Ref. No. : CA - 17165 - (Production - Roto Moulding – with 33.1 years in Plastic Industry)


Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Processing Technology From Central Institute Of Plastic Engineering And Technology (Cipet), Bhubaneswar with  First class in 1989

Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.) with Chemistry as Honors, Anandapur College, (Utkal University), Odisha in 1987

Higher Secondary Education (HSE) under Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha B. N. High School, Anandapur, Odisha in 1982

Skill Sets

Fluent Speak and read: Oriya, Hindi, Bengali and English
Can read and understand: French
Computer Literate: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power point

Work Experience

Operation Manager 
May 2014 to May 2015
Company Profile:An ISO certified company, leader in plastic manufacturing Industries in Tanzania in the field of Injection moulding, Blow moulding and Rotational moulding. 
Job Profile:
with Rotational Moulding division. This division manufacture Plastic water tanks with Biaxial Rotational moulding (200 liters to 10,000 liters) and Blow Moulding (500 liters to 2350 Liters), other rotational moulding products like cooler boxes, pallets, dustbins. 
I was responsible for production planning, man power planning, maintenance planning of machines and moulds (preventive and breakdown), monitoring of product quality and productivity, attention customer complaints and improve product designs and systems, monitor the stock of raw materials, spare parts, consumables and finished goods, development of products as per the customer requirement. I was responsible for factory administration, procuring spare parts and consumables, controlling direct and indirect operational expenses, monitoring security system, recruitment and training of contract and casual workers as and when required. I achieved my targets with team work and motivate the workers to improve discipline and productivity in the organization. I organize regular meetings for proper co-ordination within teams of human resource, production, maintenance, quality, stores, logistics, sales and marketing. As a team, we do the root cause analysis to reduce downtime and improve productivity and quality.

General Manager (Production)
Aug 2013 to Nov 2013
Company Profile: Production of Injection Molding products and Blow molding products.
Job Profile:
I was responsible to co-ordinate with Machine service Engineers and local staff for erection and trial production of machineries, providing suitable infrastructures for power, water and air. After successful trial production of Injection Molding Machines (240T to 1250T) – 17 Machines and Blow Molding Machines (2Liters to 50 Liters) – 14 Machines, I resigned due to security reasons and unfavorable working conditions at the site. 

General Manager (Production) 
Sep 2010 to July 2013
Company Name: Geepee Group Of Companies
Company Profile:A leading plastic industry in Nigeria in the field of Injection Molding, Blow Molding and Rotational Molding
Job profile:
I was responsible for production, maintenance, product quality and productivity of the plant.  
I was responsible for man power planning for 150 worker including expatriate staffs to stabilize the work in progress from production to dispatch. Stock control of raw materials, spare parts and finished products were also under my responsibilities. 
I was responsible to plan for preventive and breakdown maintenance of moulds and machines to reduce the down time. I was organizing the weekly production meetings and monthly meeting with sales staff to streamline the process flow. 
Also I monitor the testing of new materials, erection of new machineries and trial production of new molds and setting the parameters for optimum quality. The quality monitoring system was put in line to reduce the rejection, maintain uniform standards of products. The use of maximum allowed percentage of reprocess materials reduced the production cost. 
I was responsible for the factory administration, recruitment of contract and casual workers as and when required, monitor and control of the customer complains. 
I prepare daily, weekly and monthly production reports. I was responsible for raw material and other consumable reconcilement with accounts department. 
The products produced in this factory were more than 40 types of plastic water storage tanks (200 liters to 30,000 liters) and Other 60 types of Rotational Molding Products like Septic Tanks, Plastic pallets, Wheel bins, portable toilets, Flower pots, Crates, Lamp shades, courier boxes, Textile trolleys and etc. Also five sizes of Blow molded tanks were produced from 750 Liters to 1400 liters. Rotational Molded PVC Balls and dolls were also produced with Italian Machines. 
The machines used to produce the above products are biaxial type and Rock n Roll type machines from India, Italy and USA. Blow Molding Machines from India. The average production was 400 MT – 500MT per month.

