Diploma in Tool and Die Engineering from NTTF Training center Bangalore, Karnataka. India in 2008-2011 with 73%
Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate from SJSS High School Kallody Wayanad (Dist), Kerala, India. Board of Public Examination
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India in 2006 with 65%
Secondary School Leaving Certificate from SJSS High School Kallody Wayanad (Dist), Kerala, India. Board of Public Examinations, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India in 2008 in 64%
Software knowledge : AutoCAD 2007,2010, 2011,2013,2014 Pro-E Wildfire 4.0 basics, Mastercam.
Engineer Tool Room
Since August 2014
Company Profile: Manufacturer of injection plastic moulds
Job Profile:
Mould manufacturing and maintenance.
Attend the daily meeting a share the feedback and problems with production department.
Give proper training to new tool makers and trainees.
Study the design and indent Raw materials and standard parts.
Direct and coordinate manufacturing, construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation, and testing activities to ensure compliance with specifications, codes, and customer requirements.
Supervision of tool room department as an Engineer.
Responsible for testing, trouble shooting, repairing and installation of injection moulds.
Manage and handle all tool room workers.
Responsible to maintain the machine and machine equipment.
Follow the manufacturing method for new moulds.
Giving ideas to the machinist who working on the parts of mould.
Responsible to complete the projects on or before given time.
Tool And Die Maker Department (Tool Room)
Aug 2012 To Aug 2014
Company Profile: A one of the fastest growing Electrical Power Distribution Equipment Company manufacturing Domestic Appliances,Industrial Switches,Cables,Fans
Job Profile:
Mould manufacturing and maintenance.
History card maintaining and updating.
Trouble shooting the problems while running the production.
Load the tooling on machines having required capacity and pass the samples to QA.
Confirm the samples with QA and correct the dimensional and visual problems complaints by QA.
Attend the daily meeting a share the feedback and problems with production department.
Give proper training to new tool makers and trainees.
Take care the tooling and do the maintenance of the mould while running the production.
Study the design and indent Raw materials and standard parts.
Move the raw materials to different machines stage by stage and follow up the machining process.
Manufacturing of press tools , Jigs and Fixtures.
After assembly, carryout trail in press shop for a certain quantity.
Inspect the trail components and make corrections if any.
Study the Drawing and indent Raw materials and standard parts.
Move the raw materials to different and grind the plates.
Checking the alignment in between Die plate, Stripper and Punch holder respectively by keeping dowel pins in between plates.
Assemble the top and bottom half and check the alignment in between punch and die respectively transfer the dowels.
Final assembly of the tool and carry out the trail and inspect the components..
Trouble shooting of the tools as required for production
Technical Skills And Abilities
Ability to handle manufacturing and maintenance of injection moulds from 40 to 200 tons.
Expert in handling conventional machines
Basic working knowledge on non-conventional machines
Ability to undertake inspection activities in TMM, CMM.
Ability to understand 2D Drawings
Design of injection Moulds and press tools
Knowledge on plastic material and processing.
Working experience on jig boring machine (Hauser), super drilling machine.
Training Programmes
Inplant Training
Company Name: NTTF Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Company Profile: NTTFIL is one of the premier commercial tool rooms in India, having capability in designing and manufacturing precision Press tools, Injection moulds, Compression/transfer moulds, PDC Dies etc. and we can supply sub-assemblies, child parts (sheet-metal/ plastic). We have two production plants - at Bangalore and Vellore. NTTFIL is certified with ISO/TS16949: 2002 and ISO9001: 2000 by M/s. BVQI.
Location: Peenya industrial area,
Bangalore, Karnataka
Department: Tool Room
Industrial Training
Company Name: Titan Industries Ltd.
Company Profile: Titan Company is an Indian designer and manufacturer of watches, jewellery, precision engineering components and other accessories including sunglasses, wallets, bags and belts etc. Titan Company is the fifth largest integrated own brand watch manufacturer in the world entire between the Tata Group and exports watches to nearly 32 countries around the world
Location: 32,Sipcot industrial complex
Hosur-635 126 INDIA
Designation: Tool And Die Maker –Trainee
Department: Tool Room
Duration: From 11-07-2011 To 10-07-2012
I had done one year in industrial training as part of our curriculum prescribed by the technical board. So the duration of our course is four years. During this period we must be involved the works in tool room and our performance will be evaluated by authorized persons from NTTF . And marks will add to the sub total of theory and practical. Thus grant total will be calculated.
During this period I got much experience in the field of Tool and Die making. And also got the experience in all conventional tool room machines, sparking machines and measuring instruments. I made moulds for electrical companies like Havells india ltd, Philips, Ancher electrical etc.
For finding a good opportunity in the field of Tool and Die making, one that would build on my skills and experience in the manufacturing, Troubleshooting and Developments of Plastic Injection Moulds
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