B.Com From H.R College of commerce and Economics in 1993 With First class
S.S.C in 1988 With First class
A strong analytical mind, fully geared up to handle challenges and strive to achieve higher targets with hard work, honesty and tact.
Have been a source of encouragement to all colleagues and popular amongst team mates for productive abilities. Am called the ‘’ GO-TO’’ man in trying times to find solutions.
Want to work in a macro-economic environment for better exposure and knowledge.
Possess high leadership qualities which colleagues look up to for problem solving.
Have a high level of initiative willing to learn new processes and business formats so as to adapt to current trends.
Possess good communication skills necessary in today’s business scenario.
General Manager
Since 2003 to 2015
Company Profile: Manufacturer of plastic products in Africa
Job Profile:
Am the backbone of company operations.
Instrumental in increasing annual sales from $ 2.5 million in 2004 to $ 50 million as on 31-12-2014 through total revamping of the marketing set-up found in place on employment.
Visited the ‘K’ fair in Dusseldorf – Germany, to keep abreast on the latest in the industry
Worked closely with the Managing Director on all policy matters of the organization giving direction to activities keeping long term goals in mind.
Have a team of 25 expatriates and 200 second level sub-ordinates reporting directly to me on various issues like sales/ accounts/ budgeting/ production planning etc. Involved directly in all aspects of business.
Keeping a close watch on receivables ensuring timely follow ups are made to ensure healthy working capital.
Negotiating with banks to get various facilities at discounted rates to ensure maximum benefit to the organization which ultimately impacts the balance sheet.
Earned the trust of the Management which enabled me to work autonomously on sensitive areas like purchases. I am in charge of all local purchases.
Ushered total computerization into the company by using required software’s making sure transparency is key in all transactions.
Always keeping a watch on competitor movements, so as to be alert and one up on them.
Was the catalyst in ensuring that the company brought in the latest technologies on rotational basis every 3 years to ensure good quality end products. ’.
Instrumental in decision making on expansive issues like capacity enhancement requirements, HR policies, changes in government policies, cost cutting measures etc.
Making sure that there is a minimum level of complaints from customers through constant checks on quality of both products and services.
Constantly engaging with all staff to ensure a harmonious environment.
Multi-tasker - Apart from handling the above, the management also entrusted me with supervision of –
A new factory/office facility construction. In charge of all site purchases, quality monitoring and contractor accounts.
2) A charitable hospital which was a non profit motive endeavour. In charge of all activities in conjunction with the head doctor in these premises.
Termed as an ‘asset’ to the company by the management due to my result driven approach to business.
Based on my good performance based on hard work, honesty and integrity, the company has gifted me a Honda City as a reward.
Awarded a memento trophy by junior staff as the best G.M ever for the company.
Self employed
1996 to 2002
Job Profile:
Successfully increased turnover year on year by taking on sales agencies of various companies like Huntsman Ltd.(Switzerland) and Ultramarine and Pigments Ltd.
Operations Manager
1993 to 1996
Company Name: Fabricline Marketing Services
Job Profile:
Being a publication house, increased subscription base 500% in 3 years and ad revenues by 300%. Apart from sales and marketing, was in charge of all procurements, timely release of issues, distribution.
To be a name to reckon with in the field adding value to any company I join. Ultimately want to be a director in a company of repute.
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