Diploma Engineering in Polymer Technology From Government Polytechnic College Kottayam in 2012 with 60%
H.S.C. From St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School in 2009 with 62%
AutoCAD: capable of creating engineering drawing in 3D and 2D
Microsoft Office: Capable of creating and formatting files in an impressive manner in Word, PowerPoint and Excel
Operating System.
Expert in Windows – 7, Windows XP and Linux.
Computer Languages
Capable of writing simple programs in C, C++,
Problem solver, Task Master, Hard working, communicating
Fresh/Entry Level
Professional Excellence Summary:
Updated knowledge with practical skills in Dry Rubber product manufacturing includes compound designing, processing, raw material testing, process testing and product testing.
Capable of designing of compound and manufacturing of commercial Plastic, fibre and fibre reinforced plastic products.
Completed a project work on ‘Development of waste plastic melt coated aggregate based road tarring’.
Presented a seminar on Rubberised bitumen road
Successfully completed a one week professional training from RRII Kottayam (Rubber Research Institute of India-Rubber Board)in Dry Rubber Processing and testing.
Selected as a participant of Micro, Small, and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSME) for a 2 month training program conducted by MSME department (Govt. of India) and brilliantly completed it in February 2011
Visited and trained in 15 polymer based industries include tyre industries
Interacted with many prominent Industrialists, Scientists from research institutions and Academicians through the external faculty programs conducted by our college and during the Industrial training and project works
Other Achievements:
First prize in Aquatic championship
Class leader in Plus two course
Synopsis of Project work:
Development of waste plastic melt coated aggregate based road tarring
Burial of waste plastic is a major challenge in plastic waste management and recycling. In our project we tried to develop a methodology for incorporating effectively maximum quantity of plastics in road tarring so that we create a coating of melted plastic with the pebbles and then mixed with bitumen for road pavement compound. The studies reveal it is a promising methodology and can be used for high performance road tarring compound. We are now in a position of getting permission for tarring an area of PWD road by this technology for a field study
To secure an entry as a professional in a challenging and demanding tyre industry, likes your Organization and employing my best efforts to serve by utilizing my skills and idea’s
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