Ref. No. : CA - 26979 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 34.6 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Tech From Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur in 1987

Skill Sets

28+ Years of functional working In Research And Application Development, Experience In Bopet, Bopp, Bopa, Pvc Films, Cast Pet Sheets, Senior Level Management, Overseas Exposure With Worldwide Operating High-tech Engineering Turnkey Machinery Suppliers, Project Management, High Throughput Twin Screw Extruders, Used M/c Relocation, Product Development Of Various Films& Sheets, Plant Administration, Process Control, Quaity Control, Vendor Development, Etc.

Verse With Ms Office Tools Like Word, Excel, Access, Project, Etc.
Verse With Lotus, Ms Mail And Other Email Tools.
Working Knowledge Of Auto-cad.
Sap R3 As A Pp Key User.
Internet And Web Applications.
Research Management Tools Like ‘Accolade’
Experimental Data Management Tools ‘Labware Lims And Eln’

Work Experience

Lead Scientist (Elastomers and 5P’s)
Since Oct 2014
Company Profile: Leading petrochemical company.
Job Profile:
Responsibilities include development and successful implementation of new products and related processes; detailed study of technical issues arising out of polymer, its use at customer end or at a later stage and give feedback to the management for handling the issue in an appropriate manner; evaluate the depth of the new developments and prepare papers for filing the patents; etc.
Elastomers and 5P’s (earlier 3P’s) stands for EPDM, BR, Polyesters, Polystyrene, POM, PMMA and PVC. My contribution is mainly, but not limited, to polyester, PVC and PS products.
Presently working on 2 projects independently. Whereas, 4 have already been completed successfully. 2 patent applications are filed and waiting to be awarded, as mentioned in research work above.

General Manager (Operations)
Aug 2012 to Nov 2013.
Company Profile : Manufacturer of specialty packaging material, carton boxes, adhesive tapes etc. since 1980.
Job Profile :
Responsibilities included building complete operation team and to lead them for successful start-up of the machine and smooth functioning afterwards. Apart from day to day erection activities, I am engaged in recruitment of manpower, equipment selection and ordering, procurement of machine parts which have either worn out or are missing, decision making for improvement of the machine and product, overall controlling of all the site related activities pertaining to administration, human resources, accounts, stores and purchase, etc.
The machine has been started successfully and producing 12 µ film regularly. Production levels are increasing month after month with increasing speeds and stability of the line. Quality is well accepted by existing customers. Presently, whole the production is sold out and there is no backlog or scrap left with us. We are running at 95% of the rated production outputs.

Process Engineer.
Dec 2011 to Jul 2012.
Company Name : ESOPP sas
Company Profile: The company is an engineering technology company, promoted by a veteran in the field. The company is in the business of providing complete manufacturing solutions for polymeric films like Polyester, PETG, Polyamide, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, etc. Headquarter of the company is in France.
Job Profile:
Start up and commissioning of manufacturing lines.Help the team of the customer to get acquainted with the machine and operation. To set the lines to performance acceptance levels and to run the performance test runs. Train the operation teams of customer on the lines. Set up Quality Control laboratory equipment and complete laboratory. Train people on QC procedures and ensure QA.
Hands-on experience on twin screw extruders, gravimetric and volumetric feeders, continuous band pinning systems, Coating systems, etc.

Project and Operations Head
Jun 2011 to Nov 2011
Company Name: Radha Madhav Corp. Ltd
Company Profile: The company is under installation of an old BOPP line from Dornier. The machine erection is in final stages and almost ready to start. Responsibilities include to look after the overall start-up of the machine, Trouble-shooting, de-bottle-necking, Co-ordination with purchase department and all other site related activities.
Job Profile:
2011 rendered my services as technical expert (consultant),for PET sheet manufacturing units and other industries in India.

General Manager (Operations)
Jul 2010 to Feb 2011
Company Name: Khandelwal Cables Limited
Company Profile: The company operates largely into cable manufacturing business having registered office at Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh and manufacturing locations at Vrindavan and other strategic locations across the country.
Job Profile:
As a diversification plan, ventured into manufacturing of PET sheets for thermoforming applications.

