Ref. No. : CA - 14990 - (Quality – with 24.9 years in Plastic Industry)


PGD PTCT (Post Graduate Diploma in Plastic Testing and Conversion Technology) in 1999 with First class from CIPET - Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology.

PGDBM (Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management) in 1998 with 45% from R.P. Institute of Communication & Management - Mumbai.

B.Sc (Chemistry) in 1997 with 60% from South Gujarat University - Surat.

Other Qualification:
Lead Auditor From ICS Technology for Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2000)
Aware about 4M, 5s systems and have successfully implemented such systems in plant.

Skill Sets

Plastic Technologist

Work Experience

Factory Head / G.M - Works
Since Dec 2014
Company Profile: manufacturer of Woven sacks FIBC, Small bags - Extrusion process
Job Profile:
Overseeing production related tasks including planning, control and trouble shooting. Responsible for maximizing factory’s profitability by optimizing manpower and machinery utilization.
Executing production and over all plant operations in meeting Production targets as and achieves the same within time and cost parameters.
Arrange and allocate adequate resources to fulfill production according to committed Quality & delivery dates.
Arrange for production plan & schedule on daily basis for all products according to committed delivery dates
Preparing Daily Production planning duly interacting with market personnel.
Direct involvement in all Plant activities and responsible for Production/Quality /Stores (Technical and Inventory) Maintenance/Logistics /Administration etc.
Optimizing man & machine utilization to achieve pre set production targets
Developing new process concepts for production optimization, yield improvement and develop guidelines for the sequencing of manufacturing activities on the shop floor (SOP).
Coordinating Packing & dispatch as per Market & Customer requirement.
Controlling Waste %, Specific Power/Fuel consumption, Manpower cost, Store and spare consumptions, % Production efficiency, Targeted quality of produced material, Inventory control, Continuous process improvement etc.
Regulate various costs by keeping stringent check on wastages and usage. Analyze MIS related to consumption and wastages.
Cost Reduction at various fronts to meet cost targets, developing alternative spares and consumables, optimization of consumption level etc.
Manpower assessment and planning.
Hierarchy: GM (works) - Production Manager - Q.A./ Production In charge - Production Supervisor - Fitters - Operators - Workers

Factory Head / G.M - Works
Jan 2014 to Nov 2014
Company Name: PVN Fabrics Pvt. Ltd.
Company Profile: Woven sacks, BOPP, small bags, Paper tublar plant – Extrusion process
Job Profile:
Direct involvement in all Plant activities and responsible for Production/Quality /Stores (Technical and Inventory) Maintenance/Logistics /Administration etc.
Overseeing production related tasks including planning, control and trouble shooting. Responsible for maximizing factory’s profitability by optimizing manpower and machinery utilization.
Arrange and allocate adequate resources to fulfill production according to committed Quality & delivery dates.
Arrange for production plan & schedule on daily basis for all products according to committed delivery dates
Preparing Daily Production planning duly interacting with market personnel.
Optimizing man & machine utilization to achieve pre set production targets
Developing new process concepts for production optimization, yield improvement and develop guidelines for the sequencing of manufacturing activities on the shop floor (SOP).
Coordinating Packing & dispatch as per Market & Customer requirement.
Controlling Waste %, Specific Power/Fuel consumption, Manpower cost, Store and spare consumptions, % Production efficiency, Targeted quality of produced material, Inventory control, Continuous process improvement etc.
Regulate various costs by keeping stringent check on wastages and usage. Analyze MIS related to consumption and wastages.
Cost Reduction at various fronts to meet cost targets, developing alternative spares and consumables, optimization of consumption level etc.
Manpower assessment and planning.
Hierarchy: GM (works) - Production Manager - Q.A./ Production In charge - Production Supervisor - Fitters - Operators - Workers

