Ref. No. : CA - 14730 - (Production - Moulding – with 38 years in Plastic Industry)


PGD-Plastic Processing Technology from C.I.P.E.T. With First Class.

B.Sc. Chemistry From University Of Madras

Skill Sets

As General Manager, qualified and expertise in Operational Management consists of production and maintenance of all types Plastics molding machines of various processes, attained through the professional education and training.  In addition to that, my experience in cable & wire, wood panel and chemical industry have added up exposure into various engineering aspect of  processing, plant management and administration of entire operations of the factory consists of avg. 400 local staffs with 11 expatriates.

Work Experience

General Manager
Since Nov 2000
Company Profile: Chemical manufacturer
Liquid Chemical Plant:
It consists of various types of Liquid Chemical Reactors, which are exclusively designed with precision controls of hydraulic and AC drives. Reactors ranging from 1 ton to 5 tons capacity with processing capacity of 10 tons are used for producing a variety of specialty construction chemicals, Industrial adhesives and Consumer adhesives to the ISO standards.
Powder Chemical Plant:
It consists of state-of-the art hi tech powder chemical blenders with capacity range of 500kgs up to 2 ton per batch production capacity, equipped with modern Sand Drying Plant with 100 ton Silo storage capacity. Used for producing broad spectrum of ultra specialty powder construction chemicals to cater range of exigent construction needs.
Plastics Packaging Plant:
It is an In-House, self sufficient unit equipped with latest PLC controlled Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding and Printing machines, processing 50 tons of plastics per month. It caters, the entire range of packaging needs for consumer adhesive. "Top Bond" and "Top Gum"
Cable & Wire Plant:
It is full-fledged unit equipped with hi tech PLC machines for processing and testing of copper, aluminum, XLPE, and PVC. Producing all range of wires and cables of aluminum and copper to cater various market segments to the ISO standards.
It is an ultra - modern and hi-tech laboratory fully equipped and dedicated for precision and accurate testing of all of our raw materials, in-process and finished products to the set standards.
This the back bone of our manufacturing, equipped with Gas and Diesel powered - synchronized electric generators of 500kva to 1200kva, Steam boilers and compressors, etc. serving non-stop to meet up entire needs of the plant.

Job Profile:
Responsible for Poised, Smooth and Successful Operations of the Factory.
Factory Administration
Plastics Divn.
Wood Tech., Cable Plant, Chemical Plants
Other Related Activities

Factory Administration:
This involves day-to-day management of various divisions of staff through the personnel manager. Relating with Junior, Senior and management staff with their respective professional as well as personnel issues.
Involved in Decision making, appraisals, disciplinary and event measures as and when required as per the company policies.
Staff welfare, training and recruitments.
Community issues
Coordinating with various NGOs and Government Bodies.
Implementations any upgrade techniques ie., ISO and HSE, etc.
Evolving any new procedures for personnel and administrative issues

Plastics Division / Wood Tech/cable Plant/chemical Plants
Man power, Materials, production planning and implementations.
Coordinating with Marketing and Packaging dept.
Up keeping of the Plant and machineries.
Procurement of Engineering items, Raw materials and related items.
New developments, innovations and capital projects.
Stores and data management.
Periodic stock taking and assessments.
QC measures and controls.
Maintenance of plant and machineries.
Engineering stores management.
Order placement for overseas items / machineries in conjunction with MD, and subsequent follow ups.
Overseeing the operations and administrative aspects.
Cost cutting and effective utilization of all the resources.
Appropriate record keeping and monitoring.
Development of new formats and procedures for effective systems, methodology and controls.

Monitoring and ensuring the up keeping of the fire safety equipments.
Upgrading the facilities with time.
Personnel training and procedures.
Health safety and industrial safety.

Other Related Activities:
Responsible for conducting Weekly meetings with all the HOD’s.
Assisting in any necessary decision making and coordination.
Forwarding the minutes and follow ups.
Taking up any additional – independent responsibilities to facilitate work load and meet up the time frame of specific assignments.
Coordinating with Group coy for any administrative and technical issues.
To provide possible and necessary information without any conflict of interest.
Intervene in any of the pressing /emergency issues, which concern the smooth operations of the factory.
Endorsing and forwarding all the day to day expense vouchers and wages.
Arranging the stationary requirements for the factory operations.
Follow up with H.O for any staff welfare issues and liaise.
Evolving and monitoring any new procedures related to operational issues arises with time.

April 1994 to Nov 2000
Company Profile: Plastic product manufacturer in Africa
Job Profile:
Production and Production Planning
Quality control
Planning of factory Manpower Machines,
Moulds and Materials.

Maintenance Engineer
Nov 1993 to April 1994
Company Name: Brite Automotive And Plastics Ltd
Job Profile:
Responsible and in charge of the maintenance of the Machines, Moulds, Ancillary Equipments, Process Control

Plant Engineer
Jan 1992 to Feb 1993
Company Name: Exone Plastics Manufacturers
Company Profile: It is one of the leading units in Malaysia catering to the needs of multinational companies like Sony, Sharp, National, Yohans, Mattel, Acer, etc.
Job Profile:
Responsibility is to look after the complete production and processing problems to achieve the Optimum quality products as per the "ISO 9002" for the multinational companies.

Assistant Manager
July 1990 to Dec 1991
Company Name: Bhola Plastics Industries
Company Profile: Manufacturing of indigenous brands of wall clocks.
Job Profile:
Responsible for the complete manufacturing activities of the production, Assembling, Testing and Quality Control and packaging

Service Engineer
Aug 1988 to July 1990
Company Name: F.KL"O" Kner Windsor India Ltd
Company Profile: Leading plastics processing machine manufacturer in India and having sales and service centers all over the country and abroad. 
Job Profile:
In charge of m/c installations and servicing of plastics processing machines  at Regional levels. 

Future Goals


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