Ref. No. : CA - 18442 - (Marketing Sales Service - Plastic Raw Materials – with 29.2 years in Plastic Industry)


Science (Chemistry) Graduate From Agra University in 1993

Skill Sets


Work Experience

Head Marketing
Since Apr 2006
Company Profile: New Delhi is as leading manufacturers of Zinc Stearate, Calcium Stearate, Zinc Oxide Active, Zinc Carbonate and Specialty additives for EVA, PVC, Plastics and Rubber industries in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and African Countries. No 1 brand in India for Zinc / Calcium Stearate from last 55 years. Authorized distributors of Continental Carbon India Ltd. for their Normal Carbon Black, Specialty Carbon Black, Semi Conductive, Conductive and Super Conductive Carbon Black for Non Tire Sector for Indian Sub Continent.
Job Profile:
Having distributors network in all major cities and have policy to cater corporate client directly.
Responsible to achieve sales target through our Distributors network.
Responsible to cater corporate clients directly.
Responsible to implement our credit policy strictly to our corporate clients and distributors.
Responsible to provide technical support to our customers regarding improvement of the quality / cost effectiveness / of their final product.
Coordination with our production team to ensure timely and quality service to our customers.
Coordination with our technical team to discuss regarding new product development as per customer requirement.
Coordination with our accounts to ensure timely returns related to taxation excise etc.

Having Marketing Agents in Pakistan, Bangladesh,Nepal, Sri Lanka and exporting to African Countries through Merchant Exporter.
Responsible to achieve our export targets to motivate our agents I have to independently negotiate pricing payment terms and quantities directly to our overseas customers.
Responsible all Export related documentations, handling the Custom Clearing Agent, Duty Draw Back Documentation all banking related documentations negotiation with the bank for Foreign Exchange.

I am associated with the companyon Profit Sharing basis in year 2013-2014

Led the growth of the company to +30% in revenues, becoming one of the most recognized names in the industry.
Initiated strategic market plan to analyze key strengths, weaknesses, competitors and new business opportunities and New Product Development as per Market requirement. This strategy strengthened our position in the market, as well as brought the company to develop a unique and profitable niche within the Market.
Increased the overall profits by 20%+ after developing cross-company quality control expenses mechanism and managing the effectiveness of employees.

Regional Sales Manager
Aug 1999 To Mar 2006
Company Profile: was a leading mfg. of Precipitated Silica
Job Profile:
Associate with this co since its commissioned and within the span of six months we achieved our Production capacity 240 MT P/M and my share was 60% of total production.

Asst. Sales Manager Based
Dec 1995 To Jul 1999
Company Name: Apar Industries Ltd
Company Profile: is a Mumbai based group which are leader in Rubber Processing Oils, Transformer Oils, Industrial Lubricants and Synthetic Rubber Apar group is a much reputated group in rubber Industries.
Job Profile:
The Era of 1991-1996 was Indian Govt. opt. liberalization policy and private refineries gets the licences to produce specialty oils in 1993 Apar Starts its operation of Rubber Process oil and in 1994 starts Industrial Lubricant and I joined Apar in Dec 1995 as a Sales Officer and I have the responsibility of RPO and Industrial Lubricants under our Regional Sales Manager within span of 2 years Apar was leading producer of RPO in India and out team has achieved 500 KL P/M sales of Industrial Lubricant in 1998 I was promoted as Asst. Sales Manager.

Future Goals


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