B.E (Mechnical Through Distance Education)
MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint.
Self confidence ,Hard working& Ability to work with Team
Leadership & Solving Problem in Quick Time .
Blow Moulding- In-charge.
From 15.07.2020 –till now
Company profile- one of the leading contract manufacturers in the field of filling and packaging across industry segments
Job profile-
1.Over all responsible for Jar Extrusion Blow moulding operation
2. Responsible for in-out of jar blow moulding plant which includes material balance, meeting target for production, quality & food safety
3. Has to take care the machine maintenance both preventive and break down with close co-ordination with maintenance and electrical department
4. Responsible for machine output and capacity utilization
5. Responsible for raw material storage which includes inventory management
-To maintain the area more sanitary as per the Food Safety requirement
-Responsible for safe work place and over all safety of the workman
-Provide regular training and guidance to operators and helpers for better operations
-Shift management for operators
-Responsible for all the documentary requirements for different certifications
-Overall shift In-charge for Jar plant Operation & Maintenance
-Good knowledge of manpower handling
-General awareness of Safety.
- Good knowledge of SAP.
- Good knowledge of machine Installation & commissioning
- Good knowledge of die head assembly opening/fitting/cleaning
-Good knowledge of sand blasting of blow mould for cleaning ,mould life will increases
-To control break down, rejection and to achieve 95% production of m/c efficiency.
- Work under planned pressure and balance multi-tasking assignment.
-Mould load & unload as per schedule.
Production Engineer (Extrusion Blow Moulding)
From 03.11.2018 to 19.06.2020
Company profile- engaged in importer a qualitative range of industrial products Machinery for rubber, plastics industry .
Es Plastics Limited , Hamilton, New Zealand
Post - Sr.Plastics Technician ,Machine Setter (Extrusion Blow Moulding ) - Production
M/c. Handle - KEIMAI & JWELL (fully automatic M/c. & Semi automatic M/c.)
From - 04.12.2017 to 25.09.2018
M/s. Adani WilmarLimited ,Krishanapanam Unit (Andhra Pradesh)
Position Held – Associate Engineer.
Period - 07.04.2016 –22.11.2017
M/c Handled –Extrusion Blow Moulding (Make-Akei) (Fully Automatic)
Manufacturing Product – Fortune Cooking oil jar 5Litre to 15 Litrec
M/s Wallmac Plastics Pvt. Ltd ,Daman
Position Held – Production Engineer (Process&Operation)
Time Period - 05.07.2013 -25.03.2016
M/c Handled - (Extrusion Blow Moulding M/c. Single Station & Double Station (Company Make -Meper,CMP)
Manufacturing Product - lubricant oil Container,Bottel - 1 ltr to 5 ltr (material HDPE)
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