Ref. No. : CA - 26845 - (Designer & Product Developer – with 26.7 years in Plastic Industry)


DPMT From CIPET, in 1997

12th From G.H.S.E.B. in 1995 with 57.35%

10th From G.S.E.B. in 1992 with 66.43%

Skill Sets

Blow Injection, Thermoforing, EPS Products And Moulds Development

Highly motivated, Target oriented, Professional, Administrative, Cost Saving -Practice, Interpersonal and team building skill, techno Commercial Skill.

Having working knowledge in Computer of Windows,Word, Excel, internet, Auto Cad 2000, Unigraphics.

Value Engineering, Cedac, Kizen, 2’s’, 5‘s’, I.S.O., ‘5’why, H.R.D., Goal Setting.

Diploma in Auto Cad from Academy for computer training (ACT) Ahmedabad.

Work Experience

Department Head
Jul 2015 to Jul 2018
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Rigid Plastic Products like Pharma, Packaging, Cosmetics, Paint Pail, nutracistical Products Etc.
Job Profile:
Handling all kind of new product developments, New moulds mfg., Machines, accessories etc.
New moulds trials, Modifications, scratch to final production start up Communications with all plants, suppliers for all machine, moulds, accessories.
Techno commercial communication with all mould makers, customers, suppliers.
Responsible for all 03 different location plants mould maint, major modifications & Tool Room activities.

Department Head
Sep 2009 to May 2015
Job Profile:
New Products & Moulds Development, Tooling Costing, Corporate Inquiries, Projects Handeling, Doing New Moulds Projects In India And Abrod.
Job Profile :
Handling all kind of new product developments, New moulds mfg., machinery &accessories.
For all plants inclusive other country based plants.Spare parts arrangements for all plants.
Technical solution for all moulds in all plants.Input in pen section.
New moulds trial samples checking, correction report, feed back to mould makers.
Involvement in corporate customer projects & business developments for new products from start up to final production start up.
Communications with all plants, suppliers for all machine, moulds, accessories.
Responsible for all 04 different location plants mould maint, major modifications & Tool Room activities.
Handling House hold, furniture, Thin wall, Pen, Pet inj., Thin wall, Packaging, EBM, Stretch blow, EPS,Thermoforming new moulds mfg.& Developments.
Techno commercial communication with all mould makers, customers, suppliers, machine mfg., spare parts suppliers etc.
Responsible for new products launching, moulds mfg., modification in moulds from different countries like Taiwan, Korea, China, India etc.
Developed more than 450 new moulds for different segments.
Developed 6 Heat transfer machines, foils for premium products launching.
Developed all packaging also related with 2 beverages plant set ups like cap, PET bottle, BOPP lable, PVC sleeve, Doy, Shrink film, Cartons, Thermoforming cup, Cup lid etc.

KRA for the year
Cost saving in mould /machine/accessories negotiations.
Cost saving in pen moulds by developing new supplier.
Cost saving in pen moulds by new ideas
Cost saving by major moulds maint. Like Crate, L.F.Barrel,USA Dust bin etc.
Cost saving by giving new ideas in new mould mfg. as well in new products. The result is almost more then 90% moulds are trouble free.
Knowledge of all kind of moulds like thin wall, PET, packaging, household, furniture, T/F, EBM, PET blow, coolers etc.
Saving in corporate moulds selling.
Developed corporate customers like GBNL, HYPO who are giving us millions of new moulds & products continues business.
Very fast service, action,work outs which helps to grow faster.
Handling Tech.communications of 100-140 in /out emails per day to provide my service support to angola, LP1, LP3, Rasa, Singapore and various suppliers based at different countries.

Progress on dream projects:
Suitcase development in process, Cushion chair development in process
Detergent powder packaging project in process, Radio cooler in progress
Innovation / Simplification implemented by me / my team in the past year:
Razor development, Rasa beverages total packaging development
Foil bucket & basins development, New Pen model development from existing moulds.
Product cost saving on new mould mfg. by giving ideas like reduced pen barrel weight, improved pen barrel core pin design ,by developing new supplier for pen parts & pen moulds.
Chairs development with metal leg.

Tool Room Head
July 2006 to Nov 2009
Company Name : ADD Corporation Ltd
Job Profile :
Responsible for all Tool Room Activities & Work Planning.
Handling Multi Cavity Pen Injection Moulds for Corrections & Modifications.
Product Design modification and Develop new Product in Existing Moulds.
Responsible for CNC dept. work & activities.
Mould Problems Identifications, Analysis & Solutions in Multi Cavity Moulds.
New Critical Spares Developments, Maintained ISO-9001-2000 documentations.
Shop Floor & Manpower controlling .Handled 03 Engineers +2 workers.
Implementing new Techniques to minimize Spares Mfg. time.
Co-ordination with Production Dept.for Running Moulds Problems & Solutions.

Sr. Executive - Tool Room (Mould Mfg. Div. ),
Feb 2002 to June 2006
Company Name : Prince plastics international Pvt. Ltd.
Job Profile :
Achieved higher productivity and efficiency through Mould Modifications & Corrections.Maintained ISO- 9001-2000 documentations.
Mould Problems Identifications, Analysis & Solutions.Handled 4 tool room engineers +16 workers.
Activities of 5S &Kaizen.Coordinated with design and process planning.
Implemented new techniques like new design air pins, ejection systems ,Runner Gate Systems etc.
Reduced Cycle Time and Increased production by Mould Modification Techniques.

