Ref. No. : CA - 21106 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 11.5 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech (Polymer Science And Technology) From University of Calcutta in 2014 with 83%

M.Sc (Organic Chemistry) From Rajabazar Science
College in 2012 with 64.3%

B.Sc (Chemistry) From Scottish Church College in 2010 with 57.125%

Skill Sets

Scanning Probe Microscope (BRUKER Dimension ICON)
(Scan Asyst, Tapping, Contact mode, STM, Liquid Imaging, TR Mode, EFM,
MFM, Heating Cooling, Lateral Force Microscopy, Force Modulation, and Peak
Force QNM)
Electrochemical analyzer/workstation, CHI 604E
(Cyclic Voltammetry, Galvanostatic charge discharge, Differential
pulse voltammetery, Impedance spectroscopy, Amperometry)
Optical Profilometer (BRUKER ContourGT-K)
Maskless Lithography (Intelligent Micropatterning SF100 Xpress )
Contact Angle Measurement System (SEO Phoenix 300 )
Stylus Profilometer (AEP Technology NanoMap-LS)
Horizontal Tubular Furnace
Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
Spin Coating Unit for thin film deposition
Electron Beam evaporator Techniques for Thin film deposition

Work Experience

Junior Project Scientist
Dec 2014 to Sep 2015
Company Profile: Leading Engineering And Technology University 

Research experience of Two years during M.Tech (2012-2014)
Research Interests:
Heterocyclic synthesis and characterizations
Nanomaterial preparation and application
Polymer synthesis and characterization
Polymer in biomedical application

Project Experience
My M.Sc project was Synthesis of benz [d] oxazolone involbing concomitant acetyl migration from oxygen to nitrogen and its subsequent conversion to benz-[d]-oxazole- 2(3h)-thione. Under the supervision of Dr. S-Roy, University of Calcutta.

My M.Tech project was “Studies on the synthesis and characterization of Nanocellulose prepared from bamboo dust and its application in polymer nanocomposites” Under the supervision of Prof Debabrata Chakraborty, University of Calcutta.

Project was Design and Synthesis of Novel Non-Chemically Amplified (n-CARs) Hybrid Resists for Next Generation Lithography (NGL) Applications Intel Project ,under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kenneth E. Gongalvas, IIT Mandi.

Project was Patterning of polymer for bio-medical application.Under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Kenneth E. Gongalvas, IIT Mandi.

All India Joint admission test qualified (JAM) 2010.
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) 2012

GRE 2016March:283

Characterization Used:
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Infra-Red Spectroscopy (IR)
UV-Visible-NIR spectrophotometer
Electron Beam Lithography (EBL)
Chromatography and GPC.
lithography particularly resists formulation, thin film optimization, developing condition
optimization, pre-bake, post-bake temperature optimization, patterning using electron
beam lithography, and pattern transfer using etching technique.
Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)
X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)
UV-Visible-NIR spectrophotometer
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Raman Spectroscopy

List of Publications:
International Journals:
Subrata Ghosh, V. S. V. Satyanarayana, Bulti Pramanick, Satinder K. Sharma,Chullikkattil P. Pradeep, Israel Morales-Reyes,Nikola Batina,Kenneth E. Gonsalves, Patterning highly oredred arrays of complex nanofeatures through EUV directed polarity switching of non chemically amplified photoresist. Nature Scientific Reports.

Narsimaha Mamidi, Bulti Pramanick, Satinder K Sharma, Subrata Ghosh, chullikkattil P.Pradeep and Kenneth E. Gonsalves,Design and development of low
Activation Energy based n-CARs for next generation EUV lithography, Accepted in Proceedings of SPIE (2016).

International Poster presentation:
Spectroscopy Characterization Of Polycarbonate Variety Lexan 12IR In Composite Films With Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle. C Larosa, B.Pramanick, Z.Zelca, S.Kukle, N.Bragazzi, Nanospectroscopy Cost Action MP 1303, Rome.

National Conferences:
Recent advances in polymer & rubber science & technology (RAPT) International Conference 2014 February. Department of Polymer Science and
Technology, University of Calcutta, India.

Workshops Attended:
Inup familiarization workshop on nanofabrication technologies, May 27 - 29, 2015, VMCC, IIT Bombay.

Future Goals

With an intrinsic readiness for hard work and firm commitment I am looking for a career
in a well known university where I can teach/work and can take part in the extreme
growth of the organization. To learn and function effectively in a research institute and be able to deliver to the bottom-line. I want to constantly upgrade my knowledge and skills.

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