Ref. No. : CA - 24217 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 19 years in Plastic Industry)


M.E (Chemical Engg.)From Pune University (SCOE), Maharahstra in 2007

B.E. (Chemical Engg.)From Pune University (PREC)
Maharashtra in 2005

Work Experience

Technical Officer (Plastic Processing)
Since 2015
Company Profile: Is an autonomous Institute under Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, and Govt. of India.

Technical Officer (R&D)
2011 to 2015
Company Profile: Is an autonomous Institute under Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, and Govt. of India.

Graduate Engineer Trainee (R&D)
2007 to 2008
Company Name: CIPET Corporate

Technical Officer (Quality Assurance)
2008 to 2011
Company Name: CIPET

Professional Accomplishments:
To supervise and prepare research plans and programmes and to supervise the research work of other scientific members in collection of data, analysis of data and writing of reports
Technical Manager in NABL accredited laboratory since 2009, Third party Inspection of Plastic Products, as per ASTM, ISO and IS Standards.
Drafting Project Proposals for private and government bodies like DST, CSIR, towards financial assistance from sponsoring agencies, for Research and Developmental activities
Establishing conjoint association with Industries towards carrying out Developmental activities on mutual benefit terms with Industry-Institute work in partnership.
Handling theory and laboratory classes for B. Tech and M.Tech. Students, PhD Course Work under Utkal University, Odisha; Supervising the Project work of graduate and postgraduate students, in the upcoming fields of Polymers

M.Tech Project Supervised:
Technical Guide to M. Tech Project work:
Preparation and Characterization of Electrically and Thermally Conductive Polymeric Nanocomposites [(Regd. No.: 0907155020), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Self-organizing alignment of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube (MWNT) in Shape Memory Polymer fibre [(Regd. No.: 0907155026), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Preparation and property evaluation of Polyimide/ AlN composites [(Regd. No.:1007108010), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Biodegradable and bioactive porous polymer/inorganic composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering [(Regd. No.: 1007108007), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Preparation and characterization of thermally conductive insulated Polyimide/ CNT/ AlN nanocomposite films for microelectronics application
[(Regd. No.: 1107108023), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Effects of various modification of flyash on Mechanical, Electrical, Thermal and Morphological characteristics of Epoxy/ Flyash Composite [(Regd. No.: 1107108032), M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Comparative study on carbon black reinforced vis-à-vis graphide reinforced composites [Ongoing, M.Tech Polymer Nanotechnology (PNT), BPUT University]

Reinforcing polymer matrix with biodegradable wood fiber – for critical components [Ongoing, M.Sc.Tech Material Science and Engineering, Utkal University]

Evaluation of mechanical properties by varying loading of glass fiber and fine modified flyash in polyester matrix. [Ongoing, M.Sc.Tech Material Science and Engineering, Utkal University]

Equipments & Labs Handled
Imaging Laboratory: Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM @ 120 KV), Energydispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) Tomography attached with Recorder and Composer, Scanning Electron Microscopy.
Nanofiber generation Laboratory: Electro spinning with all its accesories
Weathering Laboratory: Accelerated UV Testing & Zenon Weatherometer tester

Research Publications:
(International Journals)
Preparation and Characterization of Electrically and Thermally Conductive Polymeric Nanocomposites
[Mousam Choudhury, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K Nayak, Rakesh Aphale, The Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. (JMMCE), Vol. 11, Issue No. 7, (2012), pp. 744-756. (doi: 10.4236/ jmmce.2012.117063)].

Effect of Surface Modification of Aluminum Nitride on Electrical and Thermal Characterizations of Thermosetting Polymeric Nanocomposites [Mousam Choudhury, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K Nayak, Journal of Polymer Composites, Vol. 34, Issue No. 1, (2013), pp. 1-14. (doi: 10.1002/pc.22366)].

Preparation and characterization of carboxyl-treated multiwalled carbon nanotubereinforced shape-memory polyurethane nanocomposites [Mousam Choudhury, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K Nayak, Journal of Thermoplastic
Composite Materials, Vol. 28, (2015), pp. 1173-1188. (doi: 10.1177/0892705713503673)].

