Ref. No. : CA - 23793 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 24.2 years in Plastic Industry)


Ph.D.(Tech) From National Chemical Laboratory, Pune, in 2010

Master of Pharmacy (Pharmaceutics) From Poona College of Pharmacy in 2001

Bachelor in Pharmacy From NDMVPS College of Pharmacy, Nasik in 1999

Skill Sets

Industrial research experience in the development and scale up of liposomes, microspheres, Nano crystals, emulsions, lyophilized injections and ophthalmic formulations in leading companies like Sun pharmaceuticals and Dr. Reddys laboratories ltd.
Highly skilled in formulation development of polymeric and lipid based novel drug delivery systems for controlled release, toxicity reduction and targeting to desired site.

Windows MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint). 
Scientific software: Origin, Chemoffice, ACD specview

Work Experience

Senior Research Scientist                   
Since Sep 2011
Company Profile: Leading generic drug manufacturer Company. 
Job Profile:
Contributed in the establishment and maintenance of Centre of excellence formulation development laboratory.
Mentoring junior members of young research team towards formulation and characterization aspects of technologically intensive products like Nano crystals and micro-spheres.
Implementing QbD based approach for development of micro-sphere product with special emphasis on early identification of CMA, CPP and focused DOE approach.
Innovative PAT tools applications identified and implemented in process flow microspheres preparation for better reproducibility and IPQC controls useful during lab scale, scale up transfer and routine manufacturing.
Developed proof of concept for Nano crystal based product development useful for development of generic Nano-crystal products.
Instrumental in conceptualization and implementation of different in vitro release models for microsphere development.
Actively involved in making study design for in vitro degradation studies, in-vivo biodegradation studies, pk studies in rats etc.
Contributing significantly in reverse engineering, process development, scale up and characterization of microspheres.
Constantly working on project work planning, troubleshooting bottlenecks, project roadmap preparation and its seamless package execution

Senior Research Fellow 
Sept 2003 to March 2011 
Company Profile : Is a premier research, development and consulting organization with main focus in Polymer Science, Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Biochemical sciences.
Job Profile : 
Carried out a highly-valued, fundamental research project which involved the development of novel ligands for stabilization of Insulin with retention of efficacy. This novel approach got further expanded into New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (Nimitli) project. 
Successfully synthesized novel bile acid - peptide conjugates which yield diverse morphologies micelles, vesicles, tubules and nanospheres useful for drug delivery applications. (Plenary lecture in SICCCS 2009)
Effectively developed ring and necklace nano patterns of gold and silver nanoparticles on polymeric vesicles and nanospheres which find applications in externally controlled drug delivery systems. 
Conceptualized novel in situ hydrogels with hydrophobic domains useful in delivery of hydrophobic actives. Novelty has been patented and got accepted for presentation in CRS USA 2010. 
Successfully synthesized oligomeric bile acids which form nanoparticles and microspheres deeming applications as new carrier for sustained release and enhanced oral absorption of different bioactives. 
Designed and actively involved in execution of industrial project on development of ophthalmic controlled release systems.
Project Assistant III
Chaptering junior research fellows for their PhD work definitions and executions.
Cross-functional collaboration with different departments within and outside institutes. 
Active participation and ideation support for execution of industry sponsored projects.

Research Officer
May 2001 to Sept 2003
Company Name : Sun Pharma Advanced Research Centre 
Company Profile : Leading pharmaceutical company, having focus on the development of new drugs and novel drug delivery systems. 
Job Profile :
Mentored junior members of NDDS group towards formulation and characterization aspects of technologically intensive products like liposomes and emulsions.
Actively involved in optimization of lyophilization procedures for liposomes, proteins and injections.
Adopted different approaches for reducing toxicity of drug loaded liposome based formulations by optimizing drug loading and formulation aspects.
Primarily responsible for interacting with Bio-research group on in-vitro and in-vivo toxicity evaluations of liposomal formulations.
Conducted successful scale up of parenteral emulsions, injectable and ophthalmic formulations and participated in scale up liposome products. 
Research Assistant                    
Performed preformulation, formulation, stability studies and collaborated with analytical division for protocols on evaluation of in situ gelling ophthalmic solutions, ophthalmic suspensions, nasal sprays, topical creams and gels. 
Performed preformulation and formulation studies and proactively involved in analytical aspects of technology intensive pegylated liposomes, anionic liposomes and parenteral emulsions. 
Patents And Publications:
Dhiraj chopra, Harshal Bhagwatwar, Patent application under discussion

