Ref. No. : CA - 24007 - (Senior Admin and Projects – with 9.2 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech. (Polymer Science & Technology) From Tezpur University, Tezpur, Assam in 2013

B.E. (Chemical Engineering) From College of Engineering, Pune, Bharati Vidyapeeth University in 2010 with 64.06%

Skill Sets

Experience in Research and Development 
Exposure in managing research activities, coordinating with the team and enhancing process operations
Demonstrated competence in executing a wide gamut of functions viz. data management, analytical research, validation, quality control documentation and co-ordination
Well versed with concepts of polymer, paints, adhesive, plastic, rubber, R&D, resins, patent and polymer characterization
A thorough professional with a proactive attitude, capable of thinking in & out of the box
Exceptional communication, presentation and analytical skills

Work Experience

Project Assistant
Since 1 Year
Company Profile: Leading R & D organisation.
Job Profile:
Identifying, collecting, processing, analyzing and cataloguing data according to established protocol, procedures & standards, as appropriate to specific objectives of the research study
Planning and organizing day-to-day research activities and resolving procedural problems, as appropriate for the timely completion of research objectives
Characterizing all lab prepared compounds and handling data management, literature updates & report presentations
Ensuring appropriate procedures & standards for the collection and preservation of data are adhered to
Testing & inspecting the standards and taking the necessary actions for the non-conformities

Played a pivotal role in carrying out research on the modification of softwood’ in M.Tech. Project

M.Tech. Projects:
Title: Melamine Formaldehyde-Acrylamide Copolymer and Plant Polymer Impregnated Softwood Polymer Composite
Period:6 months
Role:Literature survey, experimental work, preparation of report, analysis of results 
Title: Natural Fiber Reinforced Urea-Formaldehyde Clay Nanocomposite
Period:6 months
Role:Literature survey, synthesis of resin, preparation of report, analysis of results 

B.E. Project:
Title: Novel Techniques for Treatment of Hazardous Industrial Waste Water
Period:6 months
Role:Study of different techniques, methods used for treat waste water and preparation of report based on it

Summer Training:
Present company
Duration: 2 months
Role: Study of the project and prepared a report as Trainee

Future Goals

Seeking middle level assignments in Research and Development with an organization of high repute

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