Ref. No. : CA - 17922 - (Senior Admin and Projects – with 10.4 years in Plastic Industry)


B.E (Mechanical) From A.M.G.O.I, Vathar Tarf Vadgaon, Kolhapur in 2014 With 61.59%

Diploma in Mechanical Engg. From Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur. in 2011 With 77.06%

S.S.C From V.S.K.P Kolhapur. Maharashtra Board in 2008 With 90.92%         

Skill Sets

Technical Skills :
Software  : AutoCAD, Delcam POWERSHAPE, CATIA
Other : Good in Engineering Graphics, Good at computer works.
Favorite Subject : Automobile, Production.
Special course : MS-CIT

Work Experience

Project Manager
Since Sept 2014 
Company Profile: Is a multi-dimensional manufacturing unit with Investment Casting, Heavy Investment Casting, Centrifugal Casting, Gravity Die Casting, Shell Casting, Sand Casting and in house full-fledged facilities for Casting of Ferrous and Non Ferrous Alloys with state of Art CNC & VMC Machining facilities to supply fully machined Components and assemblies.
Job Profile:
Study of new Purchase order and find out the customer requirements.
Study of Machining & casting drawing, preparing balloon drawing.
Preparing Quality control plan & Quality Assurance plan for component.
Finding out the tool requirement on the basis of drawing.
Machining process finalizing & fixture designing if required.
Calculating the material required for production.
Planning production & co-ordinate the customer.
Maintaining the flow of component from raw material to finish product.
Final inspection & preparing inspection report.

Project Details:
Four Head Spanner:
Final year project of diploma at GPKP
Designed for: Tata Indica.
Function: Removal of four nut of wheel at a time.
Attachment using sun gear and 4 planetary gears for completing the action of removal or tightening of nut on a wheel. We had designed and manufactured this spanner.

Prototype Model Of Hovercraft:
Final year project for degree. 
A hover craft is air cushion vehicle which is capable of travelling over land, water or ice surface. 
It operates by creating a cushion of high pressure air between base of hover craft and ground surface

Extra-Curricular Activities / Achievements:
I am National Basketball player.
Awarded as best Student in the 10th class.
Winner of zonal basketball competition from GP Kolhapur at Miraj.
Runner up of inter-zonal basketball competition from GP Kolhapur at Nagpur.
First prize winner of annual dance competition at GPKP. 

Future Goals

To work in a technology driven environment for accepting different challenges in present competition & tackle them through teamwork, energetic attitude & passion of innovation.  

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