Bachelor’s Degree in Plastic Technology From L. D. College Of Engineering, Ahemdabad, Gujrat in 2014
12th From Sarva Vidalaya High School, Kadi, Gujrat in 2014
10th From D A Patel Technical High School, Kadi, Gujrat in 2006
Experience of plastic manufacturing environment
excellent knowledge of plastic technology
complete understanding of plastic processing and principles
ability to undertake and track projects
skill in leading people towards common goals
ability to handle multiple task and utilize time efficiently
excellent problem solving and communication skill
Junior Engineer
Since Jun 2016
Company Profile: Manufacturer of high-barrier multilayer flexible film.
Job Profile:
Making cost effective changes to existing operating procedures.
Planning and developing new operating procedures that can maximize production.
Identifying, troubleshooting, and resolving problems quality quantity.
Working closely with other engineering teams and optimizing plant’s operation.
Initiating and implementing material development process.
Quality Engineer
September 2014 to June 2016
Company Profile: Manufacturer of Plastic & Flexible Laminates
Job Profile :
To do all quality testing of every product
also handling the quality part of by taking part into the ISO activities of production and quality control
Reporting of customer satisfaction and analysis of customer complaints
Projects and Thesis
Working project on elimination of printed ink from plastic film which used an ink free plastic film which can be easily reconverted to plastic pallets in 8th sem.
working project on global testing of injection moulding machines. so testing on the all machines assembly like injection unit and clamping unit in 7th sem.
Training Experience & Visit
Trainee Engineer (15 Days)
Trained on Panel testing for proper working tow roll mill & council twin screw Extruder. More working on high intensity mixer, under water pelletize, Hydraulic press, material handling system.
Industrial Visit
Rajoo Engineers Ltd
Mayur Wovens Pvt Ltd
Essen Multipack Limited
Seeking a plastic engineering position in a high- barrier flexible films making company where my knowledge of plastic processing can contribute in troubleshooting of machine and 9 & 7 layer flexible packaging films. Also knowledge of 7 layer co-extrusion water quench blown film machine.
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