Ref. No. : CA - 6680 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 15.7 years in Plastic Industry)


MBA in Production and Material Management From Pune University at ASM-IPS Pimpri Pune (2012)
B.E Polymer from Pune university at MIT Pune. (2009)
Diploma in Plastic Engineering from M.S.B.T.E at Government Polytechnic Miraj. (2006)
12th Science from Kolhapur board at K.B.P collage Islampur (2003)

Skill Sets

Purchase, Production Planning, Logistics, Supply chain, Inventory

Computer Skills: Microsoft Windows 98/XP MS-Office, Basic knowledge of computer

Work Experience

One month training in TATA Auto Plastic – IPD Division Pune (Hinjewadi) and did project on Effects of Compounding on extrusion product

Second Topper in Diploma in plastic Egg.
WINNER- State Level and District Level Holly ball Championship

Academic Project
Name: Cost reduction of FRP by utilization of waste
This project work done on the laminates. It has been observed that addition of waste materials greatly influence the tensile and impact properties. In this project two waste materials are used in laminates. These materials are Rubber and Wood flour added in to laminates. The experimental study done on testing of laminates. Testing reveals that combination of waste materials Influences the T.S and I.S. of laminates. These results can be commercially exploited with percentage saving of materials.

Name: Study of Purchasing Management
Company: Prima Paper & Engineer Pvt. Ltd, Bhosari Pune.
This project work done on the process of the procurement. It starts from finding the Supplier, asking for quotations, Negotiations, Making the Purchasing Order, Follow Up, Invoice & Payment. And Vendor Devlopment. And Vendor Evaluation. The other factors such as Determine the requirement of Materials and Maintaining the Stock of the material in the store are studied in this project.

Future Goals

Seeking a challenging career with a progressive organization, which will utilize and help me groom my skills, abilities and Knowledge.

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