Ref. No. : CA - 20544 - (Production Planning - Plastic Products and Processing – with 31.5 years in Plastic Industry)


B.Sc., Chemistry From Madras University 

PGD-PTCT From CIPET, in 1994 with 60 %

Skill Sets

Executive Summary
22 plus years of experience in Production, Quality Assurance,  Plastic Processing, Audit system,  and Statistical Process Control
Sound Knowledge in PET Preforms& Bottles processing, PPCP Pails, Water &CSD Beverage Closures, Seamless Tubeand HDPE Extrusion Blow Molding for Dairy Industries 
Sound Knowledge in 19 Key elements of Procter & Gamble (P&G) audit system

Work Experience

Factory Manager / Plant Head
Since Mar 2015
Company Profile: Pails manufacturing
Job Profile:
Leading Plastic Pail manufacturing company in India and having 16 manufacturing units across the India. Customer  are Asian Paints, Berger, Nippon paints, Agsar, Sheenlac, Nippan Paintsetc

Production Manager
Jul 2013 to Jan 2015
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Closure, PET Preforms & Caps
Job Profile: 
Closure, PET Preforms & Caps Assembly section
Leading plastics bottles (HDPE, PET) & caps manufacturer in Saudi Arabia & supplying to Al Marai, Al Safi, Nadec, Gulf Union, King Abdullah Dairy and other leading dairy industries
Manufacturer of  PE Seam less tubes with PSG Extrusion and supplying to P&G Saudi Arabia

Quality Assurance Manager 
May 2012 to Jul 2013
Job Profile:
Worked as a Quality Assurance Manager for entire company (Closures, PET preforms, HDPE blow molding lines, PET stretch blow molding & P&G Seamless tubes (Pantene)
Successfully completed P&G Supplier compliance audit & become approved supplier
Looking after IMS SYSTEM (ISO 9000, 22000 & 18000) & holding the responsibility of Management Representative 
Q-Pulse Software implementation, Minitab & Infinity QS SPC software implementation 
Conducting companywide training on Systems, procedures , Internal Audit, FSMS, HACCP, QMS & SPC, 19 Keys (P&G), PET Processing, PET Drying Systemetc

Quality Assurance manager & Management Representative 
Dec 2010 to May 2012
Company Name: Genoa Plastic Industries- Kuwait
Company Profile: Implemented ISO 9001:2008 for preforms and Closures and taking care of overall system management in this company.
Job Profile:
Successfully pursued ISO 22000 for the PET Preforms and Closures for the Mineral water application purpose from SGS
Setting objective on department wise and monthly monitoring the same
Conducting monthly meeting on department wise for objective / goal control
Make sure the CAPA placed on incidents and actions
Training on ISO 22000 and ISO 9001:2008
Training  on GMP 
Successfully completed and become APPROVED SUPPLIER of PEPSI and COCA COLA
QA Lab management & calibration activities. 

Quality Assurance Manager
Aug 2009 to Nov 2010
Company Name: Plascare Industries Pvt Ltd
Job Profile:
Management Representative / FSTL for Food Safety Management System. 
Making PET PREFROSM by Netstal Machine (Switzerland) and CLOSURES by New Technology ofContinuousCompression molding (SACMI-ITALY).
Manufacturing state of the art Polycarbonate bottles for MNC such as PEPSI, COCA COLA, CULLIGAN (DUBAI), ASTRAL MINERAL WATER (DUBAI), etc by Injection Stretch Blow Molding (Aoki-Japan).
Maintaining highly sophisticated QA Lab for ensuring the quality of Bulk water bottles, Prefroms and Closures as per PEPSI & COKE Standards. 
Conducting training on 5S, OEE, Basic about material, RCA, Correction Actions, Pareto analysis etc

