Ref. No. : CA - 19288 - (Quality - Extrusion – with 8.6 years in Plastic Industry)


M.Tech From IIT, Delhi in 2016

B.E From CIPET in 2014 With 73%

H.S.C From Board of High School and Intermediate Education U.P in 2009 With 69.80%

S.S.C From Board of High School and Intermediate Education in 2007 With 69%

Skill Sets

Programming in C and C++
AUTOCAD 2007 and PRO-E Wildfire 4.0 
Scored "AIR 27" in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE- 2014 )

Work Experience

Trainee in Quality Control 
Jun, 2013-July, 2013
Company Profile: Leading pipe manufacturer
Job Profile:
I have worked as a Trainee in Quality Control department at Vectus Industries Ltd having an exposure to MFI Tester, Falling Weight Impact Tester, Hydraulic Pressure Test, K-value Test, Heat Deflection Temperature Test, Vicat Softening Point Test, Longitudinal Reversion Test.
Project Details:
Impact toughening of poly(lactic acid) via use of multi functional polymers

Jul 2015 to May 2016 course project 
Skill Used: 
I used my theoretical knowledge and also follow all suggestions of my professors. I designed each step of work plan and did myself whole processing, testing and characterization of processed samples 
Project Details:
The objective of the project is functionalization of PLA with Maleic anhydride and formation of a impact toughened PLA by reactive blending of maleated PLA with multifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) and Polyethylenimine as well as to analyze Morphology, Thermal and Mechanical properties of extruded blends. 
Principal Subjects / Course Work:
Polymer Chemistry, Polymer Characterization, Polymer Physics, Polymer Engineering & Rheology, Polymer Processing, Polymer Testing & Properties, Polymer Technology, Engineering plastics & Speciality Polymer, Polymer Composites, Rubber Technology, Plastic Product and Mould design, Plastic Packaging & Foam, Fiber Technology, Polymeric Coating, Polymer Sci. Lab, Polymer Engineering Lab.
Iit Delhi Thesis:     
Title- Impact toughening of PLA via use of multifunctional molecules and polymers
Supervisor- Dr. Leena Nebhani
Description- The objective of the project is functionalization of PLA with Maleic anhydride and formation of a impact toughened PLA by reactive blending of maleated PLA with Trimethylolpropane ethoxylate and Polyethylenimine as well as to analyze Morphology, Thermal and Mechanical properties of extruded blends.

Future Goals

To seek a challenging opportunity in a company that could provide impetus to my growing career and help in achieving organization goals.

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