Ref. No. : CA - 24839 - (Less than 1 year Exp. – with 8.1 years in Plastic Industry)


Ph.D. Metallurgical & Materials Engineering From Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Orissa), in 2015

Master in Technology (Metallurgical Engineering) from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela (Orissa) in 2010 with 9.12 CGPA

Bachelor of Engineering (Metallurgical Engineering) From Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, BPUT University, Sarang (Orissa) in 2005 with 67%

Skill Sets

Programming Languages : C, C++,ANSYS
Operating system : Windows
Ansys Software for analytical calculation

Work Experience

Fresh/Entry Level

Summer Visiting research (July- September) at University of South Carolina, USA
Feb’06-Jan’07 - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Foundry and Central Laboratory, Koraput Division.

May’04-June’04 - Rourkela Steel Plant (SAIL) Research and Control Laboratory, Rourkela.

May’03-June’03 - Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Foundry Department, Koraput Division.

Title: “Characterization of interfacial chemistry in FRP composite” from National Institute of Technology (NIT, Rourkela).
Title: “A Case Study in Failure Investigation of Gear Blade” from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL, Koraput).
Title: “To study the mechanical behavior of MS and C-45 Specimens under different conditions of Heat Treatment” from Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology.
Title: “Investment Casting” from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).
Title: “The production of Electrical Steel” from Rourkela Steel PlanT (Sail, Rourkela).

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Environmetnal effects on fibre reinforced polymeric composites: Evolving reasons and remarks on interfacial strength and stability, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2015,43-67, Impact Factor-9.4

S.Sethi, D.K Rathore, B.C.Ray, Effects of temperature and loading speed on interface dominated strength in fibre/polymer composites: An evaluation for in-situ environment. Materials and Design, 2015,65 ,617-626, Impact Factor-3.2

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, An assessment of mechanical behavior and Fractography study of Glass/Epoxy prepreg composites at different temperatures and loading speeds. Material and Design. 2014, 64,160-165, Impact Factor-3.2

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Experimental study on mechanical behavior and microstructural assessment of Kevlar/epoxy composites at low temperature., Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Materials, DE Gruyter Publication, 2014,Vol-23/3-4, 2014

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, A study on fibre/matrix contour and interface/interphase integrity by SEM and AFM techniques. Microscopy and Analysis, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. (published July 2014)

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, An assessment of interfacial chemistry and character of fiber/polymer micro-composites., Journal of Polymer and Composites, 2013,1, 1-5

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Effects of nanoparticle in FRP composites on evaluation of loading rate sensitivity. International Journal of Composite Materials, 2013,3,1-6

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, P.K.Panda, R.K.Nayak, Experimental studies on mechanical behavior and microstructural assessment of glass/epoxy composites at low temperatures., Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites January 2012, 31, 77-84, Impact Factor-1.1

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Evaluation of structural integrity and mechanical behavior of advanced FRP composites. International Journal of Structural Intrigity.2011,2, 214-222.

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Effect of post-thermal conditioning time on structural stability and integrity of RT cured GFRP composites. International Journal of Structural Integrity, 2014 (In Press).

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Environmental  effects on fibre reinforced polymeric composites: Evolving reasons and remarks, Critical Reviews in solid state and materials science, BSMS-2014-0008 (Under Review)

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Properties and Performance of fibre/polymer composites: An emphasis on ageing and failure fractography, Journal of Progress in polymer Science (Under Review)

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, An evaluation of interlaminar loading rate sensitivity of glass/epoxy fibrous composites at low temperature. Engineering Failure analysis. Manuscript No- EFA-D-14-00312 (Under Review)

S.Sethi, B.C Ray, Effects of high temperature on fibre/polymer composites: A comparison between 3-point and 4-point testing, (Under Preparation)

S.Sethi, B.C.Ray, Nano and Micro filler effects on Fibre/polymer composites.(Under Preparation)

Books & Book Chapters
Sanghamitra Sethi and Bankim Chandra Ray, Assessment of interfacial and mechanical behavior of FRP composites: Progress and degradation of Polymer composites. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing (August 10, 2012) ISBN-13: 978-3659170409.

Sanghamitra Sethi and Bankim Chandra Ray, Mechanical behavior of polymer composites at cryogenic temperatures (Chapter 4), Edited by Susheel Kalia and Shao-yun Fu. Polymers at Cryogenic Temperature, Springer-Verlag, Germany. ISBN – 978-3-642-35334-5, April- 2013

Area of Interest
Environmental degradation study
Failure of materials and microscopic study
Mechanical behavior study

Conference Papers
Interface assessment in composite materials - International conference on Recent Trends in materials and characterization (RETMAC-2010), NIT Surathkal, Karnataka, India from 14th Feb – 15th Feb’ 2010.

Assessment of interfacial chemistry and integrity in advanced FRP composites by FTIR-Imaging and Temperature modulated DSC techniques. 3rd National Symposium for Materials Research Scholars - MR - 10, at IIT Bombay, Mumbai (Maharashtra),India from 7th May – 8th May 2010.

Evaluation of environmental damage and degradation study of fiber/polymer composites -The international congress of environmental research ICER-10, Mauritius from 16th Sep -18th Sep 2010.

A microscopic study of failure in fibrous composite material - National metallurgical day-Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM) IISC - Bangalore, INDIA from 14th Nov-16th Nov 2010.

Failure and fracture studies of fibrous composites: Thermal conditioning effects- National metallurgical day-Annual Technical Meeting (NMD-ATM) Hyderabad, India from 13th Nov - 16th Nov 2011.
Loading rate sensitivity of FRP composites; an overview- International symposium for research scholars on Metallurgy, Materials science and Engineering (ISRS), IIT Madras from 20thDec-22nd Dec 2012.

Environmental and Experimental stability of FRP composites. International Conference on Composite materials, International Centre of Goa, 13th -16th Febarury, 2013

An evaluation of the failure behavior with changing loading rate in E-glass fiber/epoxy composites at low temperatures. Designing composite materials: Avoiding large structural failures, An International Conference: DFC12/SI6, Queen’s College, Cambridge, England from 8th-11th April 2013

Metallography Contest : Composite (2009) IIT, Kharagpur.
Chess (2003), Indira Gandhi Institute Of Technology, Sarang.
Best Poster Presentation, Indian Institute Of Technology, MR-13,(IIT Mumbai - 2013)
Travel Grant from Department of Science and Technology (DST) India, 2013 for International Conference (DFC12/SI-6) at Queen’s College Cambridge, UK.
Selected for Marquis Who’s Who in the world 2014 (31st edition)

Future Goals

As a Research Scholar, Enthusiasm to develop my professional & personal career  inside of an organization where I can share and apply my knowledge, abilities & expectations, through team work for achieving the organization objectives.

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