Senior Manager Quality Assurance
Jun 2007 to Aug 2009
Company Name: Moldtek Plastics Ltd (PPCP) Pail Company in India
Company Profile: This company is leading PPCP Pails manufacturing company and supplying to PPCP pails to leading companies like ASIAN PAINTS, KANSAINEROLAC, CASTROL, BHRATH PETROLEUM, IOCL, ICI, and Exporting to Middle East countries, etc. My Job responsibility is Management Representative, controlling rejections at all the levels, giving training on 5S, OEE, SPC, about PPCP and other latest quality tools. 
Job Profile:
Responsibility including MAnagement Representative 
Conducting Plant Wise Training On Iso, 5s, Oee, Copq, Spc, And Other Latest Quality Tools. 
Attending GMP (GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES) audit from MGlas- Germanay.
Doing stringent QA functions at NEST and TUB productions which are supplying to MGS (MG Sterile Company- Germany.
Making procedure in order to complying GMP procedure with the help of MGS.
Implemented OEE (Overall Equipment Efficiencies) system to all over MTPL PLANTS SUCCESSFULLY. 
Attending customer complaints and taking CAPA. 
Attending CUSTOMER Audit from Bayer Crop science, ICI, Dr. Reddys Lab, KNP, Asian Paints , MGS etc. 

Production In-charge 
Aug 2006 to Feb 2007
Company Name: Sunrise Containers Ltd- Silvassa 
Company Profile: Leading PET preforms and Bottles manufacturer in India and having highly sophisticated machine like Karrus-Maffei (Germany). 
Job Profile:
Looked After Complete Production, Quality, Customer Complaints Handling And Implementation Of Iso Process.  

Asst. Manager Quality Assurance
Apr 2005 to Jul 2006
Company Name: Hi-Tech Plast Ltd
Company Profile: Major Poly Propylene Pails manufacturing company in India and having 9 branches all over India. Products  supplying to major Paints manufacturing companies in India, especially Asian Paints Ltd.
Job Profile:

Manufacturing of: PP Pails & Lids which is supplying to M/S Asian Paints Ltd, Berger Paints Ltd etc. Producing Taper Pails (1ltr to 20 Ltrs) and Bocan containers (straight wall containers up to 4.0 Litres). 

Job Profile:
Designing & Implementing of all formats, which is using for ISO process. 
Implementing Visual Display system in the company.
Implementing 5S system and 20 Keys implementation.
Training to subordinates, Operators regarding SPC, DOE, R&R, 5S, 20 KEYS (WORK PLACE IMPROVEMENT) and BASIC STATISTICS.
Analysing the CUSTOMER COMPLAINTS and taking Corrective and Preventive (CAPA) actions. 
Directly reporting to Plant Head.

Process Engineer&Quality Control In-Charge
From 1998 to Jan 2005
Company Name: Al Zamil Plastics factory limited
Company Profile: One of the leading plastic company in Middle East and yearly production capacity is 400 Million pre-forms. Had different sizes Preforms of 13.5gr to 68 grams with different Neck Finish such as PCO, BPF, OBRIST, SCREW TYPE and 25/30. Maintaining quality in international basis due to we are supplier to PEPSI and COCA-COLA for beverages and water grades and supplying to all leading water and juices companies to around the world.
Job Profile:
Handling the SPC (Statistical Process Control) and DOE (Design Of Experiment) for all the products.
Reduce the Rejection Level in the Preform process from control the variations through SPC process by Proactive approach.
Raw material savings through SPC process and maintaining Capability of the products (Cpk, CP).
Monitoring the SPC and take corrective and preventive actions on the process and products quality and maintenance area.
With the help of DOE set the process with optimum efficiency and maximum production output. 
Control the Quality as per specification. Analysis of NCR with Root Cause Analysis (RCA) and take corrective and preventive actions to prevent recurrence. 
Conducting R&R (Repeatability and Reproducibility) over QC and Process technicians on measurement systems such as weighing balance, wall thickness (venire caliper and Micrometer). 
Doing PARETO CHART ANALYSIS over machine down time, product defects and takes CAPA. 
Coordinating with Sales departments and planning the production with full efficiency.  Making the monthly production report and control the rejection and wastages. Allocating optimum manpower to production and control the manpower. 
Successfully implemented and maintained SPC process (Statistical Process Control) in the PET Preforms Division.
Maintain the Process Sheets record for each product, material and color.
Raised and do the DOE analysis (Design Of Experiment) whenever problem raised and management needs. 
Control PET Extrusion sheet process to maintained AA level in PET sheet at AlZamil, Extrusion Division.
Maintained Process Capability (CPk, CP) on preform weight, AA level etc.

