B.Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) From School of Engineering & Technology, Paralakhemundi, CUTM in 2013 With 7.86%
H.S.C. From Royal College Of Science & Technology, Bhubaneswar, CHSE in 2009 With 71.2%
S.S.C. From Sanaganna High school,Laxmipur, Koraput BSE in 2007 With 76.4%
Can work well both alone and as a team.
Can able work on any type of environment.
Languages : C,C++
Programming : CNC lathe machine programming of Fanuc controller
Maintenance Suoervisor
Since Apr 2014
Company Profile: Contractor of Turbine Maintenance, Shutdown, Breakdown and handles some Projects also.
Job Profile:
Maintenance, Shutdown, Breakdown and handles some Projects also.
Handling the team of maintenance as a Supervisor of the Site.
Planning and execution of job as per the project schedule.
Review of daily progress and preparing action plan removing backlogs.
Co-ordination with contractor and client for any technical issues.
Analyzing the cause of the defects
Prepare Bar Chart, Overhauling protocol, MOM and final report. Alignment of Pumps.
Industrial/ Summer Training
Undergone a industrial study to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL) & done a project on “Turbine Performance Analysis of RD-33 Engine”
Completed one month course on “CATIA” software (design software) at CTTC, BBSR.
Completed two month course on “CNC programming” under NSDC
Project Title: Turbine Performance Analysis Of Rd-33 Ngine
May 2011 to Jun 2011
Company Name: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Skill Used: Used the principle of Thermodynamic by applying laws of Brayton Cycle as the RD-33 engine work on the basis of Brayton Cycle.
Project Details: The turbine assembly is one of the internal part of the engine and the performance of the turbine counts for the thrust of the engine.
Project Title :Automated Metal Inert Gas Welding Machine
Functionality of the project: The aim of the project is to construct a “Automated Robotic Arm Based Remote controlled MIG Welding Machine” which I am doing under the guidance of Mr. Mir Sadat Ali (IIT, KHARAGPUR) and awarded as one of the best project in the academic year.
Tools & Technique used in the project :-
A Robotic arm based remote control vehicle.
Motors (It gives linear & curvilinear motion to the vehicle )
A Remote to control all the parameters.
I want to make my career as a Mechanical Maintenance engineer by working hard in a well defined organization where i can apply and multiply my knowledge for the benefit of Organisation and my self as well
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