Verification & Performance Reports for confirming an employee.
Designed Medical Policy on AMA Pattern for employees needing OPD facility, at subsidised rated & empanelled some highly reputed Multi-Speciality Hospitals for hospitalisation & am the authority for approving Medical Claims.
Executing contracts with premier Security Agencies, after tendering for providing us Security cover, to keep a check & vigil on all employees, including the disgruntled ones, external intrusion & pilferage etc.
Carried out a Settlement on Wage Revision & allowances for five years with the Unions, not giving them much scope to bargain for excessive & unwarranted enhancement of Wages & connected allowances.
Recruitment of regular & contractual employees, for Group – A, posts at the Corporate Office, as per the R & P Rules & deputing them to the Units thereafter, once their induction & orientation was over.
Issuing Show Cause Notices to employees where Misconduct is apprehended & formulation of Charge Sheets & issuing it to the erring employee on the directions of the Disciplinary Authority.
Assessment of reply given to a Charge Sheet given & closing the case or proceeding further under Minor Penalty or Major Penalty Proceedings as per the C.D.A. Rules / Standing Orders, as directed by the Disciplinary Authority.
Handling of Wages, Allowances, Fringe Benefits, Increments, Perks & benefits as admissible, its fixation & revision.
Complete Administration of Disciplinary Proceedings, right from giving a Charge Sheet to an erring employee to the issue of Orders on the imposition of Penalty, appeal against it & subsequent review if at all applied for.
Revision of the H.R.M. Manual by adding new dimensions to it & making necessary alternations, for customisation.
Framing of broad Personnel Policies concerning Recruitment, Promotion, Increments, Employee Welfare, Leave & related H.R. Matters, and revising them according to Organizational Requisites.
Handling of all Legal Compliance’s regarding Labour Laws & Disciplinary Case management.
Assessing Performance Appraisal Reports for evaluating Production Incentive & for Promotion etc.
Management of Labour Disputes & Cases before an appropriate Authority, including an Arbitrator.
Administration & Supervision of Time Office, Leaves, Transfer matters, Wages & Unit Canteen etc.
Supervising of P.F. & E.S.I. operations for all the employees’ as due according to legal norms.
Grievances handling tactfully, thereby ensuring that both, workmen and the management are satisfied.
Manpower Planning, Recruitment, Induction, Orientation, Training & placement of a newly selected employee.
Carrying on Negotiations with Trade Unions in matters of Leave, Absenteeism, Salary, Official Accommodation, Promotion, Loans, HRA, Car Conveyance Allowance, Medical Facilities, LTA, Gift Allowance, Special Allowance etc
Formulation of Appointment Letters, for employment on regular & contractual basis portraying, the service conditions.
Acceptance of Resignations & Terminating Employees, in accordance with the Legal & Contractual Provisions.
Getting the Draft Standing Orders approved by the Dy. Labour Commissioner of our area & implemented it.
Initiating the Performance Management System on basis of marks for various attributes for Workmen & Officers.
Formed the Works Committee with equal number of workmen & members of the Management for Dispute resolution.
Designed a Grievance Redressal Procedure for Workmen as well as Officers.
Initiated the Voluntary Retirement from Service / VSS Scheme to get rid of Surplus & unproductive employees.
Participation in the Domestic Inquiry as a Presenting Officer to represent the Management.

Legal / Industrial Relations Matters
Service and Labour Cases :
Cases related to disputes in Recruitment, Promotion & reservation to varied Group A, B, C & D Level posts.
Matters related to transfer of all service benefits of an employee from one Government Organisation to another.
Matters related to reinstatement of Officers & Workmen with full service benefits in case of dismissal etc.
Contesting against Stay Order on Transfer of an employee in Organisation’s interests.
Filing of Appeals against the Order of Subordinate Courts with respect to Labour & Arbitration Cases, in the Hon.’ble High Court & in the Hon’ble Supreme Court by way of Writ & Special Leave Petition respectively.
Matters related to Absenteeism, Suspension, varied kind of leaves and disputes in Wages matters.
Cases giving way to disputes, due to imposition of Major / Minor Penalty by the Disciplinary Authority.
Looking after legal cases related to terminal benefits namely Gratuity, EDLI, P.F. etc.
Administration of pending Compassionate Appointments cases & defending the Organisation in various Courts.
Drafting of replies of Appeal and Review Petition of employees, on behalf of Competent Authority against Major and Minor penalties & defending the Organisation in the appropriate Court of Law.
Industrial Strike Cases, by the Employees & subsequent loss of pay & others benefits etc.
Cases related to Compensation admissible to employees under the Payment of Compensation Act 1923.
Contesting Stay Applications and suits before the appropriate Court of Law against Suspension Orders, Dismissal / Termination Orders & Removal from Service etc.
Cases related to pensionary benefits of employees in the Competent Court of Law.