PET Preforms for carbonated beverage bottles (Pepsi and Coca-Cola), Water grade bottles, Juices and Hot-fill.  Sizes of 13.5,14.0,17.0,19.0,22.8,32.0,33, 35, 39,40,42,43,53.30,54,55,56, and 68.0 grams. 

Training Obtained
Exclusive abroad training on NETSTAL Injection molding process at NAFELS, SWITZERLAND. 
Exclusive abroad Training on DRYING PROCESS at PIOVAN, ITALY.
Exclusive in-house training on PET PROCESSING by PET TECHNOLOGIST, USA.
Exclusive in-house training on Statistical Process Control (SPC) and Design of Experiment (DOE) by PET TERRA FIRMA, USA.
Appreciation 1.Awarded as a Best Employee in Al-Zamil Plastics Industries, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for control of process, training to operators, subordinates and for teamwork. 

Shift supervisor 
From 1996 to 1998
Company Name: Shripet Polymers Limited
Company Profile: Leading plastic company in India making PET Bottles, Jars and Closures. Had single stage blow molding machines to make bottles and jars. Supplying to various types of industries such as Water, juices, pesticide, liquors and other medical appliances purpose.  
Job Profile:
Set the process and machine as optimum condition. 
Control the overall process such as Blowing process, Injection molding process, drying process, chillers, coolers and air compressors
Machines Handled 
AOKI (Japan): (ISBM) 100L-50, 250 LL –50, AKH-80. Making various types of PET bottles and jars from 50 ml to 2.0 liters. 
NIESSIASB (Japan): (ISBM) 650 EXH SERIES. Making for Wide mouth PET containers, from 500 ml to 20 liters. 
L&T Demag: Injection molding machine for making caps and closures and accessories.  

Production Engineer 
From Sept 1994 to Dec 1995
Company Name: Creative Plastics Industries Limited 
Company Profile: Leading plastic company for making MNC products in Injection blow molding process(IBM). Leading supplier of Pond’s India limited, Johnson and Johnson limited.
Job Profile:
Overall responsibility of Production & Quality. 

(Materials Handled: PP & HDPE)
Pond's Cold Cream Bottles 25 ml to 200ml
Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder Bottles
Shower to Shower Prickly Heat powder bottles
Shifters for J&J Baby powders & Shower to shower Prickly heat powder
Machines Handled
JOMAR Injection Blow Molding Machine (IBM)
Windsor injection Molding machines 

Executive Summary
SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT HOLDER for Productivity & Quality from PPMI (Terra-Firma) U.S.A.
Six Sigma Project completed in PET Preforms Productivity and Quality Control
Successfully completed ISO LEAD AUDITOR (9001:2000) course from BVQI.
Successfully completed ISO LEAD AUDITOR of ISO 22000- Food safety management system (FSMS) from SGS.
Done refreshing training on Six sigma green belt from Benchmark six sigma
Successfully completed Lean Management course from Benchmark six sigma
Successfully pursued FSMS (ISO 22000) Certification for Genoa Plastic Industries- Kuwait
Successfully obtained PEPSI & COCA COLA approval for Genoa Plastics Industries- Kuwait
Fully aware of System approval, Plant approval and Product approval for PEPSI & COCA COLA
Having abroad training at Netstal, Husky And Piovan- Italy For Pet Processing, Quality Control And Pet Drying Process. 
Having Knowledge In Clean Room Manufacturing Method For injection Molding Process And Knowledge In Class-100k. 
Conducted companywide TRAINING for process awareness, SPC, Design of Experiments (DOE) and latest Quality Tools. 
Obtained Training on plastic (PET) processing at Switzerland, Italy and Luxemburg
Awardedas a Best Employee in Al-Zamil Plastics Industries, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for control of process, training to operators, colleagues and for teamwork.

Future Goals


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