Ref. No. : CA - 21545 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 19.5 years in Plastic Industry)


Ph.D. in Chemistry in 2015

Diploma in Research and Development From
Indian Institutes of Management & Technology in 2008

M.Sc in Organic Chemistry From Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur University in 2006

B.Sc in Chemical Science and Biological Science From Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur University in 2004

Work Experience

Post Doctoral Fellow: Since Sep 2013
Research Associate: Apr 2013 to Oct 2013
Company Profile: Is a research, development and consulting organisation with a focus on chemistry and chemical engineering.
Job Profile:
Computational and Experimental Study of Molecularly Imprinted Capped Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters for In-Situ Detection of Emerging Environmental Toxins.

Research Associate
Apr 2013 to Oct 2013
Job Profile: 
New materials for hydrogen powered mobile

Senior Research Fellow
Apr 2010 to Dec 2012
Company Profile: Leading Research institute
Job Profile :
Combinatorial Design and Synthesis of High Performance MIP Sensing Material for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Junior Research Fellow
Nov 2006 to Mar 2010
Company Name: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
Job Profile:
Molecular Design and Synthesis of High
Performance Novel Materials, Grant-in-aid by
planning commission of India

2013-2015: Nehru Postdoctoral Fellowship Award form Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) for design and development of portable fluorescent molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) sensors for environmental toxins.

2010-2012: Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) Award from Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India for contributions in the field of Environmental Molecular Science and application of MIPs in environmental sensing and remediation.

2010: Best Paper award from National Environmental Engineering Research Institute,(NEERI), Nagpur.

2009: First prize on poster presentation titled Computational predictions to study recognition property of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon imprinted polymer, at International Conference on Nanobiomaterials for Environmental Application (ICNEA-2009) organized by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, (NEERI), Nagpur.

Strong knowledge and research experience in Polymeric nanopous materials, proficient in
preparation, characterization and evaluation of nanopous sensing materials
Strong background in in-situ design, fabrication and characterization of goldnanoclusters/nanoparicles;
Experience in the Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs) using different
polymerization approaches / organic synthesis
Materials Characterization: The following instruments were used for materials
Gas Chromatography- 2010 (SIMADZU)/ Clarus-500 (PERKIN ELMER)
GC/MS- Straurn40 (VARIAN)
HPLC- Smartline 5000 (KNAUER)
FTIR Spectrometer- Vertex 70 (BRUKER)
Fluorescence Spectrophotometers- F 4500 (HITACHI JERN)
N2 Porosimetry
Raman spectrum and ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) techniques
And other small instrument relevant for materials characterization and analysis
Computer Simulations / Modeling Software
ChemDraw Ultra - 10.0
HyperChem Release - 8.0
Gaussian 03 and 09, GaussVeiw 4.1 and 5.9
Good abilities in search, tidying up and writing literatures for research including English
Excellent abilities in manipulating computers;
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Reddithota J Krupadam and Sourav Pal, Rational design and synthesis of dioxins imprinted polymer by non-covalent protocol based on computational approach, Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 2014, accepted.

Sourav Pal and Reddithota J Krupadam, Computational Strategies For
Understanding The Nature Of Interaction In Dioxin Imprinted Nanoporous Trappers, Journal of Molecular Recognition, 2015, 28: 427–437

Khan MS, Krupadam RJ, Density field theory approach to design multi-template imprinted polymers for carcinogenic PAHs sensing. Combinatorial chemistry & high throughput screening, 2013, 16(9), 682-94

Prateek S. Wate, Reddithota J. Krupadam. Combinatorial screening of polymer precursors for preparation of benzo[a] pyrene imprinted polymer: an ab Initio computational approach, Journal of Molecular Modeling. 2012, 18 (5), 1969-1981

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Bhagyashree Bhagat, Muntazir S. Khan, Highly sensitive determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air dust by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry after molecularly imprinted polymer extraction,
Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2010, 397, 3097-3106

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Muntazir S. Khan, Satish R. Wate, Removal of probable human carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from contaminated water using molecularly imprinted polymer, Water Research, 2010, 44, 681-688

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Muntazir S. Khan, Sera. Das, Adsorption of fluoride from water by surface-functionalized polyurethane foam Water Science Technology, 2010, 62(4), 759-765

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Bhagyashree Bhagat, Muntazir S. Khan, Prateek S. Wate, Molecularly imprinted nanoporous polyacrylate surface for benzo (alpha) pyrene recognition, J Nanoscience Nanotechnology. 2009, 9 (9), 5441-5447

Conferences/ Seminars Attended
Reddithota J. Krupadam, Satish R. Wate, “Binding site heterogeneity of nanopatterned molecularly imprinted polymer”, International Conference on Composites / Nano Engineering (ICCE-2007) July 15-21, Haikou, China.