Process Engineer
Sep 2004 to Jul 2010
Company Name: DMT Savoie Technolac
Company Profile: IT was a multi-national, multi-locational equipment manufacturing technology company. The company was in the business of providing complete manufacturing solutions for polymeric films like Polyester, PETG, Polyamide, Polypropylene, Polystyrene, etc. Headquarter of thecompany was in Austria and offices in France, China and USA and business partners in Russia and India.
Job Profile:
Start up and commissioning of manufacturing lines.Help the team of the customer to get acquainted with the machine and operation. To set the lines to performance acceptance levels and to run the performance test runs. Train the operation teams of customer on the lines.
In addition to the above, setting-up of the complete laboratory equipment is another special responsibility undertaken at times.
Hands-on experience on twin screw extruders, gravimetric and volumetric feeders, continuous band pinning systems, Coating systems, etc.

Worked on Capacitor grade BOPP film line, biaxial PET lines in China, Turkey, India and Russia, biaxial PP line and three special lines for manufacturing biaxial PET, PA and oriented PETG from one machine. Worked on a special machine to manufacture oriented PVC high shrink film for security seals and overwrapping.

Deputy General Manager – Production
Jan 2004 to Aug 2004
Company Name: MTZ Polyfilms Limited
Company Profile: Is a company in the field of manufacturing Polyester film since 1996, having a 7 meter wide line.
Job Profile:
The major challenge, since joining, was to handle and clear the film scrap of @ 450 MT, which was lying on the shop floor in huge piles. Not only cleared all this and consumed in process as recycled chips, but also kept increasing the productivity and quality.

Deputy General Manager – Production
Sep 1995 to Jan 2004
Company Name: Jindal Polyester Limited
Company Profile: Manufacturer various types of Bi-axially Oriented Polyester films and Polypropylene films. manufacturing thin films from 10 microns to 50 microns. Widening the product range, soon it started producing the thick films also, i.e. above 50 microns to 350 microns.
Job Profile:
Preparing production plan, Capacity calculation, Execution of production plan, Co-ordination with maintenance departments for smooth functioning of machinery, Co-ordination with marketing department for order execution and customer related issues, Resource planning.
Work Study – Time standard settings & method improvement for better productivity (e.g. Study and plan for reduction in time taken in product change over and its implementation in a continuous process plant.)
Day to day involvement with knowledge of all the activities and intricate details related to the production of Bi-axially oriented polyester films. Troubleshooting in plant related problems.
Held the responsibility of AMR, for updating the ISO 9002 documentation to ISO 9001 –2000 version.
Worked in the secretariat of our Honorable Chairman, directly reporting to him, on technical matters.
To take part in the development activities of new products, from customer requirement stage till the successful establishment.
Took part in development of specialty polymers for myriad film types.
Also worked as a key user for SAP R/3 - PP module along with functional consultants. SAP has gone live in this organization.

Achievements: -
Permanent solution of Coating related problems in thick film line.
Permanent solution to the problem of Delamination in Thick Films.
Solved problems of Corrugation Marks (Typical in one of the old lines. This line started producing thin films for packaging applications).
Increased productivity by reducing wastage and down time.
Always accepted challenges and most of the times overcame, successfully.

Officer – Production
Jul 1995 to Aug 1995
Company Name: UFLEX Industries
Job Profile:
As is clear, my stay in this organization was very short. Though short but it was my first interaction with 6.5 m wide line and was very useful. It helped a lot afterwards.
This company is known for its presence in the Polyester as well as in Polypropylene films. It is also engaged in the printing and packaging business. It is located near to the Capital city of New Delhi.

Senior Engineer – Production.
Up to Jul 95
Company Name: Polyplex Corporation Limited
Company Profile: This is also a company producing polyester film, located in Khatima town of Dist. Udhamsingh Nagar in Uttarakhand state.
Job Profile:
Joining as a trainee engineer, I learnt, not only about manufacturing polyester film but also about handling of workmen, situations, communication skills, interaction with peers and with superiors, etc. In this company did I learn all the ethics and norms prevalent in our industry and practiced them.

