F.C.A. From Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India in 1993
D.C.S. From Indo German Cultural Society in 1993
B.Com From University Of Bombay in 1988
Computer Proficiency :
Well versed in ERP , Financial Accounting Computer Package “ TALLY “ developed by Peutronics , Bangalore and also experienced in the use of Internet Explorer , E Mail , C.C.Mail , Skype , Windows XP , MS Office , Power point Presentations , etc.
General Manager – Accounts & Finance
Dec 2014 to April 2015
Company Profile: Association of Real Estate Developers
Job Profile:
for Project Finance , raising funds (short term & long term) from Banks / Financial Institutions / NBFC’s , etc. for Fund based & Non – Fund based facilities Working Capital Limits , Term Loans , Housing Loans, Personal Loans etc .
CMA Data , Budgeting, Forecasting, Company’s Business Plans , Audit Documentations ,.
Ledger Scrutiny of Accounts, etc. upto finalization stage , Support Services ,etc for Tax Audits, Vat Audits, Service Tax Audits, Income Tax Scrutiny cases, Sales Tax / VAT , Service Tax Assessments etc.
Manager –Banking & Treasury
Oct 2009 to Oct 2013
Company Profile: manufacturer of electric cables, insulated cables, LV Cables, etc
Job Profile:
accounts (computerized in Tally package ) such as Purchase Register , Sales Register , Cash Book , Bank Book , Ledger , Journal , Ledger Scrutiny , etc. upto finalization stage , Tax Audits , etc.
Feb 2006 to Oct 2007
Company Name: Bharati Automobiles Pvt. Ltd.
Head Finance & Accounts
June 2000 to Feb 2006
Company Name: Ratan Motors (Authorised Dealers for Maruti Udyog Ltd.)
Nov 1998 to May 2000
Company Name: Shah Shemlani & CO.,
Sr. Manager - Corporate Audits
April 1994 to Nov 1998
Company Name: Dilip S. Shah & Associates
Professional Experiences:
Actively involved in raising funds (short term & long term) from consortium of Banks / Financial Institutions / NBFC’s , etc. for Fund based & Non – Fund based facilities Working Capital Limits , Term Loans , Housing Loans, Vehicle Loans, Personal Loans ,
Ensuring Cordial Banking relationship, etc .
Overseeing, managing of Cash Flows , Fund Flows , Liquidity Management , Debt Management , Collections, Data Analysis of various Financial
and MIS Reports, Corporate Finance, Accounts, Investments, Banking , CMA , Budgeting ,
Forecasting , Company’s Business Plans , Audit Documentations / other important Documentations , Support Services , etc .
Liaisoning with consortium of Bankers / Financial Institutions / NBFC’s , etc.
Liaisoning with Auditors : Statutory Auditors, Internal Auditors, Bank’s Auditors ,
Tax Auditors, VAT Auditors , Service Tax Auditors Cost Auditors , Transfer Pricing Auditors , etc .
Liaisoning with Credit Rating Agencies like CRISIL , ICRA for Credit Rating / Surveillance Exercise , etc.
Cash Flows / Fund Flows / Debt Management /Liaisoning with Bankers / Financial Institutions :
Focusing on Collections (Domestic / Exports / JV ) , Cost reductions ( wherever possible) .
Authorizing of Vendors payments (Domestic / Imports / JV ) .
Overseeing of Banking operations incl. Inflows / Outflows (incl. RTGS / NEFT / Fund Transfers , Swift Transfers , Foreign Remittances, Foreign Inward Remittance Certificates (FIRC) , etc) .
Liaisoning with Bankers / Financial Institution
for Fund & Non – Fund based facilities such as Bank Overdraft , Cash Credit , Packing Credit , Bills Discounting , Term Loans (TL) , Working Capital Term Loans (WCTL) , Working Capital Demand Loans (WCDL) , Rupee Loans / Foreign Currency Loans , etc. Inland & Import / Capex & Non Capex Letters of Credit (LC) and Bank Guarantees (BG) ( Performance / Financial BG’s ), Buyers / Suppliers Line of Credit, Deferment / Pre-ponment of LC’s , LC Discounting , Lease / Hire Purchase Assistance for Vehicles / Office Equipments , etc. , Securitisation of Receivables , etc.
Ensuring adequate Bank Limits , funding for Margin & Bank charges / commission
is available at the time of submission of Letters of Credit (LC) and Bank Guarantees (BG)Renewal / Enhancement of Bank Limits , Sanctioning of Adhoc Limits , Factoring , etc .
Ensuring regular reconciliation of all bank accounts , debtors and creditors records , etc.
Analysis of MIS and Financial Reports:
Review and analyze Incomes and Expenditure ,
Financial Performance & Analysis , Foreign Exchange Earnings & Outgo and reporting to the management on major variances / ratios ( incl. Forex gains / losses ) .
Review and analyze Profit and Loss Account Cost centre wise) and Balance Sheet on monthly quarterly half yearly & yearly basis reporting to the management on major variances / ratios as
compared to the previous periods .
Review and analyze Budgets , MIS reports vis-à-vis the budget ( Variance Analysis ) on weekly , fortnightly , monthly, basis and reporting to the management on major variances
Review and analyze Companies Business -
Plans V/s Actuals (on Monthly / Quarterly / Half Yearly / Yearly basis ) and reporting to the management on major variances
Liaisoning with Auditors / Consultants for Audits & Tax matters :
Overseeing of Audit Documentations and other important Documentations
Liaisoning with statutory Auditors / Internal Auditors / Bank’s Auditors / Consultants . Rendering of support services during Statutory / Internal Audits,
Tax Audits , VAT Audits , Service Tax Audits , Cost Audits , Transfer Pricing Audits , various documents / details , etc. needed during
Income Tax Scrutiny cases, Sales Tax / VAT , Service Tax Audits & Assessments , etc .
Intended to be associated with an Organization which enables me to explore
myself and allow me to grow professionally by working in a challenging innovative , creative and a competitive
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