Ref. No. : CA - 24329 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 9 years in Plastic Industry)


Ph.D-Physics (Materials Sciences)

Skill Sets


Work Experience

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)-Physics
Company Profile: Engineering and Technology College

Areas of Interest:
Electroactive Polymers for Energy Storage Devices [Supercapacitors] Current Interest is devoted towards:
Synthesis of different types of low cost activated carbon from biomass for its application in electrical double layer supercapacitors
Development of supercapacitors based on carbon nanotubes, activated carbon and conducting polymer electrodes with gel polymer electrolytes
Development of ionic liquid based thermally and electrochemically stable polymer electrolytes for their application in energy storage/conversion devices

Achievement and Awards:
Recipient of “ISCA Young Scientist Award” in the Materials Science section of the 92nd Conference of
the Indian Science Congress Association, held at Nirma University of Science and Technology, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India from 03-07 January, 2005.
Recipient of Young Scientist Award namely “Prof. Suresh Chandra Medal” for best paper presented in 6th National Conference on Solid State Ionics, held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 5-7 October, 2004

Book Written:
Biomass Based Carbon & its Application S.K.Tripathi and Amrita Jain Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (ISBN Nos.: 978-3-659-40167-1), 2013
Supercapacitors "Alternative Energy Storage System"
S.K.Tripathi and Amrita Jain Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany (ISBN Nos.: 978-3-659-32408-6), 2013
Polymeric gel electrolytes based electrochemical supercapacitors S.A.Hashmi and S.K.Tripathi
Published in Electroactive Polymers: Materials & Devices, Vol.1; Eds. N.Khare, S.A.Hashmi, Amita Chandra and Amreesh Chandra, Series Ed. Suresh Chandra 01(2006)168-181.
Allied Publishers Private Limited, New Delhi, India (ISBN Nos.: 81-8424-149-6)

Research Lab Established:
Energy Storage and Conversion Devices Laboratory at JUET, Guna.

Ph.D Supervised:
05 (02 Awarded and 03 Ongoing)
Experimental Studies on Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolytes
Studies on Biomass Based Activated Charcoal for Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors.
Ion Conducting Polymer Electrolytes for Electrochemical Devices.
Materials for Energy Storage/Conversion Devices.
Ion Conducting Materials for Energy Storage Devices.

M.Tech Supervised:
02 (01 Awarded and 01 Ongoing)
Experimental Studies on Ionic Liquid Based Polymer Gel Electrolytes.
Synthesis and characterization of nano-composite polymer gel electrolyte

Details of Research Project:
02 Completed
“Fabrication and characterization of solid state supercapacitors using polymeric gel electrolytes” funded by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India under the scheme of SERC Fast Track Proposals for Young Scientist, vide D.O. Nos. SR/FTP/PS-02/2007; Dated: 30.07.2008
Status: Completed [01.09.2008 to 31.03.2012] 03 Yrs 06 Months
“Synthesis and characterization of nano-gel polymer electrolyte for its application in energy storing
supercapacitor devices” funded by Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology (MPCST), Govt.
of Madhya Pradesh, India, vide Letter Nos. 3683/CST/R&D/Phy & Engg Sc/2012, Bhopal; Dated:
12.11.2012 (File. Nos. A/R&D/RP-02/2012/201)
Status: Completed [01.04.2013 to 31.12.2015] 02 Yrs 08 Months

Conference/Workshop Organized:
Convener of the “National Workshop on Energy Storage/Conversion Devices using Ion Conducting
Polymer Electrolytes [NWESD-2012]” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology (JUET),
Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India from 10-12, December 2012.
Member of the local organizing committee of “Ninth National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-
9]” held at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India from 15-17, December 2011.
Member of the sub-committees of the “National Conference on Recent Advances in Materials Science &
Engineering: A Multidisciplinary Approach [RAMSE-2010]” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and
Technology (JUET), Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India from 23-24, October, 2010

Abroad Visited:
Visited Singapore to attend the International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies
[ICMAT-2011] held at Suntec, Singapore from 26th June 2011 to 01st July 2011.
Visited Japan to attend 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics [ICSSI-19] held at Kyoto, Japan from 02nd June 2013 to 07th June 2013.

