Ref. No. : CA - 21150 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 8.5 years in Plastic Industry)


Bachelor of Technology (Production & Industrial Engineering) From Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee in 2016 with 5.35 CGPA

AISSCE (CBSE) From Kalka Public School, Delhi in 2010 with 82%

AISSE (CBSE) From The Scindia School, Gwalior in 2008 with 92.7%

Skill Sets

MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Basic HTML, SQL

Work Experience

Member, Chief Advisory Group, Students Affair Counsel
Aug 2014 to May 2015
In IIT Roorkee
Part of Chief Advisory Group of Students Affairs Counsel, initiated changes in the Institute Hospital policies

Jul 2013 to Dec 2013
at Vogue, Thomso in IIT, Roorkee
Job Profile:
Managed the auditions, choreographed and fulfilled other imperative responsibilities.
Internship Information

Member, National Sports Organisation
Jul 2011 to May 2012
in in IIT, Roorkee
Job Profile:
Declared as one of the fittest athletes, responsible for organising the events of the National Sports Organisation.

Summer Internship
Maruti Suzuki India Limited
5th June 2014 – 20th July 2014
Project Title – Innovative Material Supply Management and Implementation of 5S in Assembly Shop #3.
Department/Division– MX3 (Assembly Shop #3).

Characterization of Natural Fibre Reinforced Polymers, IIT Roorkee: (April 2015 - May 2016) 
Researched, fabricated different composites and found that the tensile and flexural strengths of natural fibre reinforced polymers are much less than the synthetic fibres and hereby conclude that till date, natural fibre reinforced polymers can be used in applications where tensile and flexural strengths required are not that high.

Helping Hand Initiative: Joint initiative with NGO "I For Nation" (April 2015-May 2015)
Collected funds and leftover mattresses of all the pass-outs along with those who are willing to donate for the Nepal victims' relief camp.

Department of Management Studies, IIT Roorkee: (July 2013 – Nov 2013)
Initiated a study to determine “Whether celebrity endorsements have a substantial impact on sales of Fruit Juices”.
Surveyed 500+ people from different age groups to arrive at a detailed conclusion.

Extra-curricular Activities
Swimming (2006)- 
State Level- Bronze Medal 
Represented two times at State Level held in Gwalior and Indore respectively.

Duke Of Edinburgh International Award (2007) -
Attained the Bronze Standard of The International Award for Young People on 1st March, 2007.

Round Square International Conference (2006)-
Represented The Scindia School in RSIC organized by Ivanhoe Grammar School, Melbourne, Australia.

Football (2011-15) -
Champions in Football in Sangram, the sports fest of IIT Roorkee, Won the Inter Bhawan Gold medal for three consecutive years in  2011, 2012 and 2013, First ever gold medal for IIT Roorkee in Football in the Inter IIT Sports fest and Won Inter year silver medal in 2011 and gold medals in 2012 and 2013 .

Special Scholarship (2006) -
Achieved scholarship under The Scindia School Scholarship Scheme (3-S) for three consecutive years.

Organized sports matches in hostels, increased participation in in-hostel volleyball, badminton and football by around 30% as a part of "Informal Weekends" (2014-15).

Future Goals


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