Pursuing M.Tech in Production Engineering - 2nd sem. (First sem 8.3 SGPA)
B.Tech in Plastics Engineering From CIPET
Bhubaneswar in 2012 With 7.6 CGPA
Major Project: Enhancement of thermal conductivity of epoxy matrix composites filled with aluminum powder
Minor Project: Polypropylene clay nanocomposites for automobile application
Assistant Technical Officer
Since 10 June 2013
Company Profile: Plastics Engineering and Technology institute
Job Profile:
Overall Co-coordinator of Industrial (Polymer & plastic) tie-up for exchange programmed (Seminar, Conferences, Training, Placement)
Overall coordinator of MoDoNER Sponsoring course for the year 2013-14 and 2014-15(Successful Mobilizing, selection and Placement of North East Region candidates).
Polymer & Plastics Processing Department In charge from June 2013 To August 2014
Projects / Conferences / Publication:
Project: Synthesis & evaluation of Polypropylene/polyethylene Nanocomposites, 2013
Project: Performance enhancement by blending of polystyrene and rubber for thermal proper-ties, 2014
Project: Preparation of eco-friendly sustainable plastics from agricultural waste, 2015
Awareness Program-me on PRE-SELECTION OF PLASTIC MATERIALS V/S END PRODUCT by Underwriters Laboratory (UL-Lab.) 2011
Oral Presentation: National Conference Organized by NMIET, Bhubaneswar-2011 on “Polypropylene clay nanocomposites for automobile application”
Poster Presentation: International Conference APM 2013(Lucknow) on “Synthesis & evaluation of Polypropylene/polyethylene Nanocomposites”
Poster Presentation: International Conference APM 2014(Bhubaneswar) on “Performance enhancement by blending of polystyrene and rubber for thermal properties”
Publication: “Preparation of eco-friendly sustainable plastics from agricultural waste” in Im pact Journal ISSN 2347-4599 of Impact factor 1.9586
Conferences proceeding publication: APM-2013 & APM 2014
Hand On Experience:
Processing Laboratory:
Injection-molding machine & Extrusion(Automatic and semiautomatic)
Blow molding.(Automatic and semiautomatic)
Automatic compression molding machine
Advanced Extrusion Blown Film Technology.
Thermoforming Machine
Mechanical Laboratory:
Hardness tester
Impact meter (Ceast, Italy)
Contour cutter (Ceast, Italy)
Taber Abrasion Tester (Tabers, New York)
Universal Testing machine (UTM), Lloyd instruments ltd, U.K
Rheological Laboratory:
Melt flow Index Tester (Ceast, Italy)
Brooke field Viscometer (Brookfield, USA)
Characterization Laboratory:
Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A)
Thermo gravimetric Analyzer (TGA) (Perkin Elmer, U.S.A)
Dynamic mechanical analysis(DMA)
Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)(Carl-Zeiss)
Fourier transmission infra red(FTIR)(Thermo-Fischer)
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