General Manager 
July 2008 to July 2010
Company Name: Sintex Containers (Ghana) Ltd.
Company Profile:A leading plastic company in Ghana in the field of Injection molding, Mono layer and Multilayer Blown film products (Plain and 6 color printed), Laminated BOPP printed Rolls, PET containers, Rotational molding processes
Job Profile:
I was responsible for setting up a new factory with new machineries and putting all infrastructures (Electricity and water) in line. The trial production was taken in presence of manufacturer representatives to a satisfactory level. The commercial production launched with new products.
I was responsible for recruiting and training to the contract and skilled workers to achieve the best quality products and smooth flow of the operation. Consequently, the production increased to fulfill the market demand. I was responsible for stock of raw materials, finished products and spare parts. A total workforce of 100 was working in the compound with my supervision.
I was also responsible for the sales and marketing of the products. I keep coordinating with the existing dealers and increase the dealer network throughout the country. Also we explored the export markets in neighboring countries.
I was responsible for pricing the products and monitoring the credit limit of the dealers and following up with the corporate customers. I was organizing weekly sales and marketing meetings with staffs and visiting dealers in the market on a regular basis. The sales volume was increased to double fold during my tenure.
I was responsible for advertisement of the products in different Medias (Radio, News paper and TV). I was planning and preparing the advertisement budgets and monitoring for execution.  I was organizing the seminars with dealers and corporate customers for product awareness and motivating the best performers by awards and incentives. 
The products manufactured with this division were 25 sizes of plastic water storage tanks (600 liters to 20,000 liters) and 10 types of Other Rotational Molding products like Industrial bins, traffic cones Road dividers etc. The plant capacity was 40 – 50 MT per month. 
After installation of new machines at new site, the old machineries from old factory site was dismantled and re-assembled at new site with my supervision.

General Manager 
Aug 2006 to May 2008
Company Name:New Star Polyproducts (Gh) Ltd
Company Profile:It was a new company for Rotational Molding project. I was responsible for total planning of the project.
Job Profile:
I was responsible for selection of machineries and molds for the project. The entire site construction for the factory was under my planning and supervision. I was responsible for the trial production and keeping co-ordination with machine manufacture for satisfactory production performances. 
I was responsible for recruitment of local and expatriate staffs, training of the process and maintenance of the machineries, molds and tools.
I was responsible for setting the new market, pricing of the products, starting the dealership network and co-ordinate with corporate customers. I was also responsible for the advertisement of the products in different Medias, taking part in local exhibitions to promote the products in the local market and export market in neighboring countries. I keep regular visits to the dealers to monitor the market movement of the products.
I resigned due to my personal reasons.

Production Manager
Sep 2005 to Aug 2006
Company Name:High Technology Plastic Products Ltd.
Company Profile: Is a leading Plastic company in Oman with having Rotational Molding products and HDPE pipes and plastic reprocess. 
Job Profile:
I was responsible for production of both the units. The production planning and maintenance schedule was monitored by me. I was responsible for man power planning for 50 worker including expatriate staffs to stabilize the work in progress from production to dispatch. I was responsible for stock control of raw materials, spare parts and finished products. 
I designed and fabricated a portable machine to manufacture the covers of the water tanks produced. This increased the productivity of the machine and reduced the production cost. 

Production Manager 
Aug 2004 to July 2005
Company Name:AL Bassam International Factories Llc. 
Company Profile:Is a leading plastic company in UAE manufacturing Rotational Molded products and 20 liter PET containers. I joined
Job profile:
I was responsible for production, quality and factory administration. The manpower planning and stock control of raw materials, finished products and spares were my responsibilities. I was responsible for production reports and costing of the products.
The new products introduced as 40,000 liter tank, first time in Middle East. The new machineries installed and the production output doubled. 
The company was awarded with ISO 9001/2000 certificate during the month of January, 2005. I played a key role to train the staffs and workers to maintain the records as per ISO standards.
The Rotational molded products produced were 30 sizes of plastic water storage tanks (200 liter to 40,000 liters) with one layer to five layers with PE foaming inside. The other products like Road Barrier; Traffic cones etc were also produced.
Most of the Rotational molding machineries and molds were fabricated in house for the factory use and also exported to the neighboring countries. The plant capacity was 70 MT per month.

