Ref. No. : CA - 16439 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 10.4 years in Plastic Industry)


M Tech In Polymer Engg. & Technology From Delhi Technological University, New Delhi in 2014-2015
With 8.45  Polymer Engineering From Maharashtra Institute Of Technology, Pune in 2012-2013 With 63.26
Diploma In Plastic Engineering From Government Polytechnic, Nasik With 71.56

SSC From J.s. Jaju High School in 2006-2007 with 78.30                                      

Skill Sets

 Plastics Processing and advance processing techniques
Testing of Plastic
Polymeric Additives, Blends
Polymer Composites and its processing, Nanocomposites
• Polymeric Materials, Specialty Polymers

Work Experience

PET aminolysis products as curing agents for epoxy curing in DRDO, NEW DELHI.
Self Healing Epoxy Composites- Preparation and effect of the healant consisting of micro encapsulated epoxy and latent curing agent in DRDO, New Delhi.
Amine Functionalist Aniline Formaldehyde Condensate (AFAFC) for potential use as Epoxy Hardener in DRDO, New Delhi.
Estimation of the resistance of plastic films to chemicals by weight change method
Synthesis and Characterization of Wood Polymer Composite (nylon 6)
Manufacturing of semi positive compression mold.

Varroc Polymers Pvt Ltd, Pune.
Objective- Study On Production Line Of Four Wheeler Division Plant
Defense Research And Development Organization, New Delhi.

Objective: Works as project trainee for M.Tech projects as well as M.Tech thesis.

I have attended in National Conference on Innovative Developments in Polymer Arena.
Worked as a coordinator in various events held in college and school.        

Knowledge in: 
Plastics Processing and advance processing techniques
Testing of Plastic
Polymeric Additives, Blends
Polymer Composites and its processing, Nano composites
Polymeric Materials, Specialty Polymers

Major Strengths:
Have a keen desire to learn.
Positive approach. 
Perseverance and strong well  
Eager to learn
Work well in a team environment
Ability to do something new.

Future Goals

I wish to work in a company where I can dedicate the best of my skills and knowledge along with learning and evolving my skill set. I also wish to contribute significantly for the growth of the organization.

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