List of published papers in International refereed Journals:
Experimental studies on Solid State Electrical Double Layer Capacitors using Activated Charcoal Powder Electrodes and Poly Vinylidine fluoride-co-Hexa Fluropropylene based Gel Electrolytes
S.A.Hashmi, Ashok Kumar and S.K.Tripathi Ionics
(Springer), 10(2004)213-220
Investigations on electrochemical supercapacitors using polypyrrole redox electrodes and PMMA based gel electrolytes S.A.Hashmi, Ashok Kumar and S.K.Tripathi European Polymer Journal (Elsevier), 41 (2005)1373-1379
Electrochemical redox supercapacitors using PVdF-HFP based gel electrolytes and polypyrrole as
conducting polymer electrode S.K.Tripathi, Ashok Kumar and S.A.Hashmi Solid State Ionics (Elsevier), 177(2006)2979–2985
Polymethyl methacrylate based polymeric gel electrolytes for electrical double layer capacitors
S.A.Hashmi, Ashok Kumar and S.K.Tripathi Journal of Physics-D: Applied Physics (IOP), 40(2007)6527-6534
Electrical and Electrochemical studies on magnesium ion based polymer gel electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Mishra
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer), 16 (2012)1799-1806
Studies on electrical conductivity and dielectric behaviour of PVdF-HFP-PMMA-NaI polymer blend
electrolyte S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Bulletin of Materials Science (Springer), 35(6) (2012) 969-975
Experimental studies on high performance supercapacitor based on nano gel polymer electrolyte with treated activated charcoal Amrita Jain and S.K.Tripathi Ionics (Springer), 19 (2013) 549-557
Fabrication and characterization of electrochemical double layer capacitors using ionic liquid based gel
polymer electrolyte with chemically treated activated charcoal electrodes Amrita Jain, S K Tripathi, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer), 17 (2013) 713-726
Effect of anionic size of PMMA based polymer gel electrolytes for redox capacitor Ashish Gupta and S.K. Tripathi International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (Open Access Journal), 03 (2013) 1908-1911
Studies on polymer blend electrolytes for redox capacitors Ashish Gupta and S.K. Tripathi
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (Open Access Journal), 06 (2013) 63-66
Converting Eucalyptus Leaves into Mesoporous Carbon for its Application in Quasi Solid-State
Supercapacitors Amrita Jain and S.K. Tripathi
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Springer), 17(2013)2545-2550
Fabrication and Characterization of Energy Storing Supercapacitor Devices using Coconut Shell based
Activated Charcoal Electrode Amrita Jain and S.K. Tripathi Materials Science and Engineering B (Elsevier), 183(2014)54-60
Effect of nano-filler on the performance of MWCNTs based EDLCs Amrita Jain and S.K. Tripathi
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (American Institute of Physics), 6(2014)013108
Almond Shell Based Activated Nano-Porous Carbon Electrode for EDLCs Amrita Jain and S.K.Tripathi
Ionics (Springer), 21(2015)1391-1398
Nano-porous activated carbon from sugarcane waste for supercapacitor application Amrita Jain and S.K.Tripathi Journal of Energy Storage (Elsevier), 4(2015)121-127

List of published papers in National refereed Journals:
Preliminary studies on hybrid supercapacitors using Impedance Spectroscopy S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, L.N.Gupta and Manju Kumari Jnanabha (ISSN: 0304-9892), 40(2010)13-20
Optimization of polymer gel electrolytes for its application in energy storage devices S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, L.N.Gupta and Manju Kumari Jnanabha (ISSN: 0304-9892), 40(2010)21-28
Electrochemical studies on nano composite polymer electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, Amrita Jain and Manju Kumari Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 51(2013)358-361
Studies on Redox Supercapacitor using electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole as electrode material using blend polymer gel electrolyte S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, 51(2013)315-319

