Ref. No. : CA - 23163 - (Production - Extrusion – with 18.3 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Sc From Utkal University in 2003

H.S.C. From CHSE Orissa in 2000

S.S.C. From Board of Secondary Education Orissa
in 1998

Skill Sets

Tally.9, DCA From NICE

Ability, Interest and willingness to learn
Time management
Abundant Talent

Work Experience

Sr Production - Assistant : Since Jul 2015
Production Assistant : May 2008 to May 2012
Company Profile: Manufacturer of different types of Telecom ducts and water pipes. Its major customers Airtel, Idea, Vodafone, Dark Fibre Africa (Pty) Ltd & BSNL Ltd Etc

Production Eng/Shift In Charge
May 2012 to June 2015
Company Profile: Manufacturer of different type of packaging product i.e. medium, bulk barrel and HDPE pressure pipe from 20mm to 250mm. it’s major customers waker ltd., shell, Hindustan ltd. Nalco Ltd, sika, tide water, veedol etc.

Production Assistant
May 2007 to April 2008
Company Name: Finolex Cable Ltd.
Company profile: Manufacturer of different type of Cable for domestic& industrial use

Working Knowledge
Operating and handling for Production of PLB Ducts, Pressure pipe, DWC pipe, Irrigation pipe and gas pipe of different size.
Preventive maintenance and trouble shooting of different product such as 40 mm
Tornado plus, Future path, Silicore ducts, Pressure pipe Etc.
Supervision of temperature and respective parameters of 2-3 extruders used for Co-extrusion process. 
Work experience on single screw Kabra & Davis Standard Extruder of Out put of 150 Kg/hr to 500 Kg/hr.
Maintaining products specification within limits specified and production of good quality.
Worked in manufacturing of IW of diff size, Rod breakdown process, Kablemate m/c like DS, Nihoff, RBD and Next Room Technology.
Product changes over of different sizes and colors.
Knowledge of Documentation ISO and BIS document of diff products.
Quality test of incoming raw material.
CBC, MFI, CBD, Elongation, HPT and density test of finished goods.

Future Goals

A strong positive self-image which is the best possible preparation in success of life is the way, I take up things in building a strong and successful career and to grow up with the professionally managed learning organization and to work in a challenging environment requiring constant development of fresh skills and to utilize my existing skills to the maximum

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