Ref. No. : CA - 15738 - (Senior Admin and Projects – with 28.7 years in Plastic Industry)


Diploma in Chemical Engineering from Mumbai University in 1996 with 72.0%

S.S.C from Pune University in 1993 with 84,0 % 

Skill Sets

Operation,Maintenance, project, HVAC,Chiller, Compressor, AHU, Plant maintenance with Dryer, Extruder, Conveying etc,

Work Experience

Industrial Engineer
Since Feb 2013
Company Profile: A  manufacturing and exporter of polyester and nylon textured, twisted and dyed yarns, covered yarns, high tenacity yarns and sewing thread.
Job Profile:
I have been involved in the Project of POY Spinning, Texturising,Twisting
I was also involved in erection of complete POY spinning with 05 lines,02 Dryer having 300TPM yarn production capacity with different colors.
My projects include - Compressor, Air Handling Units,Air Dryers, Chiller ,Cooling tower,Ducting, complete piping Testing ,Erection & commissioning for proper operation, extruder, dowtherm boiler, polymer filter, chips dryer, winders & inside complete structure fabrication with related piping & support, effluent treatment plants and boiler water treatment.
I have successfully erected & commissioned the spinning plant with Automation for the doffing.
Also includes the 06 nos Him son Auto doffer machine with 288 nos spindles of each erection & taken in production within house material.
My job also included Erection & commissioning of 24 nos Twister, handling of Mechanical & Utility operation as well as maintenance.
My involvement in Production planning & Sales of the product was of great appreciation.
Completely Involved in Production planning from purchase order receiving ,Plan with Production department. Purchasing required Material by checking the Inventory available. Get.Get the order completed Make the packing & delivery as per confirmed date.
Handling of Customer services since 02 years in USA. Waterborne,SC.

Sr. Manager Utility 
May 2011 to Feb 2013
Company Profile: A Vertically integrated textile manufacturing company
Job Profile:
I have been looking after complete utilities includes Vapor abortion chillers, cooling towers, gas fired boiler and coal fired boilers, waste heat recovery boilers, 6000 M3 per day Water system with D.M. Plant, softening plants, raw water system, Effluent Treatment plant Having Capacity 1200 m3 per day, Entire cooling water & boiler water treatment 
Involved in Energy conservation Program for complete utilities, Increased Boiler efficiency from 78% to 82%, Decreased ETP inlet load, Increased Softener & D.M. Plants OBR
Handling of Operation & Maintenance of the above utility equipment
Reporting to Vice President (Utility)

Manager Projects & Engg
May 2010 to Apr 2011
Company Name: Raj Rayon Limited
Company Profile: The Company is engaged in manufacturing textured yarn of polyesters and polyesters chips.
Job Profile:
Looking after all projects & modifications in total plant. Involving Extruder splitting project for colored yarn manufacturing. Involving the modification which has to be done for smooth plant performance
Leading the Mechanical & utility department for proper planning of maintenance & close monitoring of equipment operation to well & continuous performance. Reporting to president

Team member APO
Jan 2009 to May 2010
Company Name: Polygenta Technologies Limited
Company Profile:  Manufacturers of polyester texturised and twisted filament yarns, from recycled and upgraded polyester waste products.
Job Profile:
Looking after all utilities piping ,erection & commissioning of equipments includes Thermic fluid heater, steam boiler, water treatment plant, effluent treatment plant, cooling tower,chiller,Ahu,Nitrogen plant, air dryers etc
Starting of all utility equipment with their specified utilities to plant before targeted time
Evaluating the total equipment performance by their designed specification with the supplier. Leading the Department in operation as well as maintenance. Scheduling the preventive maintenance & implementing on time
Involving the MPCB & Factory licensing work related to boiler, ETP, Fire hydrant & soil pollution
Involving all Erection & commissioning activity of poy & text rising plant having capacity 100 tons per day. Reporting to Team Leader APO

Sr. Engineer
June 2004 to Dec 2008
Company Name: PamisTex Pvt.Ltd
Company Profile: A manufacturer of texturised yarn, twisted yarn
Job Profile:
Handling of all project activity starting from equipment selection, technical comparisons of vendors, selection of correct vendor since starting of the project
Purchasing of all equipment from selected vendors.Erection of all utility equipment & successful commissioning of Kirloskar compressors, air dryers, Water treatment system, chiller, Air conditioning system, cooling water section etc
Handling of Mechanical & utility, Electrical & Instrumentation Department independently
Enabling the capacity of the poy project is 45 Ton per day in starting but it will increased up to 65 ton per day ,by doubling of the winders consisting of mechanical maintenance of 6 poy lines including raw material unloading, charging, and drying of the chips. Polyesters chips dryer 55 ton per day capacity DHP china make. Extrusion of the polyesters chips with the help of extruders'.Regular maintenance of extruder, winders, spinning gear pump gear box & other all mechanical equipment
Handling of engg. department with planning, inventory spares consumption, preventative maintenance of the total equipment. To manage & control the manpower of department including Engineers & Technicians etc. Reporting to the Vice president (Works)

Engineer in Mechanical & Utility Department
June 1999 to June 2004
Company Name: JBF Industries Ltd
Company Profile: A Diversified manufacturing company, active in yarn spinning and polymers. Raw white and black dope dyed partially oriented yarns, and polyester
Job Profile:
I have been involved in all routine work in shift as well as in General shift. Working in maintenance & operation of all utility & Main plant Equipment & machinery
In utility I was looking after all compressed air system including their air dryers. Chilled water generation & supply, Air conditioning of total plant. Steam generation & supply, D.M.Plant, cooling water system with cooling tower & their pumps
I have also been handling all water treatment & fire hydrant system operation & maintenance
Under the main plant, consisting of chips dryer including their conveying system, loading unloading of raw material system. & polymerization process equipment maintenance including Extruders. Winders & Spinning equipment etc
My work as involved me in ISO work, maintaining the all record related to the system & follow the preventive maintenance of the equipment monthly & yearly schedule
I have control the General shift manpower with their duties & related work and have reported to General Manager Engg.

Service Engineer
June 1996 to June 1999
Company Name: Thermax 
Company Profile: It manufactures, boilers, vapour absorption machines, offers water and waste solutions and installs captive power projects. 
Job Profile:
During this service period, I was handling various Vapor Absorption chiller such as direct fired, steam fired in single effect or double effect from 110 TR to 1400 TR, erection & Commissioning of the chiller with their accessories including cooling tower, pumps of cooling tower & chilled water system etc, revamping &rectification of the chillers, handling of the total breakdowns & attending of all customers complaints related to the chiller & air conditioning.

Future Goals

To embrace a challenging job in the company and to employ my proficiency towards advancement of the company and aspiration of my career.

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