List of published papers in Conference Proceedings:
Electrochemical studies on PVdF(HFP)-PC-Mg(ClO4)2-SiO2 based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte
films S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, Amrita Jain and Manju Kumari, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-2011) organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh from October 08-10, 2011; P-92(2011).
Studies on Electrical double layer capacitors using magnesium ion based polymer gel electrolyte with
activated charcoal based electrodes
S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-2011) organized by
Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh from October 08-10, 2011; P-93(2011).
Experimental studies on PVdF(HFP)-PMMA blend based polymer gel electrolytes for its application in
Redox Supercapacitors S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science (RTMS-2011) organized by Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Himachal Pradesh from October 08-10, 2011; P-104(2011).
Superionic solid and its possible application in energy storage devices: An overview S.K.Tripathi
Learning Manual “NWESD-2012” of National Workshop on Energy Storage/Conversion Devices using Ion
Conducting Polymer Electrolyte [NWESD-2012] held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, Madhya Pradesh from December 10-12, 2012; pp 110-128(2012).

List of papers presented as Invited Speaker:
Invited Lecture on “Recent progress in the development of Supercapacitors” during 11th National
Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11] held at Tezpur University, Assam, India from 21-23,
December 2015.
Expert Lecture on “Nanomaterials for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices” at Maharana Pratap College of Technology (MPCT), Gwalior during National Conference on VLSI, Communication and Nanoelectronics from 02-03 May, 2014.
Guest Lecture on "Introduction to Superionic Solids and its possible applications in electrochemical double layer capacitors" at Centre of Nanotechnology, Rajasthan Technical University, Kota, Rajasthan on 01, September 2013.
Invited Lecture on “Solid State Electrochemical Devices: An Overview” at Aartech Solonics Industries, Bhopal on 20.02.2012.
Special Lecture on “Sir. C.V.Raman” at JUET, Guna on 10.05.2012 during the occasion of Valedictory
functions of the National Science Day.
Invited Lecture on “Superionic Solids and its Application in Energy Storage/Conversion Devices” at JUET, Guna on 07.06.2012 during IUCEE (Indo-US Collaboration for Engineering Education) Workshop on
Renewable Energy (04-08 June, 2012).
Resource Person for “National Workshop on Energy Storage/Conversion Devices using Ion Conducting
Polymer Electrolyte [NWESD-2012]” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna,
Madhya Pradesh, India from 10-12, December 2012.

List of papers presented in conferences:
Studies on Ion-Conducting Polymeric Gel Electrolyte based All-Solid-State Electrical Double Layer
Supercapacitors S.K.Tripathi, Ashok Kumar and S.A.Hashmi Presented for ISCA Young Scientist Award in 91st Indian Science Congress Association [ISCA-2004] held at Panjab University, Chandigarh from 03- 07 July 2004.
Polymeric Gel Electrolytes Based Solid State Electrochemical Redox Supercapacitors S.K.Tripathi, Ashok Kumar and S. A. Hashmi Presented in 6th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-2004] held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata from 05- 07 October 2004.
Electrochemical Supercapacitors using polypyrrole and polypyrrole-cobalt oxide electrodes with PMMA
based gel electrolytes S.A.Hashmi, Ashok Kumar and S.K.Tripathi Presented in International Conference on Electroactive Polymers [ICEP-2004] held at Dalhausie, Himachal Pradesh, India from November 01-05 November 2004.
Polymeric gel electrolytes based electrochemical supercapacitors S.A.Hashmi and S.K.Tripathi 
Presented in International Conference on Electroactive Polymers [ICEP-2004] held at Dalhausie, Himachal Pradesh, India from November 01-05 November 2004.
Electrochemical supercapacitors based on amorphous MnO2 electrodes and polymeric gel electrolytes
S.K.Tripathi, Ashok Kumar and S.A.Hashmi Presented for ISCA Young Scientist Award in 92nd Indian Science Congress Association Conference [ISCA-2005] held at Nirma University of Science & Technology, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India in Materials Science section of the conference from January 03-07 January 2005.
Preliminary Studies on NaI based Composite Polymer Electrolyte S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, L.N.Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in 8th National conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-2009] held at Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India from 07-09 December 2009.
Ionic conductivity studies on NaSCN based Composite Polymer Gel Electrolyte S.K.Tripathi and Ashish Gupta Presented in 8th National conference on Solid State Ionics [2009] held at Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India from 07-09 December 2009.

