Ref. No. : CA - 17845 - (Marketing Sales Service - Plastics Products – with 11.9 years in Plastic Industry)


M.B.A (HR/Marketing) From  Osmania University, Hyderabad.

B.Com (Comers) From Osmania University, Hyderabad

H.S.C From Board of intermediate, Adilabad.

S.S.C From Education, Adilabad

Skill Sets

Other Skills:
Best communication skills.
Experienced in presentation.
5 years of experience in marketing field.
2.5 years of management experience.
Proved as a good performer to manage a middle level organization.
Best leadership skills

Technical Skills:
Good knowledge in MS Office.
Best in voucher entries in tally accounts (tally erp9).
Best typing skills (45wpm).
Good commanding in os installation, software installations and all other system updating performances.
Good in all types of internet related activities, like, mailing and online marketing, etc.
Expert in MS Word and PowerPoint.

Work Experience

Assistant Manager - Store Maintenance, Product management, Sale & Marketing
Company Profile: Manufacturer of All types of juice and plastic bottles and caps.
Job Profile:
Maintenance of Daily Sales and Purchasing records.
Weekly review of Store Sales and expenses.
Responsible for all of store activities.
Responsible for monthly sales targets and expenses.
Maintenance of staff, include, Sales persons, Drivers and accountant.

Product Management:
Purchasing of Raw material for juice production from the supplier.
2. Purchasing of all types of plastics from the manufacturers.
3. Maintenance of expenses and payments profitably.
 4. Participation in Product related meetings with suppliers.
5. Responsible for Product buying and selling prices.
6. Responsible for Product quality to the customers.
7. Responsible for product related feedback from the customers and Management 

Sales & Marketing:
Sales and Marketing planning. 2. Marketing of Product in retail and whole sale divisions. 3. Responsible for Product and company related feedback from market. 4. Responsible in product related dealing with lower level to higher level market places. 5. Able to solve product related problems to get good feedback from the customers. 6. Should have good relationship with customers and management. 7. Able to achieve the monthly Sales target. 

Professional Achievements:
Good performer in 2013-14, for store Maintenance:
Successful in getting of 100% work from the staff, Got good rewards from the Management, about the staff and store maintenance, and about monthly sales and 
Expenses,Successful in maintenance of good relationship with staff, and in getting of quality Based work from them.
96% Sales in given target, in only first 1.4 months.

Technical History:
DTP, Answer land institute, Hyderabad.
Cpp, java, Niit institute, Hyderabad.

Future Goals


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