Ref. No. : CA - 24108 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 9.1 years in Plastic Industry)


B.E (Polymer Engg.) From M.I.T-Pune, in 2013 with 66.20%

Diploma (Plastic Engg.) From Government Polytechnic, Nasik in 2011 with 82.81%

S.S.C From JSR High School In 2008 with 84.46%

Skill Sets

Experience in R&D, Quality assurance and characterization, Testing and analysis, Lab Practices and Documentation.
Experience in PVC and Plastics Additives, Polymer Composites & Blends, Polymer Compounding, Research and Development, New Product Development, testing and characterization, process optimization & control, standardizing production, Qaulity Control
Well-versed in handling, maintenance, operations and testing on various instruments like Analytical, Thermal, Mechanical, Electrical, Rheological, Polymer processing.
Sound communicator with good analytical, problem solving & organizational abilities.
Proficient in the implementation and maintenance of ISO quality standards

Training : 1 Month Training In Injection Moulding,Polymer Testing
Design : Pro-E, AUTO CAD
Computer : MS Word,MS Excel

Work Experience

R & D Engineer
Since 1 year 9 Months
Company Profile: Manufacturer of PVC Heat Stabilizers for PVC Pipes and Fittings (UPVC, CPVC, PPVC), PVC Profiles, Cables, Sheets, Films, Coatings, Automotive Seat Covers.
Job Profile:
New product Development
Research And Development
To carry out the lab trials for new product development and analyze the feasibility of its actualization by using Two Roll Mill, Torque Rheometer, Single Screw Extruder, Hydraulic Press, MFI, Congo Red Tester, Volume Resistivity meter,Oven Heat Stability Test etc
Carrying out All the R & D and Quality Assurance related day to day activities
Analyzing the competitor’s product and suggest the equivalent or to develop new product to meet the specified requirements.
Improvements in Existing Product to match customers requirements
Preparation of R&D Report.
Standardization of R and D Product
Introduction of new product developments
Preparation of illustration, test report & samples for newly developed products
To take pilot plant batch of newly developed Product in plant and Ensure Performance of newly
Developed Products
Quick Route Cause Analysis For Customer Complaints with Corrective Actions
Standardization of test procedures using existing & new machines.
Carry out finish good testing (Dyanamic Heat stability using Two Roll Mill, Static Heat Stability,Torque Rheometer Testing, MFI,Volume Resistivity Testing,Tensile Testing, Flexural Testing, Compression Testing, Specific Gravity, Refractive Index,Hydraulic Press-Colour Hold Test, Ash Content,Moisture Content, Metal Content, Colorometer)
Quality Assurance documentation like Certificate of Assurance, Material Safety Datasheet

Rheological Test, Static Heat Stability,Dyanamic Heat stability, Volume Resistivity, DSC Tensile Testing, Compression Testing, TGA, Heat Ageing test
Moisture Content Test, FTIR, Acetone immersion Test
Color matching test ,Melt flow index, Specific Gravity, Refractive index, Chemical Analysis, Bulk Density

Sofisticated Instrument Handalled
Plastic processing: Single Screw Extruder(Neoplast), injection Moulding Machine(Electronica),Calendering, High Speed Mixer(Neoplast),Two Roll Mill,Hydrualic Compression Press etc
Mechanical: Universal testing machine (Ceast, Instron), Impact tester (Ceast ), HDT/ VSP tester, Hardness Tester, Melting point apparatus.  
Rheology : Torque Rheometer, Melt Flow Index machine, Penetrometer.
Optical: Spectrophotometer, Refractometer, Colorometer, and Turbidity Meter.
Chemical: Karl-Fisher Titrator For Moisture Content Analysis,PH meter
Electrical :Volume Resistivity Meter,Surface Resisivity Meter

Seminars And Projects
Seminar On “Reuse Of Plastic Waste in Road Construction”(Diploma)
Seminar On Self Healing Polymers(Engineering)
Project- Manufacturing of Filament Winding Machine For Thermoset Pipes(Diploma)
Project-Self Healing Polymer Composites(Engineering)

Extra Curricular Activity
Student Volunteering in Chemical Engg.Syllabus Workshop.
Poster Presentation on Biodegradable Polymers in TechFest, MIT Aurangabaad.
Attended Introductory Lecture On “Distillation”

Area Of Expertise
Research & Development, Polymer Additives           Composites & Blends, Testing and Characterization   Quality Testing and Assurance, Quality Management System             

Future Goals

Aspiring for  a position to have exposure to a competitive environment and challenging responsibilities and contribute to growth of professionally manage organization.

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