PhD in Materials Science From IIT Bombay in 2011 with 9.77
M.Phil in Physics From University of Cambridge, UK in 2011
B.Tech in Chemical Technology From ICT Bombay in
2006 with 70.00%
Expertise in polymer nano-composites: Characterization and Processing
Experience in nano-materials Synthesis, Characterization and Fictionalization
Team member for industrial (Reliance, Dow Chemical)and government (DST, DRDO) projects
Self motivated, ability to work on own initiative and perseverance
Technical Competences:
Polymer Processing: Twin-screw extrusion, Injection molding, Solution casting, Thermoset casting and curing, Compression molding, Hand lay-up, Resin infusion
Thermal characterization: DSC, TGA, DTA, DMTA, Dilatometer
Mechanical characterization: DMTA, Tensile testing, Compression testing, Flexural testing
Electrical characterization: Impedance spectroscopy, I-V Measurements
Postdoctoral Fellow
Since Apr 2011
Company Profile: Offers a variety of products, solutions and technologies for packaging and specialty plastics, water, health, food, pharma, coatings, automotive, infrastructure, home, institutional and personal care.
Job Profile:
Development of light weight syntactic foams and sandwich materials for aerospace applications
Design of polymer nano-composites for food and aroma packaging applications
Development of polyurethane elastomer composites
Teaching Assistant
2006 to 2010
Company Profile: Is a public technology and science university and research institution
Job Profile:
Teaching assistant: Materials Processing and Characterization Lab and theory
Organizing Core Committee Member MR symposium in 2007 to 2008
Wall-paper Secretary and Mess-Menu Secretary
2003 to 2005
Company Name: ICT
Research Experience:
Ph.D. Indian Institute of Technology Bomba Mumbai, India
Thesis Title: Structure Property Relationship Studies in Polymer Blends/Carbon Nano-tubes Composites
Supervisor: Prof. Arup R. Bhattacharyya and Prof. Ajit R. Kulkarni, IIT Bombay
Colloidal stability of nano-materials (carbon nano-tubes)
Development and characterization of polymer blends and polymer/CNT composites
Surface modification and fictionalization of CNT with novel organic compounds, surfactants
Synthesis of inorganic layered double hydroxides and composites
M. Phil University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK
Thesis Title: Physical Characterization of Composites of Carbon Nano-tubes Fibers
Supervisor: Prof. Alan H. Windle, University of Cambridge, UK
Synthesis carbon nano-tubes fibers by CVD
Development of CNT fiber-epoxy composites: Thermal, electrical and mechanical testing
Scientific Achievements:
International Journal Publications: 12 (Appendix 1)
International Conferences: 6 (Appendix 2)
Book Chapter: 1 (Appendix 3)
Scholastic Achievements:
Cambridge India Partnership Scholarship awarded by Cambridge Commonwealth Trust (2009)
Young Scientist Travel Grant from CSIR, DST, INSA and IIT Bombay (2008)
Teaching Assistant-ship for pursuing PhD (2006–2010)
In The News
Nano-tech web: Tuning the dispersion of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes in co-continuous polymer blends
Excellence in Thesis work (PhD) by IIT Bombay - 2011
Appendix 1: International Journal Publications:
A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.S. Panwar, S. Bose, A.R. Kulkarni, Dispersion of multi-wall carbon nanotubes in blends of polypropylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, Polymer Engineering and Science (2011)
A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.R. Kulkarni, Melt-mixed PP/ABS blends with multi-wall carbon nano-tubes effect of compatibilizer and modifier on morphology and electrical conductivity, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 120, 2663 (2011)
S. Bose, A.R. Bhattacharyya, S.S. Kamath, A.R. Kulkarni, The role of specific interactions and selective localization of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes on the electrical conductivity and phase morphology of multi-component polymer blends, Polymer Engineering and Science, (2011)
J.J. Vilatela, A.H. Windle, Multi-functional carbon nano-tubes fibre composites: Hierarchial structure and properties, ACS Nano
(Under review, 2011)
S. Bose, P. Moldernaers, Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of various types of pre-treatments of carbon nano-tubes on the properties of polymer/carbon nano-tubes composites: A critical review, Polymer (2010)
S. Hom, A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.R. Kulkarni, M. Saroop, A. Biswas, Blends of polypropylene and ethylene octene comonomer with conducting fillers: influence of state of dispersion of conducting fillers on electrical conductivity, Polymer Engineering and Science 49, 1502 (2009)
S. Hom, A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.R. Kulkarni, M. Saroop, A. Biswas, PP/ABS Blends with carbon black: morphology and electrical properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112, 998 (2009)
A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.R. Kulkarni, M. Saroop, A. Biswas, Influence of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes on morphology and electrical conductivity of PP/ABS blends, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 46, 2286 (2008)
A.R. Bhattacharyya, S. Bose, A.R. Kulkarni, Assessing the State of Dispersion of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes in co-continuous immiscible polymer blends, Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering 99, (2008)
S. Bose, A.R. Bhattacharyya, R.A. Khare, A.R. Kulkarni, T.U.Patro, P. Sivaraman, Tuning the Dispersion of Multi-wall Carbon Nano-tubes in Co-continuous Polymer Blends: A Generic Approach, Nanotechnology 19, 335704 (2008)
S. Bose, A.R. Bhattacharyya, A.R. Kulkarni, P. Pötschke, Specific interactions and reactive coupling induced dispersion of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes in co-continuous polyamide6/ionomer blends, Macromolecular Symposia 263, 11 (2008)
S. Bose, Carbon nano-tubes based composites-A review, Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering (2005)
Appendix 2: International Conferences:
R.A. Khare et al., “Controlling the state of dispersion of MWNT in co-continuous blends of polypropylene and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene” International symposium on Advances in Nano-materials India (2010)
A.H. Windle, J.J. Vilatela, R.A. Khare, “Thermal and electrical properties of carbon nano-tubes fibre/ epoxy composites, Euromat, Glasgow, UK (2009)
R.A. Khare et al., “Dynamic mechanical relaxation and crystallization behavior of PP/ABS blends with multi-wall carbon nano-tubes” 25th Annual meeting of Polymer Processing Society, India (2009)
R.A. Khare, et al. Assessing the state of dispersion of MWNT in co-continuous immiscible polymer blends, 236th ACS National Meeting and Exposition, USA (2008)
R.A. Khare, et al, The State of Dispersion of MWNT in PP/ABS Blends: Investigating the Morphological and Electrical Properties, International Conference on Advanced Materials, India (2008)
A.R. Bhattacharyya, S. Bose, R.A. Khare, A.R. Kulkarni, Influence of specific interactions and reactive coupling in assessing the state of dispersion of multi-wall carbon nano-tubes in co-continuous polymer blends, Europolymer Conference, Italy (2007)
Appendix 3: Book Chapter:
Specific Interactions Induced Controlled Dispersion of Multi-wall Carbon Nano-tubes in Co-continuous Polymer Blends, Polymer Nano-tube Nano-composites: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications, Scrivener Publishing Inc., Ch.13, pp. 373 (2010)
Field Of Interest:
Nano-material synthesis, Solar cells, Home and personal care formulations, Aroma product packaging, Emulsion polymerization and colloidal stability of latex solutions
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