Preliminary Studies on hybrid supercapacitors using Impedance Spectroscopy
S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, L.N.Gupta and Manju Kumari
Presented in 13th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India & National Symposium on Recent
Developments in Applicable Mathematics & Information Technology held at Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India
from 04-06 December 2009.
Optimization of polymer gel electrolytes for its application in energy storage devices S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, L.N.Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in 13th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India & National Symposium on Recent Developments in Applicable Mathematics & Information Technology held at Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India from 04-06 December 2009.
Studies on electrical conductivity and dielectric behaviour of PVdF-HFP-PMMA-NaI composite polymer
electrolyte S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Exotic Materials held at Sharda University, Greater Noida from 26-28 August 2010.
Preliminary studies on PEG/PVdF (HFP)-based polymer blend electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, Amrita Jain and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on “Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering: A Multidisciplinary Approach” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna from 23-24 October 2010.
Preliminary Studies on Polypyrrole Based Redox Supercapacitor with PVdF-HFP-EC-PC-NaSCN Polymer
Gel Electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on “Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering: A Multidisciplinary Approach” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna from 23-24 October 2010.
Comparative Studies on Redox Supercapacitors using polypyrrole electrodes and PMMA based gel
electrolytes with different anionic size
S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies [ICMAT-2011] held at Suntec, Singapore from 26 June 2011 to 01 July 2011.
Electrical and Electrochemical studies on magnesium ion based polymer gel electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari
Presented in International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies [ICMAT-2011] held at
Suntec, Singapore from 26 June 2011 to 01 July 2011.
Studies on Electrical double layer capacitors using magnesium ion based polymer gel electrolyte with
activated charcoal based electrodes S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [RTMS-2011] held at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P from 8-10 October 2011.
Experimental studies on PVdF(HFP)-PMMA blend based polymer gel electrolytes for its application in
Redox Supercapacitors S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [RTMS-2011] held at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P from 8-10 October 2011.
Electrochemical studies on PVdF(HFP)-PC-Mg(ClO4)2-SiO2 based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte
films S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, Amrita Jain and Manju Kumari Presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Materials Science [RTMS-2011] held at Jaypee University of Information Technology, Waknaghat, Solan, H.P from 8-10 October 2011.
Electrochemical studies on nanocomposite polymer electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Ashish Gupta, Amrita Jain and Manju Kumari Presented in Ninth National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-09) held at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida from 15-17 Dec 2011.
Studies on redox supercapacitor using electrochemically synthesized polypyrrole as electrode material using blend polymer gel electrolyte S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in Ninth National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-09) held at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida from 15-17 December 2011.
Preliminary studies on Carbon-Cobaltite composite electrode materials for redox supercapcitors
S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in Ninth National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-09) held at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida from 15-17 December 2011
Experimental Studies on Electrical Double Layer Supercapacitors using chemically treated activated
charcoal powder with blend polymer gel electrolytes
S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources, held at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India from 05-08 January 2012
Studies on Coconut Shell Electrode for its application in electrical double layer capacitor using poly methyl methacrylate based gel electrolytes S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources, held at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India from 05-08 January 2012
Effect of monovalent anion on capacitive behaviour of polypyrrole based redox supercapacitor
S.K.Tripathi, Amrita Jain, Ashish Gupta and Manju Kumari Presented in International Conference on Recent Trend in Physics ‘ICRTP 2012’, held at Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, India from 04-05 February 2012
Studies on EDLCs using coconut shell based activated charcoal with polymer blend electrolytes Amrita Jain and S.K.Tripathi Presented in 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics [ICSSI-19], held at Kyoto, Japan from 02- 07 June 2013
Experimental studies on ionic liquid based magnesium ion conducting polymer gel electrolytes S.K.Tripathi and Ashish Gupta Presented in 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics [ICSSI-19], held at Kyoto, Japan from 02-07 June 2013
Electrical properties of nanocomposite polymer gel electrolyte doped with zno nano filler Dharmendra Jain, Dhirendra Mathur and S.K.Tripathi Presented in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University, Assam
from 21-23 December 2015.
Preliminary studies on ionic liquid based polymer electrolyte Peeyush Rathore, Dharmendra Jain, Sanjeev Mishra, Mukta Tripathi and S.K.Tripathi
Presented in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University, Assam
from 21-23 December 2015.
Studies on EDLCs using chemically treated activated charcoal with blend polymer electrolytes Amrita Jain and S K Tripathi Presented in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University, Assam from 21-23 December 2015.
Electrical characterisation of ionic liquid based magnesium ion conducting polymer gel electrolytes
Ashish Gupta and S. K. Tripathi Presented in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University, Assam from 21-23 December 2015.
Synthesis and optical characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles Mahendra Singh Yadav and S. K. Tripathi Presented in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University, Assam from 21-23 December 2015.
Experimental studies of TiO2 based nanocomposite gel polymer electrolytes Manju Mishra, Anand Tripathi, S.N.Dixit and S.K.Tripathi Presented in “National level research symposium on recent anvances and challenges in engineering and management [RACEM-2015], held at Vidyaalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, Indai“ on 21 December, 2015

