Ref. No. : CA - 23398 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 19.2 years in Plastic Industry)


PhD in Polymer Science From University of Mysore in 2012

Post-Graduation in Chemistry/ Polymer Science From University of Mysore in 2006 with 76%

Graduation in Polymer Chemistry From Calicut University, India in 2004 with 78%

H.S.C. From Calicut University in 2001

S.S.C. From Dayapuram Residential School, Calicut, in 1999

Skill Sets

Experience in teaching and research, Possess exposure to Mechanical laboratory, Rheological Laboratory, Characterization Laboratory & Processing Laboratory of polymers. Possess excellent communication and teaching skill with theability to deal the issues with accuracy & precision.

Work Experience

Assistant Professor - Chemistry
Since Feb 2011
Company Profile: Leading engineering college
Job Profile:
Design and synthesis of polycrystalline lead free perovskites (CH3 NH3MX3) by precipitation method
Fabrication of photosensitizing layer (Perovskites, TiO2, ZnO and their composites) by CVD technique
Fabrication & Stability studies of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
PVDF based thin film sensors.
Blends and nanocomposites
Modules Taught:
Engineering Chemistry- First year Engineering 
Polymer Science and Technology-  V SEM Chemical Engineering
Polymer Processing- VI SEM Chemical Engineering
Composite Materials- VI SEM Chemical Engineering 
Chemistry of Materials- VII SEM Engineering Elective

Teaching cum Research Assistant
June 2007 to Jan 2011
Company Profile: Private engineering college.

Inspection Supervisor
October 2006 to May 2007
Company Name: Agreenkare latex

Ph.D Thesis Title:
Synthesis, Characterization and Toughening of Novolac Type Phenolic Resin for Composite Preparation

Projects Guided:
Project Title: Development and Characterization of Elastomeric Nanocomposites
Period: Jan 2013- June 2013, Team Size:  3 Students
Project Title: Development and Characterization of Natural Rubber/Polyvinyl Alcohol Interpenetrating Polymer Network nanocomposites”
Period: Jan 2014- June 2014, Team Size:  4 Students

Invited Talk & S:
Invited Talk on Conducting Polymers in a national seminar organized by Nehru Arts and Science College, University of Kannur, Kerala,India on 6-2-2014.

Programmes Organized:
International Conference on Environmental Research-ICER-14 in R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India from 26th to 28th December, 2014.
Three day workshop on “Vacuum Technology for Green Industry” in R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India between  2nd& 4th December, 2013. 
National Conference on Multifunctional Engineering Materials (NCMEM-2013) in R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India on 29th&30th November,2013. 
Two day workshop on “Advances in Polymer Science and composites” in R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India on 30th&31st August 2013.

Development Programmes, Workshops & Training Attended:
Faculty Development Programme on “Better Engineering Skills Through Better Chemistry Protocols” organized by Department of Chemistry, NIT, Calicut, Kerala, India from 9th-13th June 2014.

3 Day workshop on “Synthesis & Characterization of Thin Films and Nano Materials” organized by departments of Mechanical, Electronics& Communication, Chemical, Physics & Chemistry, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India during 12th- 14th February 2014.

Faculty Development Programme on “Changing Scenario in Energy and Environment” organized by Chemical Engineering Dept.- NIT, Calicut, Kerala, India from 9th-13th December 2013.

Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Materials Characterization and Analyses” jointly organized by departments of chemistry and mechanical engineering at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India from 29th July to 2nd August 2013.

Faculty Development Programme on “Bio Fuels: Prospects and Challenges” organized by Mechanical Engineering Dept. - NIT, Calicut, Kerala, India from 9th-13th December 2013.

Faculty Development Programme on “Renewable and Hybrid Energy Technologies”  jointly  organized by the departments of Che/IEM/EEE/CE at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India from 18th to 22nd March 2013.

Faculty Development Programme on ‘Characterization Techniques in Nanotechnology’ organized by the School of Nano Science and Technology - NIT, Calicut, India from 28-6-2012 to 4-7-2012

Faculty Development Programme on ‘Advanced Nanomaterials- Process, characterization and Applications’ during 6-12 July 2011 organized by the School of Nano Science and Technology - NIT, Calicut, India.

Faculty Development Programme on ‘Green Chemistry and Environment’ during 17-19 February 2011 conducted by Dept. of Chemistry, R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India

Implant Training on Processing and Testing of Polymers from CIPET Mysore, Karnataka, India

Technical Ambit:
Mechanical laboratory: Universal Testing machine (UTM), Izod-charpyImpact machine, Computerized servo hydraulic machine(Fatigue testing)

Rheological Laboratory: Twin Screw Extruder, Melt flow Index Tester (Ceast), Brookefield
Viscometer (Brookefield, USA), Two-roll mill.

Characterization Laboratory:Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) (Mettler Germany), Weathering Chamber, Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Tunneling   Microscope (STM) (Nanosurf Switzerland), Microtrac particle size analyser, X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD), FT-IR.UV Visible spectrophotometer, Raman Spectrometer. Stylus Profiler.

Processing Laboratory: CVD Technique, Filament Winding Machine, Microwave assisted Polymer Curing Machine.

Anish Johns, Jobish johns, Bhagyashekar M S,  Charoen Nakason, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee “Optimization Study of Ammonia and Glutaraldehyde Content on Vulcanization of  Natural Rubber Latex” – Accepted for publication in Iranian polymer Journal, Springer Publications.