Effect of different solvents in solvent casting of porous PLA scaffolds – in Biomedical and tissue engineering applications [Mousam Choudhury, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K Nayak, Journal of Biomaterials and
Tissue Engineering, (2015). (doi: 10.1166/ jbt.2015.1243)

Different solvents in solvent casting of porous PLA scaffolds – in Biomedical and tissue engineering applications [Mousam Choudhury, Smita Mohanty, Sanjay K Nayak, Journal of Biomaterials and
Tissue Engineering, (2015). (doi: 10.4172/2157-7552.1000142)

Oral Paper Presented At National/ International Symposium:
Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering ¡V A Suffuse Technology in Service of Mankind: A
APM 2013, CIPET Lucknow, March 1 - 3, 2013

PLA/PGA Scaffolds Prepared by Solvent Casting/ Particulate Leaching (SCPL) to Improve Pore Interconnectivity within Tissue Engineering Scaffolds.
ANTEC- 2012, Mumbai, Dec 6-7, 2012

Evaluation of Electrical and Thermal Properties of Polyimide/Aluminium Nitride Composites and Nanocomposites
ICNP-2012, Kottayam, Kerala, October 26-28, 2012

Water Pollutants and their Remedies
Workshop, Hach Water Solutions, Haldia, July 2009

Biodegradable Polymers
International Seminar at IPF (Indian Plastic Federation), Kolkata, 2009.

Rheological Properties and Flowability
International Seminar, Kolkata, 2009

Nanotechnology: Nano - Small is Big
National Seminar cum Conference Chennai, 2008

Grafted polymer blends - Processibility, Testing and Characterization
International Conference on Rubber & Rubber-like Materials (ICRRM-2007), December, 2007,
IIT Kharagpur

Preparation and working of Zeolite membranes - Novel separation technique
National level Conference on Chemical Technology, 2006 at Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune

Human Friendly Polymers
Polyvision, National Conference on Polymer Technology, 2003 at Nagpur

National Workshops Conducted:
Co-ordinator for Short Term Courses in Quality Control & Quality Assurance Dept:
Govt sanctioned TEDP under DST-NIMAT Project,
Testing & Quality Control for Minority Aliha University Participants,
Rendered consultancy to M/s Tega Industries, Kolkata.
In-house training on Effect on Water Test, January 2011.
Conducted Short Term Training on “Product Testing, Material Characterization and
Quality Control of Woven Sacks” August 2010.
Conducted and Participated in Seminar on “Awareness on UL Plastic standards by
Underwriters Laboratories, UL India Pvt. Ltd.”, August 2011.
Conducted a National Workshop on “Tomography, a 3D miracle to the science of Electron
Microscopy Imaging”, jointly held by CIPET and JEOL Japan, August 2012.
Conducted an Application Training Programme for Industrial Overseas delegates, on
“Compounding and Masterbatch Technology”, jointly held by CIPET and M/s Petromex
Resources Ltd., Malaysia, April 2013.

Sponsored Projects:
Modernization & Upgradation of UTM with an Environmental Chamber for
Testing of Polymeric Composites and Nanocomposites
Funding Agency: AICTE, New Delhi (Under MODROBS Scheme)
Role: Co-investigator
Status: Completed (2011)

Plastics Waste Management (PWM) – a review and survey in 12 major cities of
Funding Agency: Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB)
Role: Team member and Assessor for Kolkata (WB), Asansol (WB) and
Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Status: Completed (2011)

Survey on Plastics Waste Management of India by Sampling and Physical
Funding Agency: National Productivity Council (NPC)
Role: Team member for Kolkata (West Bengal)
Status: Completed (2011)

Synthesis & Characterization of Di-Phenylethynyl Endcaps
Funding Agency: The Boeing Company, USA
Role: Team Member
Status: Under Progress (2013 – 2015)

Major National/ International Assignments Handled
ICG Speciality Chemicals B.V., The Netherlands
Gulf composite, Dubai, UAE
Sabic Research and Technology Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
Gharda Chemicals, Maharashtra
ZF Electronics TVS Private Limited, Madurai
LM Wind Power Technologies (India) P. Ltd., Bangalore
L&T Integrated Engineering Services, Chennai
Maiestas Luminaries Pvt. Ltd., Bhubaneswar

Certified Internal Auditor as per ISO/IEC 17025: 2005, Underwent Training on Quality Management System (QMS), 2008
Foreign Tour and Overseas Research Training at Canada [University of Toronto, ( UoT)], Faculty of Forestry, Toronto, at The Centre for Biopolymers, 2010
Course in MATLAB, Chemical & Instrumentation Lab & Certificate Course on Allen Bradley PLC Systems, 2004
Electron Microscopy equipments for Morphology and allied studies on Electron Microscopy, at Institute of Physics, Govt. lab, Odisha, November 2011

Future Goals


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