Sr. Manager Operations
Sep 11 to Dec 2014
Company Name: Plastene India Ltd
Company Profile: Woven sacks, FIBC plant - Extrusion
Job Profile:
Overall responsible for Quality, PPC, sample designing.
Products development
Inventory and costing
To maintain Quality Assurance system at all levels (from raw material to finished product).
To prepare & maintain all analysis / inspection reports and records.
To maintain record of customer feed-back/complaints with analysis reports.
Give on the job training to subordinates.
To monitor/report operating conditions of plant & calibration of Q.A. lab equipments.
To analyze the work / job order.
Responsible for making decision in case of any deviation in quality / process.
Ensure pre-dispatch inspection & issue product quality test certificate as and when required by customer.
To develop new product with extreme performance with lowest cost.
Additional work: Work as M.R. ISO 9001, 2000. And as Qualified Lead Auditor.
Hierarchy : Unit Head - Sr. Q.C. Manager - Q.C. Incharge - Q.C. Supervisor - Operators - Workers

Production Manager - FIBC
Feb’11 to Sep’11
Company Name: Emmbi Polyarns Ltd
Company Profile: Woven sacks, FIBC plant – Extrusion process
Job Profile:
To make production planning on monthly and daily basis.
Carried out production as per planning and achieve the desire target / goal as per management policy.
Increase productivity and minimized the cost.
Utilized manpower effectively.
To train / guide subordinate as per the work.
To analyze the work / job order and make components accordingly in time bond period.
Ensure production and dispatch as per schedule.
Hierarchy : GM (FIBC) - Production Manager - Q.A./ Production In charge -Production Supervisor - Fitters - Operators - Workers

Asst Q.A. Manager / PPC / MR
June’02 to Jan’11
Company Name: Jai Corp Ltd
Company Profile: Woven sacks, FIBC plant - Extrusion process
Job Profile:
To maintain Quality Assurance system at all levels.
To prepare & maintain all analysis/ inspection reports and records.
To maintain record of customer feed-back/complaints with analysis reports.
Give on the job training to subordinates.
To monitor/report operating conditions of plant & calibration of Q.A. lab equipments.
To analyze the work / job order.
Ensure pre-dispatch inspection & issue product quality test certificate as and when required by customer.
To develop new product with extreme performance with lowest cost.
Details SQC method for analysis, Also prefers 5S, 4M, training to all the workers and Staff members.
Additional work: Work as M.R. ISO 9001, 2000. And as Qualified Lead Auditor.
Hierarchy: Unit Head - Q.A. Manager - Q.A./ Production In charge - Q.A. Supervisor - Operators - Workers

Q.C./ Production In charge
July, 2000 to May, 2002
Company Name:Shreenath Plastopack Pvt. Ltd
Company Profile:LD/HM//HD- Blown film & PP TQ plant - Extrusion process
Job Profile:
To maintain Quality Control system at all levels (from raw material to finished product).
To prepare & maintain all analysis/ inspection reports and records.
Production planning and carried out testing of product as per customers requirement.
To maintain record of customer feed-back/complaints with analysis reports also visit their works.
Develop new products such as Shrink film, heavy duty film etc.
To monitor/report operating conditions of plant & calibration of Q.A. lab equipments.
Ensure pre-dispatch inspection & issue product quality
Hierarchy: G.M. - Plant Manager - Q.C. In charge - Sr. Operators -Operators - Workers.

Q.C. Engineer
Aug’99 to June, 2000
Company Name: Buch Plastics & Packaging Pvt. Ltd
Company Profile: Woven sacks, FIBC plant - Extrusion process
Job Profile:
As Q.C. Engineer carried out inspection & testing of product as per customer requirement/specification.
Testing of Tape, Fabric (UN laminated & Laminated), PP belt, FIBC (UN laminated & Laminated) etc…
Hierarchy : Director - Manager Q.C - Q.C. Engineer- Operators

Trainee Operator
Sep’97 to Nov’97
Company Name: M/s. Ficom Organics Ltd

Trainee Chemist
March’97 to Aug’97
Company Name: M/s. Abbott Laboratories India Ltd

Future Goals

To ensure personal, professional and organizational growth by working in a challenging environment. My technical abilities with my strength & knowledge, with help me make myself useful for the organization I serve. I am hands-on & field with marvelous drive to reach new heights.

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