Production Engineer 
July 1992 to Oct 2003
Company Name: Polytank (Gh) Limited 
Company Profile:Is a subsidiary of Polygroup Of Companies for manufacturing Rotational Molding products. Polygroup is a leading group in Ghana since 1966, manufacturing different plastic products with Injection Molding, Blow Molding, Extrusion and Rotational Molding process.
Job Profile:
I was responsible for erection of the machineries, trial production of the machineries and molds in presence of the service engineers. 
I trained the local workers about the production process, quality checking system and stream lined the production process. The machine fueling system was changed from Diesel to LPG system with my guidance and supervision, which economized the production cost.
I was promoted to Factory Manager in 1993. I was responsible for production reports, factory administration, stock control of raw materials, spare parts and finished products. I developed few portable products in house as per the customer requirements.
In 1995, the Sales and Marketing was added to my responsibility. I was responsible for daily sales, cash handling, dispatching the products to the customers, attending customer complains. I was also responsible for marketing the products inside the country and also export market in the neighboring countries. 
I was planning and preparing the budget for the advertisement, executing and monitoring them. I was organizing the seminars for dealers for awareness of the products and motivating them with awards for their performances.
I was responsible for increase of dealer network. I travelled throughout the country and made a good dealer network and support them with required logistics to boost the sales in different regions.
In 1996, the expansion of the factory was planned in Kumasi, almost 300 Kms., away from Accra. I was responsible for selection of machineries, molds and other equipments. The lay out planning, erection of the machineries, trial production and training to workers to achieve good quality production was my responsibilities. I was responsible for production for both the factories in addition to sales and marketing.

Factory Manager 
Company Name: Sonnex Packaging & Plastic (Gh) Ltd, 
Company Profile:Is a sister company of Polygroup. This unit was having three production units, such as Blown Film products with 19 extruders and 14 T-shirt machines, Rotational Molding products with one biaxial machine and Recycling plant with two extruders. 
Job Profile:
I was responsible for production, quality and dispatch of total products. I was responsible for factory administration of a work force of 150, stock of raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products, spare parts. I was reporting to the Managing Director of the company with daily production report, weekly production report and monthly production report.
In 2002, I was transferred back to Accra to take responsibilities of the new expansion of Rotational Molding plant at a new project site. I was responsible for planning and erection of new machineries, trial production of the machines. I monitored the recruitment of new staffs, training for the new products and improve the quality and quantity of production.
Two PP recycling machines were installed. I was responsible for production, maintenance and quality.
The old Rotational Molding machineries (1992) were dismantled and transferred to new site. I was responsible to plan and install the machineries after refurbishment. I was responsible for production, maintenance, quality, stock and productivity of the total plant. I was reporting to the General Manager and represent MRM for production. The total production capacity of the Rotational Molding production was 120 MT – 150 MT per month.

Production Supervisor 
Dec 1989 to May 1992
Company Name:Patton Tanks Ltd.
Job Profile:
I was trained to run the machines, setting the parameters to achieve good quality products and procedure for maintenance of the equipments. The factory was installed with two biaxial machines and one Rock n Roll type machine to produce plastic water tanks with two layers. The other products produced were material handling crates, traffic cones, lamp globes, insulated containers for local beverage companies. We developed new portable molds in house as per customer requirement. The production capacity of the plant was 50 MT per month

Future Goals

Is to understand the product and the customer requirement. I develop the systems with a great team work to achieve the best quality products with optimum productivity. The total customer satisfaction with a motto of service with speed with committed time target is my dream to achieve. My prime objective is to keep developing the process system and products designs to achieve a bigger market share and keep the organization as market leader.

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