Conferences / Workshops attended:
Attended the National Workshop on Advanced Materials “Processing & Characterisation” held at Tezpur
University, Assam, India from 29-30 October 2003.
Attended the 91st Indian Science Congress held at Panjab University, Chandigarh, Punjab, India from 03-07 January, 2004.
Attended the Awareness workshop on The Facilities of Inter University Consortium for D.A.E Facilities at
Indore held at IIT-Guwahati, Guwahati, Assam, India from 20-21 February, 2004.
Attended the 6th National Conference on Solid State Ionics-2004, held at Department of Physics, Jadavpur
University, Kolkata, India from 05-07 October, 2004.
Attended the International Conference on Electroactive Polymers: Materials and Devices (ICEP-2004) held at Dalhausie, Himachal Pradesh, India from 01-05 November, 2004.
Attended the 92nd Indian Science Congress Association, held at Nirma University of Science &
Technology, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India from 03-07 January, 2005.
Attended the Zonal Level Master Resource Person’s Training Program for North Eastern States and Sikkim
on “International Year of Physics, 2005”, held at The Institution of Engineers, Guwahati, India during June 15-17, 2005 organised by Assam Science Technology and Environment Concil, Guwahati, India, in collaboration with the Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad (RVPSP) and Vigyan Prasar of DST, Govt. of India.
Participated in “13th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India & National Symposium on Recent
Developments in Applicable Mathematics & Information Technology” held at Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India from 04-06 December, 2009.
Participated in “8th National conference on Solid State Ionics” held at Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India from 07-09 December, 2009.
Participated in Workshop on Materials Science for Energy Storage held at Anna University, Chennai from
18-22 January, 2010.
Participated in National Conference on “Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering: A
Multidisciplinary Approach” held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna from 23-24 October, 2010
Participated in International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies [ICMAT-2011] held at Suntec, Singapore from 26 June 2011 to 01 July 2011
Participated in Ninth National Conference on Solid State Ionics (NCSSI-09), held at Jaypee Institute of
Information Technology, Noida from 15-17 Dec, 2011
Participated in 6th Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources, held at Hotel Green Park, Chennai, India from 05-08 January, 2012
Participated in IUCEE Workshop on Renewable Energy, held at Jaypee University of Engineering and
Technology, Guna organized by Mechanical Engineering Department from 04-08 June, 2012
Participated in 19th International Conference on Solid State Ionics [ICSSI-19], held at Kyoto, Japan from 02-07 June, 2013
Participated in Workshop on Ancillary Tools for Research, held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, Madhya Pradesh, India from 16-18 June, 2015.
Participated in 11th National Conference on Solid State Ionics [NCSSI-11], held at Tezpur University,
Assam, India from 21-23 December, 2015.