Moulding In charge
2001 to 2002
Company Name : Flair pens & Plastic Industries.
Job Profile :
Mould modifications & corrections, Process control & planning,
Responsible for Production, Quality, Material & Manpower arrangements.
Handled 10 staff team +labours.

Sr. Engineer (Hot- Runner Moulds)
1999 to 2001
Company Name : Athena Controls India Ltd.
Job Profile :
Selection of Hot - Runner Systems, Turn Key Cost Saving Projects,
To act technically as a Link and co-ordination between Customers and Overseas Partners- like Korea,U.S.A., and Switzerland for Technical Solution.
Provide Technical Supports and Solutions to Customers.
Hot- Runner Moulds Assembly, Installation & Mould Trials, Servicing of Hot Runner Moulds

Mould Maint. Engineer
1997 to 1999
Company Name : Core Health Care Ltd.
Job Profile :
Modifications and Maintenance of Hot & cold runner Moulds.
Responsible for Assembly & Maintains of Hot-& cold Runner Moulds.
Mould Problems Identifications, Analysis & Solutions.I.S.O. Data maintaining,
Activities of 2S, 5S, Kaizen.‘5’why, H.R.D., Goal Setting etc.

Area of strength:
Experience in Tool Room, moulds mfg.- & maint, New products & moulds technical development in all Segments of Plastic Industry like -
Injection - 200 ml to 1000 ml Thin wall container/covers, Pens, 12g to 43g PET Preforms, Packaging like caps, closures, House hold like casseroles, coolers, buckets, basins, drums, baby bath set, containers, racks etc., Furniture like chair, tables, cabinets, etc.
EBM -100ml to 1000ml PP/HDPE bottles& jars, water bottle
PET Stretch blow -53g to 96g Jars, 80ml to 1000ml Bottles,
Blow- HDPE 1L to 150L round, Square, Rectangular ice Coolers,
Thermoforming -200 ml to 500ml cups, Egg tray, Biscuit tray, Container, Covers,
EPS -different shape of food box & tray
Techno commercial input &discussion with Machine / spare parts /ancillaries / utilities / Moulds suppliers/Corporate customers for inquiry, workout, costing, development, production.
Responsible for all new products & moulds from scratch to final production start up.
Doing market serve, product cost analysis & costing for new products before mfg. & before production start up.
Knowledge of heat transfer film ,machine& heat transfer film products.
New moulds manufacturing, Inputs in new Hot Runner moulds designs,Moulds modifications and corrections from internal Tool Room & out sourcing,
New moulds work planning, Shop floor and Manpower Controlling,
CNC Milling & CNC Turning m/c work, tools & Program planning and operating,Consumable Tools, Material arrangements for Tool Room,
Manufacturing, modifications, maint. Of hot runner systems, Hot runner temp. Controllers & Moulds.
Automation, Solutions and corrections for moulds problems.

More than 450 nos. different segments of moulds made in last 4.5 years by personal technical involvements.
Experience of more than 100 Hot Runner Moulds Installations and more than 500 Hot- Runner Moulds Assembly& Maintains with Different types of H.R. Systems.
More than 25 factories in Nigeria for corporate products & more than 80 Factories visited in India for Hot Runner Moulds Technical Discussion and Moulds Installations & Modification purpose.
Experience in Multi Cavity Hot & cold Runner Moulds (Medical, Pet, Caps & Writing Instruments) like 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, 72, 108 Cavity’s etc.
Experience of Assembly & Maintains for Schottli-Ag, Schober-Ag, Corvagila-Ag - (Switzerland), Jawoo(korea), Sholar (Germany), Pass card, Derli, CNN, ORTL (Taiwan), S&J & Kim (Korea), Datang, Jeward, Bosen, Bona, Yanco, Enka - China made Hot Runner Moulds.
Work Experience in Valve Gate, Open Gate, Pin Point Gate, Side Gate, Angle Gate, Gate pin Gate, Single Valve Gate, Hot Sprue Gate etc. type Hot Runner Systems.
Knowledge of Yudo& Hot Sys (Korea), Mas Tip (Newzeland), Schottli & Schober (Switzerland), Hasco, DME, Incoe make Hot- Runner Systems.
Experience of Trial & processing more than 80% Plastic Raw Materials with Hot-Runner Moulds. Better Mould & Machine Utilizations. Shop Floor Management.
Material Knowledge related with Steels for Mould&Innovated Hot runner Techniques to achieve higher Production Targets.
03 years working experience as a Yudo& Hot - Sys Hot runner system (Korea) Service Engineer in India.

Made In-House H.R.S. for Single Cavity House Hold Product - Basket with 04 gating for 850 Ton m/c& Mould.
Made more then 15 nos.H.R.S. systems for 2 & 4 Cavity Lid & Bowl Moulds & big product.
Mould Modification, Machining & Hot Runner Assembly work also performed in-House.

Future Goals

To grow the company by my Innovative Ideas, knowledge, experience. Want to save costing on new moulds mfg. /developments /spare parts/ current products mfg

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