Ref. No. : CA - 6846 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 15.6 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Tech in Bioinformatics From VIT University in May 2009 with 70.02%(CGPA)
XII From M.B.V.B Talwandi Kota, Raj Board 2003 (Passout) 75.38%
X From S.S School, Jaisalmer Raj Board 2001- 73.83%

Skill Sets

Computer Skills:
Fundamental of C, C++, PERL, PYTHON Programming language.
Web designing with HTML, Javascript, CSS,
LAMP (Linux, Apache, Mysql, php).

Bioinformatics Skills:
Bioinformatics Database: NCBI, ExPasy, KEGG, PIR, PDB
Bioinformatics tools and software: Accelrys Gene2.5, Accelrys Discovery studio, GCG, RASMOL, SPDBV, CLUSTALW

Work Experience

Junior PHP programmer at Cyber Surf India Pvt. Ltd at Ahmedabad for 3 months.

3-D Structure prediction of Coat Protein Of CMV using SPDBV.
Development of Natural Pattern Recognition Tool (NPtRT), a PERL based tool for finding amino acid/nucleotide pattern and motif in protein/nucleotide sequence.

Implant Training:
Undergone training in “Accelrys Proteomics Certificate Program” at SAI’s Bioscience Research Institute, Chennai.

Consistently good academic record.
Good analytical and communication skills.
Great operational and computer skills.
Capable of quickly learning new software packages or languages.
Good organizational skills.

Future Goals

To apply my skills and knowledge in concern field and to give my best to the organition in all forms.

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