Research work: -
Patent entitled "Integration of PET tape production with polymerisation line" filed with European Patent Office.
Patent entitled "Snappable PET" filed with European Patent Office.
Successfully completed studies and experiments related to assignments and projects relevant to various aspects of PET application.

Specific Exposures: -
Exposure in installation and commissioning of various lines for manufacturing oriented polymeric films. BOPET, BOPP, BOPA, OPETG, OPVC High Shrink and Capacitor films are to name especially.
Exposure to the intricate details of production of polyester film, thin as well as thick, from 10microns to 350microns.
Exposure of start-up and production of BOPP, BOPA, Capacitor films and OPETG films.
Exposure in the field of research and development of polymer and end use development for various applications.
Traveled to various countries like Germany, Russia, China and Turkey.
Detailed exposure of “ULapprovalof Quality” procedures and norms for polyester films.
Complete knowledge of Production of various types of Specialty polymericfilms like White Opaque, Matt finish, Ultra clear, Yellow (Terser Amber), Yellow Opaque and Grey (U.V.cut-off). Special polypropylene films like Matte, Pearled, etc. Polyamide (Nylon) films for packing of meat and fish products specially. High Shrinkage oriented PETG films for shrink sleeves. Capacitor grade BOPP films (Very thin), High Shrinkage oriented PVC, PETG films.
Various types of online aqueous coatings on Polyester films, viz. Antistatic, Print-receptive, Slip and Co-polymer.
Delamination freethick Milky white film for motor insulation purpose.
Knowledge of ‘Low Oligomer’ films for use in insulation of concealed ‘Hermetic motors’
Erection and commissioning of New as well as Old Polyester film manufacturing lines.
Commissioning of a secondhand ‘Tensilised BOPET’film line.
Handling of all project related activities from site mobilization, civil construction, selection of equipment and erection, interacting with foreign, as well as,local parties and engineers, commissioning, etc.
Commissioning of “Heat Shrinkage” plant and production of ‘Off-line Heat Shrink’ film.
Specialty product development is another challenging subject, which handled successfully. As a result, have complete know-how about the various products mentioned above.
Have worked as a PP key user in the implementation of SAP-R3 in the previous employment.
Have successfully undergone “Lead Auditors Training Program” on ISO 9001 (2000) and got certified by Allan A Griffin Associates, UK.
Research and application development of new polymer grades and exposure to a world class research environment.
Exposure to advance research related software like ‘Sopheon’s Accolade’, ‘Labware LIMS and ELN’.

Experience Summary: -
Experience in the areas of research, application andproduct development, production, production planning and control, quality issues, ISO 9002 (1994) and ISO 9001(2000), MIS, etc. in Bi-axially Oriented Polymeric film manufacturing (a continuous process industry).
Exposure in commissioning of BOPET, BOPP, BOPA, OPETG, Capacitor grade BOPP, Oriented PVC Shrink film lines, etc. from equipment manufacturer’s side as well as machine user’s side.
Exposure in handling projects since inception to product manufacturing, civil construction activities, equipment selection and ordering, finalizing the drawings, erection and commissioning.
General administration and manpower management, Co-ordination with Marketing and Top management and handling the issues related with technical development, like interaction with overseas and local consultants, etc.
Vast exposure of running and commissioning various make and models of twin screw extruders from M/s Coperion, M/s Leistritz, etc. in different capacities from 70 Kg/Hr to 3300 Kg/Hr for different resin like PET, PP, PA, etc.
Exposure in running Cast PET sheet line at a senior level.
Erection and commissioning of Second-hand plants and machinery.
Involvement in the development of new products and skills from initial stages to finally setting them to desired production and stabilizing in the market.
Exposure on standard film manufacturing plants from M/s Dornier, Bruckner and DMT. These lines are PLC controlled, with latest automation technologies incorporated.
Exposure on polyester resin manufacturing (polymerization) plant. Different formulations for producing a variety of resin mixtures, subsequently used for manufacturing different kind of BOPET films, bottles for water and other applications.
Exposure in setting-up and installation of ‘Laboratory Equipment’.
Well-equipped and verse in computers and associated tools.

Future Goals


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