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Bhagyashree Bhagat, Prateek S. Wate, “Molecularly imprinted nanoporous polyacrylate surface for Benzo (a) pyrene
recognition” International Conference on Nano science and Technology, (ICONSAT- 2008), February 27-29, Chennai, India

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Shrimant Kagne, Satish R. Wate, “Computational predictions to study recognition property of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbon imprinted polymer at International Conference on Nanobiomaterials for Environmental Application” International Conference on Nanobiomaterials for Environmental Applications (ICNEA-2009), December 07-08, National Environmental
Engineering Research Institute, (NEERI), Nagpur, India Awarded First Prize for best
research work.

Sourav Pal, “Rational design and synthesis of dioxins imprinted polymer by non-covalent protocol based on computational approach”, Winter School- 2013 on Frontiers in Materials Science, December 2-6, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for
Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), Bangalore-560 064, India

Reddithota J Krupadam, Sourav Pal, “Density Functional Theory Approach for design and synthesis of dioxins imprinted polymer” Indo-UK seminar on "Molecular Imprinting: Strategies, Applications and Future Perspectives, February 05-07, 2014, National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, (NEERI), Nagpur, India

Reddithota J Krupadam, Sourav Pal, “Computationally Designed Molecularly Imprinted Nanoporous Trappers For Endocrine Descriptor (EDCs)”, International Conference on Nano Science & Engineering Application (ICONSEA-2014) Centre For Nano Science and Technology, 26th - 28th June 2014, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad, India

Reddithota J. Krupadam, Sourav Pal. A novel rational approach for molecularly imprinted nanoporous polymeric materials. 06 to 10 December 2015, 4TH NANOTODAY Conference in Dubai, UAE.

Research Interest
Computational Chemistry/ Computer Simulation and Molecular Modeling
Molecularly imprinted labeled Quantum Clusters
Environmental Molecular Science
Investigation of surface chemistry of nanoporous imprinted polymeric materials in situ fabricated, and their interaction with substrates using computational approaches.
Morphologically or dimension-ally controlled preparation, characterization and application of novel nanoporous imprinted sensory materials.
Design of gold nanocluster-based composite nanostructures and exploring their applications in environmental monitoring, electrochemistry, nanoscale electronic devices.
Development and realization of new high efficiency and low cost material for air and water remediation

Among my major scientific achievements are:
Environmental Materials
The use of computational tools as a general method for the rational design of Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs).
Design and development of polymers for the detection, separation and purification for
environmental pollutants (both natural and man-made) and toxins such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, dioxins and furans and pesticides.
Design, characterization and optimization of polymer materials that mimic the selective molecular binding properties of biological macromolecules using molecular imprinting.
Developing new methodologies for molecular imprinting in formats suitable for practical application (beads, films, nanoparticles)
Multi-template MIP sorbents for oil spill toxins detection
Application of MIPs in the development of sensors for the detection of toxic pollutants in the environmental matrix

Computational Materials Chemistry
Combinatorial and high throughput discovery and optimization of molecular imprinting.
Building electronic materials from molecular subunits, both organic and inorganic, using a variety of techniques to rationally design the desired sensing and molecular recognition properties.
Application of ab initio quantum mechanics, density functional theory, Monte Carlo simulations, QM/MM calculations to design new class materials for environmental sensing and remediation.
Prediction of secondary pollutants formation in the atmosphere using molecular modeling and simulations

Scientific and Professional Memberships
Member, American Chemical Society
Member, Society of Molecular Imprinting
Member, Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological& Environmental Engineering Society

Future Goals


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