Administrative Responsibilities:
Warden of Boys Hostel at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology (JUET), Guna, Madhya
Pradesh from 24 July 2008 to 31 December 2010.
Available as a Reviewer:
Reviewer of the International Journal “Nanoscale” (Royal Society of Chemistry).
Reviewer of the International Journal “Journal of Materials Chemistry-A” (Royal Society of Chemistry).
Reviewer of the International Journal “Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics” (Royal Society of
Reviewer of the International Journal “Chemical Communication” (Royal Society of Chemistry).
Reviewer of the International Journal “Science of Advanced Materials” (American Scientific Publisher).
Reviewer of the International Journal “Materialstoday: Proceedings” (Elsevier, ScienceDirect).
Reviewer of the International Journal “International Journal of Industrial Chemistry” (Springer).
Reviewer of the International journal “Ionics” (Springer).
Reviewer of the International journal “Electrochimica Acta” (Elsevier, ScienceDirect).
Reviewer of the International journal “Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry” (Springer).
Extra Co-curricular activity:
Acted as a “secretary” in one of the session of the International Conference on Electroactive Polymers:
Materials and Devices (ICEP-2004) held at Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, India from 01-05 November,
Trained as a “Zonal Master Resource Person’s” for North-Eastern States & Sikkim zone of India on
“International Year of Physics-2005” held at The Institution of Engineers, Guwahati, India during June 15- 17, 2005 organised by Assam Science Technology and Environment Council, Guwahati, India, in collaboration with the Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad (RVPSP) and Vigyan Prasar of Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Participated in DST Sponsored “SERC School in Condensed Matter And Material Physics” at School
of Materials Science and Technology, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi from
01-28 March, 2006.
Acted as a “Rapporteur” in one of the session of the 13th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India
and National Symposium on Recent Development in Applicable Mathematics & Information Technology
held at Jaypee Institute of Engineering & Technology, Guna, India during 04-06 December, 2009.
Acted as a “Chairman” in one of the session of the 13th Annual Conference of Vijnana Parishad of India
and National Symposium on Recent Development in Applicable Mathematics & Information Technology
held at Jaypee Institute of Engineering & Technology, Guna, India during 04-06 December, 2009.
Acted as a “Rapporteur” in one of the session of the Recent Advances in Materials Science & Engineering:
A Multidisciplinary Approach held at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna, India during 23-24 October, 2010.

Courses Taught to PhD Students:
Thin Film Technology
Synthesis and Characterization Techniques
Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology
Applications of Nanostructures for Energy Storage Devices

Courses Taught to B.Tech Students:
Materials Science
Nano Science and Technology
Physics Practical Lab-I
Physics Practical Lab-II

Member of Doctoral Progress Monitoring Committee for PhD Students:
Mr. Subodh Singhal (10P3105), Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar (143004), Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering.
Mr. Manoj Dubey (153205), Department of Mechanical Engineering.
Ms. Mukta Tripathi (143301), Department of Physics.
Mr. Dharmendra Jain (153602), Department of Physics.
Mr. Mahendra Singh Yadav (153601), Department of Physics.
Academic Responsibilities:
Course Coordinator - Thin Film Technology.
Course Coordinator - Synthesis and Characterization Techniques.
Course Coordinator - Introduction to Polymer Science and Technology.
Course Coordinator - Applications of Nanostructures for Energy Storage Device.
Course Coordinator - Nano Science and Technology.
Course Coordinator - Engineering Materials.
Course Coordinator - Materials Science.
Course Coordinator - Physics-II
Course Coordinator - Physics Lab-I
Course Coordinator - Physics Lab-II
Guided B.Tech students for their Project Oriented Practices (POP) on
Computer Modelling of Carbon Nanotubes.
Studies on Dielectric Materials for their applications in electronic devices.
Guided final year B.Tech students of ECE Branch for their Term Papers on
Studies on Carbon Fullerene for their different industrial applications.
Carbon Nanotube and its possible applications.
Guided final year B.Tech students of ECE Branch for their Final Year Projects on
Study of Carbon Nanotube and its utility in electronics.
Development of software for the studies on Carbon Nanotube.

Future Goals


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