Mohan G. Kulkarni, In situ hydrogels with hydrophobic pockets, Patent application no 0176 NF 2009 

Mohan G. Kulkarni, Synthesis and characterization of bile acid based oligo ß amino esters for drug delivery system, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 2011 

Kulkarni M. G., Biloprotein Self assemblies for Amphotericin B Delivery, presented in 10th International Symposium on Advances in Technology and Business Potential organized by controlled release society Indian chapter in Mumbai – Feb 2010.

Kulkarni M. G., Polymeric Bile Acid based Drug Delivery System, presented in science day celebrations organized by National Chemical Laboratory - Feb 2010.

Mohan G. Kulkarni, Reactive self-assembly mediated in situ cross linked hydrogels for hydrophobic drug delivery, accepted for presentation in 37th Annual Meeting & Exposition of the Controlled Release Society in Portland USA - July 2010.

Key Strengths 
Acumen for Research & Development 
Good networking 
Lab and team build up 
Passion for research and seamless execution 
Polymer and lipid understanding 
Academic and Industrial research experience 
IP oriented research 
Collaborative research   

Assigned responsibility of coordinator with external research institutes for polymer related activities by IPDO head
Collaborating with multiple research facilities for achieving different aspects of project resolved during product development
Actively involved in new scale up facility set up with inputs on process flow design, equipment selection, equipment train set up considering safety, aseptic processing and waste management aspects 
Out of box thinking towards finding new simple way to control initial burst and tailoring release profile from microspheres- a patent proposal and its patentability under discussion
Initiated research team formation and its build up for technology intensive formulation team in COE formulation technology
Lab set up for technology intensive formulation development encompassing design of lab, budgeting, equipment selection and maintenance aspects with due considerations for regulatory compliance.
Designed multistage microspheres preparation set up for lab scale and up to 100 gm scale. 
Design strategy note preparations for complex injectable formulations
Developed proof of concept for Nano-crystal based formulation with alternative strategy.
Fundamental research in the area of polymeric self-assemblies and in situ hydrogels at NCL, Pune. These findings were also presented as plenary lecture in 6th Singapore International Chemical Conference Chemical Synthesis, Creativity and Applications in Dec 2009. 
Lead inventor in patent application for innovation on “Designing of novel in situ hydrogels for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications.”
Actively involved in conceptualization and execution of industrial projects in eye care and oral peptide delivery in the NCL research group.

Key Awards & Recognition:
Invited lecture on science day celebrations in IPDO on “Coacervation technique for microspheres development - A view point” on 9 th Dec 2014
Invited lecture on PhD research work in Nano-biotech Mini Symposium organized by Tata Research Development and Design Centre (TRDDC), Pune in March 2010.
Invited lecture in Divisional affairs committee in Polymer Science and Engineering Division of NCL in Jan 2010 on Polymeric bile acid self-assemblies and their applications. 
Recipient of Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) from Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India in 2003.
Ranked within first 100 in all India level GATE-99 examination for post graduate studies.
National Talent search (NTS) fellow and Maharashtra state topper in scholarship examination (1990).

Technical Expertise:
Formulation Development: Strategy preparation, preformulation, POC development of microspheres using various preparation techniques, scale up of microspheres, liposomes, emulsions and drug Nano crystal delivery systems in addition to parenteral solutions and lyophilized products.
Formulation reverse engineering and characterization: Insights in application of various analytical techniques towards characterization of polymer, lipids, Nano crystals, their formulations and performance measurement of these formulations. This skill set helps to reverse engineer complex lipid and polymer based products, unravel process mysteries of innovator formulation, bridge gaps between in house formulation and innovator formulation.  
PAT tool identification and implementation: Identification of critical process steps and implementation of analytical techniques through out of box thinking for imparting robustness to process and IPQC.
Preclinical evaluation of complex formulations: Protocol preparation and designing of studies for in vivo polymer degradation, pk studies, tissue compatibility studies, toxicity evaluation of innovator and in house formulation. 

Future Goals

Seeking challenging assignment as R & D scientist with a growth oriented organization for strategizing and executing technology intensive novel formulation development such as Nano crystals, liposomes and microspheres. 

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