Ref. No. : CA - 16567 - (Purchase – with 26.3 years in Plastic Industry)


MBA Marketing From IISWBM Kolkata in 1999 to 2001

B.Tech From G.B.Pant University , Pantnagar in 1992 to 1996        

Skill Sets

Purchase/Sourcing/ Procurement / Distribution

Work Experience

Head Procurement
Since Feb 2012
Company Profile:Is the leading footwear manufacturer and marketer 
Job Profile:

Manager Imports
May 2005 to April 2010
Company Profile: Leading manufacturer of printing inks. Responsible for imports purchase of raw material, spares, machineries and finished inks for trading

Astt. Manager Production
June 03 to May 05
Company Name: DIC India Limited 
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Liquid Inks 

Marketing Executive:
Jul 1996 to Apr 1999
Company Name: Ajay  Industrial Corporation     
Company Profile: Is manufacturer of PVC pipes and Sprinkler systems
Job Profile:
Looking for sales and service in the northern region .

Purchase/Sourcing/ Procurement / Distribution:
•Handling sourcing through identification of cost effective vendors for procurement with an aim of reducing cost while improving quality & reliability. 
•Exposure of working in chemical industry , FMCG & tire industry .
•Strategic sourcing and defining group based sourcing strategies.
•Price negotiations with vendors and finalizing the prices.
•Approach towards formula based pricing for transparent price negotiations.
•Setting up benchmarking prices for the team .
•Managing inventory levels for ensuring ready availability of raw materials and trading items to meet procurement & despatch targets.
•Coordinating with other departments for material requirement planning, material procurement & purchase planning &  ensuring continuous supply at optimum costs.
•Selection of transporters for distribution of raw materials to different units ..
•Clearing of import consignments at  Mumbai, Chennai and ICD New Delhi .
•Utilizing advance licence for clearing import consignments.
•Import purchase of finished inks for trading in India .
•Purchasing of different  types of packaging items in flexible & metallic packaging .
•Handling import’s  of  spare parts and machineries for  plant and laboratory .
•Optimization of  inventory & subsequently reducing inventory carrying cost  .
•Cost negotiations & fixing of prices for third party manufacturing / outsourcing of jobs & subcontracting .
•Stream lining of purchasing process & development of various MIS for analysis.

Cost Reduction:
•Development of alternate sources /new vendors to reduce the cost . 
•Outsourcing of jobs to reduce costs.

Vendor / Freight Forwarder  Development:
•Identifying and developing alternate vendor source to achieve  cost effective purchases of raw materials with reduction in delivery time and improve consistency in quality.
•Assessing the performance of the vendors based on various criterions such as quality systems, rejections, quality improvement rate, timely delivery etc.
•Developing quality culture at vendor’s end through regular audits and quality checks .
•Conducting techno-commercial meetings & audit with vendors to improve on process efficiency of vendors .
•Identification of  different freight forwarders / transporters  for import  cargo and domestic consignment with an aim to minimise  cost  and reduce  the transit losses.
•Developed CHA ( for Import consignments )  on all India basis  who were controlled centrally.

Statutory Compliance:
•Ensuring  statutory compliance  for import  consignments .
•Releasing of PD bonds from customs for  consignments cleared by utilising advance licences for duty free imports.
•Obtaining SVB licence for group company imports.

Production Planning & Control:
•Reviewing production targets and achieve the same within time and cost parameters.
•Monitoring of daily weekly & monthly production plan and ensure meeting of targets.
•Preparation of MRP in concurrence with technical & sharing it with purchase .
•Optimising man & machine utilisation to achieve pre set production targets.
•Yield improvement and develop guidelines for the sequencing of manufacturing activities on the shop floor through effective man management .
•Minimizing performance bottlenecks for achieving high productivity .
•Conducted trial run of liqud inks in flexible packaging units /printing presses

Process Improvement / Audit:
•Implementing ISO 9001 and ISO 14001  standard in our department and ensuring proper documentation .
•Was Internal auditor for ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 in DIC India Ltd.
•Identifying areas of quality failures and take steps to rectify the system.
•Internal control frameworks, audit of TS 16949.

•Core team member ( in Birla Tyre ) for MM module in SAP implementation .
•Implemented Oracle 11i ( MM module ) at DIC India Limited ,Kolkata and rolled out  the application at six different factory locations.
•Imparting training to  system users at each roll out location.

Marketing & Sales:
•Sales & after sales service of water based system in northern region viz. Punjab , Jammu & Haryana .
•Utilization of subsidies from government .
•Responsible for sales of water based inks in NCR & co-ordination with production & stores to have requisite materials available at site for timely catering to customers .
•Concept selling of Baldwin basic liner machines , an added on benefit for sheetfed printing machines in NCR.

Team Building:
Review & monitor team’s performance .
Motivating  team & devising team building strategies to make team grow together.

Distinctive  Accomplishments  Across The Tenure:
Currently handling 1500 Cr worth of raw material purchase .
Responsible for 500 Cr project purchase in addition to raw material / spares / capex purchase .
Framing & revising of inventory norms for Birla Tyres .
Successful reduction of inventory by 25% in Birla Tyres .
Introduction of new vendors in 3 major spend categories in Birla Tyres resulting in easing of supply constraints & price benefits.
Savings in different segments by way of timely price negotiations,forward contract bookings & framing formula based pricing ( BT & Bata).
Framed policy and working procedure for effective procurement in ready uppers ( Bata India Limited ) .
Timely development of various new articles component in FMCG sector ( Bata India Limited ).
Developed new vendors and suppliers. Resolved many distinctive commercial issues( Bata India Limited ).
Significant  instance in reduction of airfreight for raw materials by ensuring timely availability of raw material in sync with production ..
Successful launch of water based ink in NCR , Delhi .
Reduction in stocks of slowmoving / non moving inks in LI division.

Projects  Undertaken:
During MBA :  Channel Motivation and Dealer Incentivisation   for Lafarge India Limited  , Kolkata
During B. Tech  : Summer training of one month  at Uttar Pradesh State  Cement Corporation Limited , Dalla on Heavy Earth Moving Equipments .
Preparing Inventory norms for Birla Tyres .
Oracle implementation.
SAP implementation .
Looking after  PCR  project . 

Future Goals


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