M.Tech (Plastic Engg.) from CIPET, Bhubaneswar 8.03 CGPA 2006-08 (Till 2nd Sem)
M.Sc.(Industrial Chemistry), from Sambalpur University with 63.2% in 2001-03
B.Sc. (Chemistry) from Sambalpur University, (Orissa) with 58.8% in 1998-01
Good knowledge in processing, testing, research and development. Now working as a business development executive. My main motive here to use my skill by giving technical service for better sales.
M-Tech Project :Fiber-matrix adhesion in glass-fiber reinforced and natural fiber reinforced polypropylene silicate nanocomposites.
In the recent years, there has been a growing interest in the nanocomposites. A glass-fiber reinforced and natural fiber reinforced polypropylene nanocomposite is prepared by melt blending in Haake twins screw internal mixture. The effect of clay on the Mechanical, Thermal, flammability and Morphological properties was studied which shows improved properties.
Place- CIPET, Bhubaneswar
Guide- Prof. (Dr.) S.K.Nayak, Dy. General & Head, CIPET (INDIA).
Oral Paper Presented At National/International Symposium
1. Dynamic Mechanical, Thermal and Morphological behaviour of Epoxy/Polyimide blend presented in International conference at CPRI, Bangalore in the year 2007.
2. Polycarbonate(PC)/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(ABS) Blend nanocomposites, studies of Morphology and thermal properties.
Characterization of Bio-degradable Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA)/ Starch Blend nanocomposites (Fabrication and Properties evaluation).
Presented in INCCOM-VI, conference on future trends in composites materials and processing, in IIT Kanpur. In the year 2007.
FTIR study on different material including polymer and their structure analysis.
Wood Plastic composites (WPC) in recent era.
Rheological Behavior of Polymer melts with Natural Fiber.
Equipment Exposure
Processing Laboratory:
Haake Twin Screw extruder and batch mixer, Compression molding machine, Blow molding, Rotomolding, Thermoforming, FRP Technique (Hand lay-up), Two-roll mill.
Testing Laboratory: Universal Testing machine (UTM), Impactometer, DSC, TGA, UV-Visible, Viscometer, Colorimeter, Biodegradability.
Work hard to prove my ability for the best of the company.
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