Civil Cases :
Suits pertaining to Property sale, Mutation, Registration, Eviction, Land disputes & Arbitration Cases.
Land Acquisition for Mining of sand at Sea Beaches & handling litigation matters thereof.
Preparation of Lease Deeds for land, with the land owners for Mining & its registration.
Designing of Contracts & bestowing it with certain mandatory legal provisions in Organisation’s interest.
Rendering legal advice & support, for legal matters & preparing replies to WS, CA & drafting Notice etc.
Exposure to Civil, Torts, Claims & Defamation, Cases, including that of Law of Contracts & Consumer Protection.
Handling all types of Civil Writs & Writ Appeals in the Hon'ble Supreme Court & High Court.
Acquainted with Succession & Partition Suits as well as Suits for Challenge of Will & Property Dispute.
Contested a Rent dispute case between the landlord & our Organisation successfully, having won.
Handling of Injunction Suits against illegal expulsion & also acquainted with Pauper Suits & its filing etc.
Complete Contract Management & suing the Opposite Party for Non Performance & Claiming of damages.

Constitutional Cases :
Administration of Writs namely Habeas Corpus, Quo-Warranto, Certi-Orari and Mandamus & securing relief.
Management of Constitutional & Writ Cases before a Single, Double & Constitutional Benches of the Hon.’ble High Court / Supreme Court of India, & Special Leave Petition, involving Civil & Labour matters.
Management of Injunction Suits with respect to Civil & all types of Service matters including Labour.
Filing & disposal of varied type of Caveat Application.
Studying Cases analyzing facts, & portraying them before Higher Courts, involving question of law, its interpretation, excess of jurisdiction, Policy issues requiring nonintervention of Courts etc. for our Defence.
Getting filed & Disposed Writs challenging Charge framed by a Subordinate Court of Law.
A brief write up on significant contributions made (if any) by the candidate in the past and present positions for his / her suitability for the post.

Major Professional Achievements
Formulation of Human Resource Manual & its revision, Restructuring & Redesigning of Standing Orders for Workmen., Formulation of Medical Policy on A.M.A. pattern, Designing of Conduct Discipline & Appeal & Service Rules, Designing of the Disaster Management Policy, Formulation of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Getting a Strike resolved, caused due to an accidental death, Instrumental in downsizing the Organisation through VRS / VSS, Spearheaded LTS for 5 years on Wage Revision in 2011 & gave Marginal Pay Fixation Benefits thereby curtailing expenses in crores, Finalised the LTS on Recruitment & Promotion Rules, brought uniformity & liberalized promotion of Workmen to Officer’s Cadre, Launched an attractive OPEX Scheme for Officers., Signed LTS on Wage Revision with Cooperative Unions in 2012

Professional Training Programmes Attended
Absenteeism,& measures to control it, Domestic Enquiry & relevant Procedures, Reservation in Public Services, Right to Info. Act & Queries Management, Performance Management System Drafting, pleading of Legal Cases

Core Competencies
H.R. Policy Formulation, Strategic Planning ?Implementation, Recruitment & Resourcing, Time Office Management, Disciplinary Action, Performance Management, Career Planning, Induction & Orientation, Arbitration, Negotiation with Unions, Settlement with Unions, Organizational Restructuring, Problem Analysis & Resolution, Corporate Social Responsibility, Conflict Resolution, Organizational Planning, Employee Welfare, Industrial Disputes Administration, Competency Mapping & Assessment, Management of cases in varied Courts, Management Development, Wages Administration, Vetting of Documents, Rendering Legal Advice, Capacity Building, Legal Compliance

My Suitability Statement
I feel that I am a suitable candidate for this post as I am vested with a total Work Experience which is around 23 Years, and which is very rich, varied, diverse & qualitative in nature, covering the entire gamut of H.R.D., Welfare, Legal, Industrial Relations, Security, Personnel, Administration, Public Relations & related functions, in a multinational company, & a private organization, the present one being, in a private Organisation of repute. I am well versed in Computers, too.

I have had marvellous achievements to my credit, as a H.R. Generalist, since I began my career, concerning administrative issues, logistics management, policy formulation with respect to H.R. Matters, resolution of strikes & I.R. Management, Disciplinary cases, designing of Contractual Agreements, Vetting of legal documents, including service matters, Arbitration, administration of cases in varied Courts of Law including the Hon.’ble Supreme Court, Career Development, Manpower Planning & Recruitment, Capacity Building, Performance Management, Welfare & General Administration etc. for all the employees.

By now I have mastered the expertise and skills of an unparalleled nature in the various facets & dimensions of H.R., having worked in a multi-cultural & multi-sectoral environment & hence can perform splendidly, with respect to any given assignment, in my functional area. I am a good reader & I have been taking all the pains & keen interest to discover and learn of the new rules, regulations & H.R. Policies, being promulgated by the Department of Personnel & Training & the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. I made endeavours to get the same inculcated in quite many of our Administrative Instructions, rules, circulars & bye-laws etc., as well, for proper governance. Further my energy & motivation levels are high, which carries me through in-spite of all odds. I am endowed with a strong will power and the attitude to never give up, which has seen me through the toughest of assignments and this trait is a blessing indeed.

The professional environment & culture being diverse, in the Organisations, wherein I have worked formerly, I got a wonderful opportunity to learn, imbibe & grasp something new every time, in all my operational arenas & accordingly I am contributing immensely towards the cause of the Organizations from the knowledge, exposure & professional skills, so developed & acquired, by now. On account of the above I feel that I am a distinguished candidate and more suitable than anyone else for this post. Further my Major Professional Achievements, Professional Training Programmes attended & Core Competencies are enshrined below.

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