Ref. No. : CA - 10706 - (Production - Moulding – with 15.7 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech Plastics Technologies From Central Institute Of Plastics Engineering And Technology (C.I.P.E.T) Chennai, Anna University in 2009 With 71%

B.Tech. Polymer Technology From Kamaraj College of Engineering And Technology, Virudhunagar, Anna University in 2007 With 68%

Diploma in Polymer Technology From Tamilnadu Polytechnic College, Madurai Autonomous in 2004 With 76%

Skill Sets

Process improvement, Research and development,Research and technical,CATIA-V5R16 ,Auto CAD

Area of Interest: 
Process improvement
Research and development
Research and technical

Work Experience

Production Engineer
Since Aug 2009 to Feb 2011
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Packaging Bottles & Jars, Tin Containers, Plastic Containers, etc
Job Profile:
Responsible for the functioning of automatic injection molding machines
Machines handled Sumitomo - 450, Negribossi-360, Hishiya-140 tones.
Material used is PP
Conducting mold and material trials and provide technical assistance for the improvement.
Production optimization, cycle time reduction and quality improvement
Optimizing man & machine utilization to achieve production targets

Academic Projects: 
Design and analysis of “Pressure Dampener” during M.Tech degree final year in CAD/CAM/CAE Centre in CIPET, Chennai
“Rejection control using statistical process control” during B.Tech degree final year in TVS Rubber, Madurai

Training Program: 
TVS Rubber, Madurai, India
Three months project training.

Participated in “Recent trends in condensed matter physics” at V.V.V.COLLEGE, Virudhunagar
Participated in “Recent advances in Nano science and technology” at Periyar University, Salem

Extra Curricular Activities:
Undergone Personality Development Programme in Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar
Undergone Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar

Area of Interest:
Process improvement
Research and development
Research and technical

Future Goals

To obtain meaningful and challenging position by contributing my knowledge and experience to develop the company’s technological advancement and product superiority, and also enables me to improve & gain knowledge in the field of polymer technology

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