B.E. Mechanical From Smt. S. R.Patel Engineering college, Dabhi ,Unjha, Mehsana.
G.T.U. in Year 2013 With C.G.P.A.-7.51 (CPI-6.69)
H.S.C From N.M. Nootan Sarva Vidyalaya, Visnagar. G.H.S.E.B in Year 2009 With 69.40%
S.S.C From Shethshri M.L.& Shethshri M.H. Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Visnagar. G.S.E.B in Year 2007 With 84.00%
Focus on the quality of a work rather than the usual working hour
Ableto work as a part of team.
Good grasping power.
Positive attitude over work..
Computer Skill :
SAP (System Application & Products)
ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning).
Familiar with M.S.Office& Internet.
Good Command on M.S.Excel.
Enginneer Production / Purchase
Since Oct 2013 To Present
Company Profile: Manufacturer of wide range of world class equipment to serve Road Construction Industry.
Job Profile:
Routine Work (Purchase):
Looking after for Shortages for routine production.
Prepare planning sheet for further projected material. Based on that, list out the required Items. Verify the stock with store department. Make purchase order in SAP for required material. Convey the order detail to supplier. Follow up to suppler for ordered material by mail, Phone etc. Solve the Technical query raised by supplier if any, with help of design dept. If required, make presence at suppler end on special case. Provide proper guide line for dispatch the material. Ensure to receive the dispatched material, by coordinating with transporter. Arrange our vehicle for material collection. Make bridge to A/C and Supplier for any Account related issue like payment, Forms etc.
New Development Work (Purchase):
Receive Bill of material for new development.
Receive information for New requirement from design / Planning dept. Study the requirement. And ask to design if more detail require. Also asked the required drawing if isn’t provided. Provide product information for market standard/ size availability to design dept, if required. Search the suppler and float Inquiry for require material. Make comparison of quoted price on financial & technical basis.
Negotiation to quoted price in term of price, payment terms etc. Complete the Vendor registration formality to New vendor. Convey the Vendor detail to Accounts dept to create Vendor Code in SAP. Make liaison to Vendor for non acceptable material receipt with help of QC Dept. Make meeting to new Visitor Suppler.
SAP (System) Related activity
MM01/02/03 – Create / Modify / Display Part code.
J1ID – Maintain Chapter Detail for excisable material.
ME21N/22N / 23N - Create / Modify / Display Purchase Order for material and Services.
ML81N – For service entry.
ME2N – List of Pending PO.
MB51 – To see the receipt of material MB52 – To display current Stock.
MB5S – To see GR/IR balance list MM60 – To get Landed Cost of Material ZMMRT – To get Material’s Last PO Price (Net & Gross) also Moving Avg Price.
F-47-Advance Payment CS-15 – To see the where use material.
CS03 – To see Bill of Material. ZPURG – To see the Purchase Register ME12 – Change the Info record.
FBL1N – To see Vendor Account Ledger.
Academic Achivements
Project (Undertaken In B.E):
At Smt S. R. Patel Engineering College, Dabhi, Unjha, Mehsana.
Title:“Development Of Automation Foundry”
Paper Presented
Presented a Paper A National level Technical Symposion X it ij (Sardar Patel Institute of Technology, Piludara) 2011 and has secured/rank 2(second)position. (Title:-JUST IN TIME)
Presented a Paper A National level Technical Symposion ELIXIR (V. V. P. Engg. College, Rajkot) in 2010.
Seminar Attended
Work shopon “TECHNOPHILIA INDO-U.S 2011” held at Smt .S. R Patel Engineering college Dabhi, Unjha.
Work shopon“Energy Conservation Awareness Workshop”held by GEDAat Smt. S. R. Patel Engineering college Dabhi, Unjha.
Completed training at PPI PUMPS PVT.LTD. Vatva, Ahmedabad.
To be come a successfully professional in the field of Manufacturing &Production and to work In aninnoviate and comparative world willing to work as a key player in challenge and creative environment.
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