Ref. No. : CA - 6188 - (Production Planning - Plastic Products and Processing – with 18.8 years in Plastic Industry)


Professional Qualification:
Three year Diploma in Plastic Engineering from Guru Nanak Dev Polytechnic, Rohini Sector-15, Delhi -110085 under Board of Technical Education Delhi.

Academic Qualification:
Graduate from Delhi University
12the passed from CBSE in 2003
10the passed from CBSE in 2001

Skill Sets

Production Planning and Control

Work Experience

Production Engineer
Since July 2006
Presently working with leading company

Company Profile
The company is a leading manufactured of plastic component for Automobile seats and Seats for cinema. It boasts of a strong customer base of Maruti Udyog Ltd., Fiat India Ltd., Krishna Group, Spack Automotives, Bharat Seats Ltd., Pinnacle Industries Ltd., Vijayjyot Seats Ltd. etc.

Job Profile:
To draw the time plan to complete task
Sampling in process and final inspection of the components.
Analysis of In house rejection and customer end rejection and defects.
Implementation of 5S in the plant.
Implementation of single peace flow.
Production planning and process inspection.
Handling of ISO documentation to insure the best quality.
Handling the house keeping and best utilization of manpower.
To entertain the customer enquiries regarding new components.
Study of raw material market and to look for parallel sources for development of parts.

Future Goals

To get a creative and challenging work as a growth oriented position in a professionally managed and dynamic organization where I can exercise my technical and interpersonal skills those provide me the opportunities for development and responsibilities to contribute towards the organization.op

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