B J Manujesh, VijayalakshmiRao, “Moisture absorption and mechanical degradation studies of polyurethane foam cored E-glass-reinforced vinyl-ester sandwich composites” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites,March 2014; vol. 33, 5: pp. 479-492

M. Krishna, S K Rai, K. Natarajan, “Morphological, Mechanical, Thermal and Flame Retardance Properties of PTMEG Toughened Novolac/Glass Fibre Reinforced Composites”, Advances in Polymer Science and Technology: An International Journal 2013; 3(1): 1-6.

VijayalakshmiRao, B. J. Manujesh, K. S. Umashankar, “Drillability Studies of E-Glass: Polyurethane Foam: Vinyl Ester Sandwich Composites”.- Transactions of the  Indian Institute of  Metals, February 2012, Volume 65, Issue 1, pp 71-75 - DOI 10.1007/s12666-011-0108-3.

M. Krishna, and H.N Narasimhamoorthy “Mechanical, Thermal, Morphological and Flame retardance properties of modified novolac GFRP composites” International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology- E-ISSN 0976-3945 IJAET/ Volume II/ Issue II/ April-June'2011/250-257.

M Krishna, “Effect Of Addition Of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Styrene On Mechanical, Morphological And Flame Retardance Properties Of Novolac / Carbon Composites”Journal of Engineering Research and Studies- E-ISSN 0976-7916- JERS/Vol.II/ Issue I/January-March 2011/62-70.

Krishna. M, H N Narasimha Murthy, S K Rai. “Thermal, Mechanical, Morphological and Flame Retardance Properties of DABA Modified Novolac / CFRP Composites”Asian Journal of material science- ISSN 1996-3394/DOI :10.3923/ajmskr.2011.

Krishna. M, H N Narasimha Murthy, S K Rai.“Effect of PTMEG on the mechanical and flame retardance behavior of novolac phenolic based CFRP”-Journal of Fibres and Polymers.October 2010, Volume 11,Issue-7, 1083-1087, DOI:10.1007/s12221-010-1083-8, 2010

Conference Papers:
“PVDF Based Cardio-respiratory Sensor”-First International Conference on Large Area and Flexible Microelectronics (ILAFM 2014) at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India on December 18-20,2014.

“Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Natural Rubber/Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) based Fully Interpenetrating Polymer Networks”- National Conference on Multi-functional Engineering Materials (NCMEM-2013) held at R V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India on 29th – 30th  Nov-2013.

“Design, synthesis and characterization of hybrid sandwich composites for structural applications’’ – AIM ENGG-2011, National conference held at Manipal institute of technology, Manipal on 3-5th January 2011. (Selected for Best Paper Award) 

“Effect of addition of ABS on mechanical properties of novolac/carbon composites’’ International conference AMMMT 2010 held at SIT Tumkur, India on 18-19 November 2010

“Mechanical and flame retardant properties of DABA toughened novolac phenolic GFRP  composites for naval applications- National Conference AFT-2010 held at Dept of  Mechanical Engineering, RVCE, Bangalore, India.

“Effect of PTMEG on the Mechanical and Flame RetardanceBehaviour of Novolac Phenolic Based GFRP” – International conference RETMAC-2010 held at NITK  Surathkal, Karnataka. India on 14-15, February 2010

“Failure mechanism of foam cored natural fiber sandwich structures in three point bending”-ICAMB 2009, ICAMB ID:7006 , School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.

“Characterization of Rigid PUF Core Sandwich Structures”-ICAMB 2009, ICAMB ID:7005, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India.

“Mechanical properties of DABA toughened phenolic Based CFRP”  National seminar on  Hot Trends in Analytical Spectroscopy-A Chemical Approach Conducted at MAMO College, Mokkam, Calicut,  kerala, India on 14-15, October 2009.

“Study on mechanical properties of Methylene diphenyldiisocyanate toughened novolac phenolic resin composites” in National conference on New Advances in Thermal Design Materials and Manufacturing Engineering conducted at MALANAD College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India on 05-07 march 2009.

“Effect of Co Axial and Transaxial compressive load on rigid PUF sandwich structures” National conference on New Advances in Thermal Design Materials and Manufacturing Engineering conducted at MALANAD College of Engineering, Hassan, Karnataka, India on 05-07 march 2009

Conferences Attended:
Attended in the international Conference POLYMCON’ 09 conducted by National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India during 9-11 January 2009.
Participated in the national Symposium entitled “Polymers-Prospects and challenges” held at National Institute of Technology, Calicut, Kerala, India on 4th and 5th April 2008.
Attended in MACRO-05, a national Seminar on Composites and Blends held at SJCE,Mysore, Karnataka, India on 15-16  April 2005.

Research Projects Received/submitted:
Co-PI for the research project entitled “Spatial distribution of Uranium and associated water quality parameters in Bangalore, Bangalore rural, Ramangara, Chikkabellapura and Kolar districts in Karnataka” (24.66 Lakhs)  sanctioned by BARC, Mumbai,  Dept. of Atomic Energy, Govt of India, 
Received Seed Money for Research Project entitled “Development of PVDF based thin film sensor for cardio-respiratory and pressure sensors” under TEQIP-II, Govt of India, Subcomponent 1.2 and 1.2.1, Centre of Excellence, RV College of Engineering, Bangalore.
Successfully completed the presentation of the project “Development of Natural fibre based efficient oil adsorbent for oil spills in sea”- submitted to Naval Research Board, Govt of India and expecting the funding by the month of August  2015. (Co-PI)

Future Goals

To work for an organization which value performance and provides opportunity for personal growth and challenge my abilities. Seek progress and recognition in the field of chemistrywhere I can effectively use the conceptual and interpersonal skills to build my career

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