Ref. No. : CA - 10664 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 14.7 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech. Degree In Plastic Technology From Central Institute Of Plastics Engineering & Technology (CIPET), Lucknow. Affiliated To UP Technical University With 76% Marks In 2010.
M.Sc. (Industrial Chemistry ) from M.G.C.G.V. Chitrakoot, Satna MP
B.Sc. (Chem. Phy, Maths.) from APS University Rewa MP

Skill Sets

Research & Development of plastic material as well as plastic waste.
Knowledge of handling DSC, TGA and other testing instruments.
Efficient knowledge in Testing of Plastic Materials, Additives & Compounding & blending of Polymers.
Knowledge of managerial skills.
Testing of Mechanical, Thermal, Electrical, Optical properties of plastic materials.
Practical experience in Plastics processing techniques.

Work Experience

QC and R&D Executive
Since 2010
Company Profile: Is a plastic compounding industry in R&D

I have done my Project on “Effect of surface treatment of nano CaCO3 on properties of EPR modified PP/CaCO3 nano composite” at CIPET Lucknow.

Polymer composite and polymer chemistry.
Research and development in field of polymeric material and value addition in recycled plastics.
Experience of Polymeric material compounding and testing.

Research & Development of polymeric material compounding and their application.
Searching new area of utilization of used plastic.
Polymeric material and product Testing Laboratory.

Paper presentation in National seminar, POLY-ERA’ 10, College of Engineering and Technology, Akola. (M.S.).
Paper presentation in National Conference on, ‘Frontiers in Polymer Nanomaterials & Composite’ at B.S. Abdur Rahman University, Vandalur, Chennai.
Poster presentation in International Conference “APM 2010” on “Advancements in Polymeric Materials” at LARPM, CIPET Bhubaneswar.
Poster presentation in International Conference “MACRO 2010” on “Frontiers of Polymers & Advanced Materials” at Center for Polymer & Engineering IIT, Delhi.

Future Goals

To seek a challenging opportunity to enhance my technical skills & ability with polymer field to the best of my potential & caliber and develop a new path in plastic industry.

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