Ref. No. : CA - 8294 - (R&D - Raw Material – with 15.5 years in Plastic Industry)


BE (Chemical Engineering), Mumbai University (2005 2009).
Final Year Percentage: 68.00%.
Aggregate Percentage: 60.05%.
Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, Navi Mumbai.
H.S.C., Mumbai Board (2004-2005).
Aggregate Percentage: 68.83 %
S.I.W.S. College, Wadala Mumbai.

S.S.C., Mumbai Board (2003).
Aggregate Percentage: 71.73%.
Vidya Vikas High School, Chunabhatti-Mumbai

Skill Sets

Computer Knowledge of:-
Operating system of Windows
Well operating knowledge of MS-office
Soft ware knowledge:-learning AUTO CADD

Work Experience

Apprentice Training Engineer
Since March 2010
Company Profile : Leading manufacturer of VAM based on Petroethylene.
Familiar With Chemicals: Liq. Ethylene, Vinyl Acetate Monomer, Acetic acid, Liq. Oxygen, Liq. Nitrogen, Liq. Propylene, P-TBC, KAC, Allyl acetate, Allyl alcohol, N-Butanol, Carporic Acid
Unit Operations & utilities: Fixed bed tubular reactor, Azeotropic distillation, Dehydration unit, various type of pumps/ compressors (PGW, KHOSLA), Oil & coal fire boilers, ETP, Incinerator, Flare, various type of storage tanks, Cryogenic storage of O2, N2, Liquid Ethylene ( Horton sphere ), Liquid propylene (Bullet Shape)
Job responsibilities:
Loading & Unloading of N2, O2, Ethylene, Propylene, Acetic acid tankers.
Monitoring & controlling of (Pilot Ally Acetate & Ally Alcohol process) with DCS system to maintain high quality standards of products.
Monitoring & controlling ally alcohol Azotropic Distillation on filed side.
Start-up and Shutdown field operations of Allyl Acetate & Allyl Alcohol Pilot plant.
As per SOP Taking & Monitoring of N-Butyl acetate, Allyl caproate, Allyl acetate batches in MPR ( Under R&D and Project section)
Performing Hydro, Leak Test & maintaining their recodes of new project pipes lines in plant.

Trainee Surveyor
From October 2009 to February 2010
Company Profile: Service industry leader. Ensuring the quality & safety of products; beyond testing, inspection & certifying products Intertek help customers improve performance gain efficiencies in manufacturing and logistics, overcome market constraints and reduce risk.
Job responsibilities:
Supervision of Loading & Unloading of Petroleum products, chemical or agricultural products from ships, container to Port’s Storages Tanks or building section.
Collecting & analyzing samples of cargo on field as per consignee’s requirements.
On sample analyzing data & calculations give statement to consignees & Central Excise office about present conditions of oil / agri material.
Making reports on Loading, Unloading & Loss quantity during operation with proper statements, suggestions for consignee’s & Central Excise office.

Final Year Project: - Manufacturing of Lithium based grease.
Industry: - Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (Grease Plant Vashi, Navi Mumbai).
Project Guide: - Mr.Sumit Sarkar (Dy. Manager, Plant), Mr. Dilip Chavan (Sr. Prof (M.E., Chem.)
Brief Overview of Project: - High demand of lubricants in all over world with less it’s supply, it is very feasible that manufacturing of grease with high profit. Out of various types lithium is very superior in quality than other. Lithium based grease contains 70-90% base oil, 5-20% thickening agent, 0-10% additives produce by batch process with no harmful or hazardous by product and payback period for 19000 TPA producing grease plant is 18 months approximately. Process time required for batch process is 5-6 hr which very less than continuous process time and also required less operating and process cost.
Industrial Training:-

Training Guide: - Dr.V.K.Shivastava. (Head, Thermal Desalination Plant). Training Period: - 20 Days
Training Experience: - Under training we provided information on, how to purify sea water or salty water for drinking purpose and daily uses and practical knowledge of four different methods which use in desalination plant of BARC .

Future Goals

To walk along the path of knowledge, learn more and utilize the knowledge for development of innovative concepts in the field of design, development and production. I aim to reach the Zenith in my career with technical skills, ethics and be a part of the growth of the organization I work for.

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