Ref. No. : CA - 21308 - (Production - Moulding – with 21.5 years in Plastic Industry)


D.P.T. (Diploma in Plastic Technology) From Tamilnadu Polytechnic of College, in 2002 with 87%

Skill Sets

13 years of experience in Quality Assurance Paint & plastics, (injection moulding, blow moulding, body paint & plastics paint) department.
To assure process quality through all the stages of painting and ensure adherence to manufacturing quality systems and processes. Conducting Process audit (process/ product parameters, method, material, people deployment, equipment) and working to close the Non-conformances.  Handling Internal & external customer complaints, finding the root causes & taking counter measure against NC's.

Work Experience

Engineer - House Quality Assurance - (Paint & Plastics & Body b/w at Green Field Project) 
Since May 2010
Company Profile: OEM contract manufacturer for passenger cars
Job Profile:
Quality problems analyzing and countermeasure implementation – body & Paint related Problems in Paint shop/Assembly shop.
To analyze major quality concerns and find out the root cause to improve the dimensional Accuracy of the body.
Taking ownership of after sales parts Quality.
Handling of customer complaints and initiate corrective action for customer complaints and in house rejections. Leading the QCC team in operator levels. Conducting internal audits and attends customer audits.
Having good knowledge in color matching process for Body & Bumper.
Having good knowledge in stamping shop & Body shop. (Panel quality, Weld & W/B evaluation).
Eliminated repeated customer complaint.
Introduced first piece inspection and reduced rejections.
Develop and validation of New product/Project (Stamping, Body, Paint, Plastics).
Reduced process scrap by process changes.
Analysed Cost of Quality.
Analyses in house customer quality problems and implement continuous PDCA to improve the same
Implement Genba Kanri (Shop Floor Management Techniques) to establish standard Manufacturing Procedures
Implement 5’S to establish standard manufacturing procedures
Supervised 15 quality technicians
Developed internal and external auditing procedures
Interacting with R&D for customer specifications & technical specifications.
Body Tear down and analysis.

Ed Contamination concern reduction from 15 dpu to 7dpu in SGA.
Sealer bubble/poor repair reduction 40 DPHU to 15 DPHU in SGA.
Body & Bumper colour miss match concern reduction from 10 DPHU to 2 DPHU (DPHU-Defect per hundred units, SGA-small group activities)

Quality Assurance Supervisor 
April 2007 to May 2010
Company Profile: Leading automobile ancillary for interior/exterior plastic molding & painting and assembly for leading passenger car maker in India

Quality Assurance Supervisor 
Oct 2005 to April 2007
Company Name : Motherson Automotive Technologies & Engineering

Quality Supervisor(Trainee)
Jan 2003 to Sept 2005
Company Name : Suba Plastics

Trainings & Knowledge Purview 
May 2002 – Oct 2002
In-plant training in Perfect Plastic Industries
7QC Tools, 5’S, etc
MS Office

Areas Of Exposure/expertise
Quality Assurance
Inspection Validation of Product and Process parameters of  body & Bumper paint shop, moulding shop, Body & Stamping
Body & bumper colour matching in vehicle condition. 
Leading new project and Develop validation of New product/Project (stamping, Body, Paint, Plastics).
Resolve quality concern in painted parts & Panel condition.
Auditing the In -process inspection in paint & plastics at shop floor line.
Handling Internal & external customer complaints, finding the root causes & taking counter measure against NC's. 
Assuring the quality of incoming (paint, plastic, Metal) as per standards.
Carry out regular assembly process audits and initiate the corrective actions
Carry out regular job observation in team members
Qualifying first piece inspection for final products.
Handled customer Complaints and feedback.
Facilitated and lead quality team meetings
Body weld quality & Stamping panel quality confirmation

Quality Management
Maintaining quality standards for the process, ensuring stringent adherence to quality standards, norms & practices, identifying gaps and taking corrective action. 
Monitoring adherence to quality standards of ISO, TS & customer relevant documents.
Responsible for internal audit and supplier audit programs
Responsible for root cause analysis of internal and external quality issues.
Responsible for measuring, analysing, and reporting of plant quality metrics.
Conducting Process audit (process/ product parameters, method, material, people deployment, equipment) and working to close the non-conformances.

Future Goals


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